Due to an issue, we’re missing data for 2024-11-01 for sinks and faucets. Data displayed starts on 2024-11-02.
A large part of the jump in Production value is due to an increase in the value and number of ships being produced.
For those of you looking to get your hands on the raw data for your own use- you can find the downloadable data for last month’s report in the following LINK .
Edit from CCP Zelus:
The file linked above will remain unchanged. However, it was noted that on the initial Sinks and Faucets graphic, there was a totalling error, which has since been rectified. The corrected Black, White and HTML versions are below:
Like every month: Too much Ice from afk/bots in HighSec. Too few Ore/Ice mining in Lowsec. Solutions are easy:
no static icebelts any more, afk-massmultiboxers and bots shouldn’t rely on the fact that they can log in, undock 20 hulks and just erase a belt convenient in half an hour, putting all the money/resources into one guy’s pockets.
split the ice amount from the static belts into randomly spawning ice anomalies (directly warpable) of smaller size and scannable ice sigs of larger size with some higher quality ice. Give active and motivated mining corps an edge over semi-afk massmultiboxers and bots.
do the same for lowsec with the high-quality ice/ore belts, plus adding “abandoned ORE mining outpost” sigs with high quality Ice/Ore in a deadspace pocket that can’t be hotdropped. This would encourage people to do mining-expeditions that are worth the endeavour if you can survive. The need to scan them first and the need to take a gate before warping in would allow the miners to defend themselves with paying attention, leaving a scout or suicidetackler behind to evac their fleet on one hand, but also allow hunters to prepare ambushes by pre-scanning the sites so they can sneak in with a cloaked ship without probes being shown and/or using recons to keep the Dscan empty. Interesting interaction for both sites is possible.
Hey folks, as has been commented on in this thread, the totals on the Sinks and Faucets page were incorrect and have been updated as of 12:58 UTC to the below.
Would be a good side effect. The risk of leaving HighSec shall be rewarded by a lot higher ISK making opportunities from all activities. That said, HighSec Rewards are way too high currently given the almost complete safety there, but thats another topic.