Monthly Economic Report - February 2021

Asset safety in WH space? since when?

@Rekindle let me provide you with this handy tool to better understand that post:

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Great question!

The ‘Sinks and Faucets’ is a summary of an entire month while the ‘Top 6 commodities over time’ is a daily breakdown of the commodities. Does that make sense?


I’ll take “What is a K162 and a wandering wormhole” for 500 please.

There is no asset safety in wormholes.

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Irrelevant. You can roll them easily.

This is particularly comical if you read the latest patch notes where CCP stated that they reduced connections between high class wormholes:

Reduced the frequency of wandering connections between high-class wormholes by 50%.

This tiny point right here is why I go off on the people freaking out about cloaked camping.
This can be done anywhere.

Oh, and to stay on topic tossing loads of cans into space is good for the economy.

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And Why I should do all this things, to get LESS minig ISK/h then hi-sek? Because look here: - Ore Table for EVE Online only Bistot there is ok to mine, Mercoxit well if you can find some then yea… but they are so less now in belts if they even are there.
So tell me, why a miner should do all those things, pay no-afk attension all time, and earn less isk? Go Pyro/Veldspar/Plagio and get more isk with less risk…
Hisek gank? Have not seen any. Just check the system where you want to mine. Thats all you need to do.

MPI looks good. Good work CCP.

So you’re watching the probe scanner instead of local - eliete gameplay!
And the spawn rate just got lowered last patch.

Pochven filaments, scub.

Robocops reply was to Zhalyd who said that structures when destroyed, assets go to asset safety, which is not the case…

Here’s why nullsec is more inherently dangerous than highsec for mining:

All of the safety in nullsec relies on other players.

You can talk about the spike in local before you get attacked, but really, that’s not how it’ll happen. It’ll happen with 1 Arazu. He’s been in that system for the last 3 months. There’s campers in every system, waiting for you to relax, to decide they’re AFK cloaky campers. Because they are AFK… most of the time. They don’t need to be at the keyboard all the time… just when they have people ready to drop.

So it starts with that Arazu decloaking and pointing 1-3 of you from 60km off, lighting a covert cyno. Or waiting until your Rorqual is sieged and can’t warp, and just lighting the covert cyno. Then 50-100 bombers blops in. In a lot of cases, they’ve got more tackle with them—either on the bombers, or Asteros, Force Recons, or T3C tackle.

Your exhumers might warp out, if they were far enough off and already starting to align. But you probably weren’t using exhumers, because exhumers can’t relocate easily—they can’t jump from system to system, and you need to do that, especially with the paltry amount of minerals left in null. You’re probably in Rorqs, and those Rorqs are locked in place. If you come out of siege to start to align, your local reps crater, and you die. So you stay in siege, unable to move, unable to warp, unable to jump. When you start to get low—which will happen fairly quickly, because large bomber groups annihilate capitals, you P.A.N.I.C. and get some serious resists to let you rebuild your shields… while the cap boosters last.

Your only means of surviving this is having friends jump in. They have to get organized. They have to get the fleet together or they have to spend hours already in a fleet, just chilling out and waiting for things to happen. If the latter, they’re probably not on high alert at that EXACT moment, so either way, it’s going to take them a few minutes just to be able to start to respond.

That P.A.N.I.C. timer’s ticking down, by the way… 7 minutes, tops.

Did you happen to have your own cyno recon cloaked up nearby? Can you get into position to let the faxes land in range of the rorqs? If you can… will the cyno live long enough for the response fleet to start landing?

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, then there is no response force. There is nothing that will keep you alive long enough to be saved. 1 ship loss, worth 3-4 highsec Hulk losses. If 1 Rorq dies, the odds are pretty good more than 1 will die.

And the only safety you have is entirely dependent on other human beings. So even if you do everything right, if they can’t get their crap together… you’re still dead, no way out.

By the by, during that window while you’re sieged and P.A.N.I.C.'d, they might be anchoring large t2 bubbles they brought, because they’ve got another 50 dreads waiting to blow the hell out of whatever comes to save you. In fact… they probably do, because the counterdrop is pretty much the only hope you’ve got, and they know that before they ever go in.

So even if everything else goes right, you could be looking at a 30+b in response fleet losses, compared to 0 ISK lost among the CONCORD response.

It takes a lot of work to make nullsec look safe. And a lot of risk, even if the frequency of attack is lowe-…

… wait, no, those kind of blops drops and multiple-billion ISK losses happened every day, pre-war, often more than once a day, and that’s just looking at one region.


First: Nobody mines in belts.
Second: The hunters—the real ones, the dangerous ones—don’t shotgun anomalies from the gates, they’ve got safes all over the system and know how to d-scan for bubbles first :stuck_out_tongue:

That was sarcasm, I’m sure.


Yep. Makes sense. Time line in months, on the bottom of new graph threw me off. But now I understand it. Ty for explanation!

Sounds like Nullsec has the benefit of being a large and organized machine mostly flying under banners they’ve pledged to. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for yall to be organized enough and to have the agency to operate under the circumstances you’ve spelled out. If fact you hear all the time about how the people that die to fleets as the ones you’ve describes are idiots. Is people being cloaked for 3 months picking off your low-hanging-fruit a bright and shining example of everyone?

Easy enough man. No need for the strange laughter in capital letters. All you gotta do is remove the word “belt” and replace it with “anom”… or whatever term CCP chooses to introduce in the future.

I’m not saying that nullsec is without risk. I’m saying that so far I don’t think enough actual effort as a collective has been put forth to start saying “HEY WE WERE DOING ALL WE CAN AND OUR MINERS ARE STILL DYING!!!”.

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The mechanics of defending an entire wormhole system are the same in nullsec .Null has an advantage though, you can see who is arriving in local instantly. If it’s Wrectical Supremacy you have a problem, if it’s Signal Cartel you should say hi, and let them know about local gankers.
In a wormhole system all you know is that the wormhole itself went woobwoobwoob and that SOMEONE has arrived. This, depending on the size of the hole could be anyone flying almost anything.
In null you do the same things you do in a wormhole system because a wormhole is just like a gate but you have some warning if you are quick about looking in local. It’s a huge advantage.

Still on track to kill the game, I see.

Nullsec mining: still removed.
Nullsec ratting: still removed, unless you’re an FRT botter.

0/10 report, could tell the contents without reading it.
0/10 game design, not gonna pay.

Super wrong.

In wormhole, you just crit all the exits, and you’re done, aint nobody is arriving anymore.

In nullsec, cyno goes up on a “blue” or neutral, and you got a full system of reds without ANY warning at all.

The mechanics of defending are completely different, and it takes a super entitled safe wormhole space brains to not notice the difference.

Much less risk. You can take away local, but also remove cynos, and add mass restrictions to gates after which they’ll lock up, and people would instantly show you how incredibly safe nullsec will get.
Wormholes are literally safe space.

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Oh I didn’t know people in null sec could collapse their gates so nobody can come in. If you don’t know what you’re talking about don’t post.

I don’t want to know about all your money problems, CCP. But:

Yeah ^^that^^

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good show