Monthly Economic Report - February 2021

But the timeline is in months

So the price of minerals is climbing ever higher, while the money supply stagnates or falls. This I feel will lead to an increase in the price of products and ships as people scramble to maintain their profit margins.

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Total Market Trade Value. Would that be the isk value seating on the markets for the region or the total bought from the regional market?


Please edit your post so itā€™s readable.

Youā€™ll need to wait until tomorrow because of Slow Mode, but we can wait until then.

I promise to remember that there was a specific post I wanted to check out.

ā€“Gadget sees a squirrel


btw, @CCP_Dopamine, maybe the MER should be tagged with, I dunno, ā€˜MERā€™?


Which is odd. Null sec back in the day I was there lots had empire angles for money. Combat main stuck waiting for the titan pilot to finally show up? Alt tab an empire miner or something. The isk must be made, main stuck on a CTA was no excuse for a night off lol.

If it provided decent personal income, a more organized setup should make out better. I mean the gerbils in my then mac book pro only had so may clients they could run. COmbat main on an op, miner in hulk and orca with a 3rd char on standby was all she had lol.

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Yeah, cause theres no loss in WH space if a structure gets blown up, all your stuff goes into asset safetyā€¦

Thanks for the extra bits of info.

Wormholers are the smallest player base, living in the safest space there is.


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You have said THE dumbest thing Iā€™ll see in my lifetime.

In the future Iā€™d love to see metrics on suicide ganking. Look at the average cost of a gank, the loot the dropped, and the total value of the kill.

Risk-Reward for Minersā€¦ As we can see in graphics, the worst mining was where? Oh right! in NULL! So what happened with risk vs reward? :roll_eyes:

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Remind me what is risky about Nullsec and why they should benefit from more profitable mining than other areas?

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Learn some perspective. If you can recover a huge loss within hours instead of days or weeks, the risk of loss and loss is meaningless.

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Hm, lets see, o, we can start with npc rats - in null they are vay more dangerous.
in Null you canā€™t mine AFK not like in hisek.
In Null there is no Concorde who, if not save your miner, then at least kill CODE guys.
In Null you can be droped by a fleets, ganks from WH, and just simple classic ganks.
And few more ways to get killed because mining ships are quiet slow with warp offs.
In null whole fleet can be trapped in bubble and get killed because, well you canā€™t warp off :smiley:
Also mined material haulin all the way from null out to hi-sek, could be dangerous right?
Did I forgot something? Ou yeah, totally f*** up asteroid belts, where you simple canā€™t proberly mine classic Ore.

So why WHY hisek profits now are better then null?
Now, if still have no clue why null should be more rewarded, go try mine in null sek lets say a week :slight_smile: and compare later with hi-sek mining.

Yes you can

Concord only serves to punish criminal activity, not protect.

You can use these mechanics to kill miners in highsec as well.

Are mining ships faster in Highsec?

This is a valid point! I have to ask though weā€™re you AFK mining and didnā€™t see local spike with neutrals?

Also consider that miners can be bumped in Highsec and held down until the gankers arrive. Works like a bubble, no? :wink:

Nullsec miners arenā€™t hauling minerals to Highsec. Itā€™s the other way around. Iā€™d dare say most competent groups have their own industrial infrastructure setup to produce the things they need locally - in Nullsec. Those minerals you mine stay there bud.

There are certain minerals you arenā€™t able to get in Highsec as well.

Iā€™ll pass, thanks.

Lastly take into consideration that Highsec in general is a much more ā€œviolentā€ place when looking at destruction.

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High sec mining is still no where near the levels of null sec mining.

Also you can just as easily use bubbles to protect your mining fleet. You can use anchorable bubbles about 70km from the belt. Anchor them in such a way where neutrals warping from Stargates will get stuck in the bubble. Can toss a can into space where theyā€™ll land for added spice to decloak scouts.

So you talk about how risky Nullsec is but it sounds like youā€™re not using your noggin - both here on the forums AND while mining in Nullsec.


Less riskā€¦ they live completely fine without local, take local away from null sec and 2/3rdā€™s stop logging inā€¦ yea your statement is not correct.

You are uninformed in that regard. In W-space, you have 100% control over who can come into your ratting system and you can close off all entries completely. You cannot do that in null sec. You only need one system for ratting to rake in copious amounts of ISK, too. You canā€™t do that in null sec. You can recover the cost for a lost dread within an hour or two in wormholes where dread ratting is feasible, and the cost for shiny BS in other wormholes.