Monthly Economic Report - October 2017

When will we get graphs/data about old moon mining ?


That’s actually an interesting request. Would be very interested in that.

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The highest nail is the one that is hit first. So should we cut the bounties? Maybe make returns cut by a value of the ship running the ded site so you are encouraged to use higher risk vessels as opposed to carrier ratting.

I am being facetious. The idea that one income is better/worse than another? Dead horse beaten by people who KNOW theirs is the only way to play and the rest of us are doing things wrong and need to be chastised and directed to be RIGHT.

Thanks, enjoyed the graphs as always.


Goons decided they want to win EVE. CCP created the rule set which applies in all of nullsec, Goons have the organization and leaders who want to live out there and help their players get stuff done out there. They are still winning, after three nerfs to the Rorqual since it was given Excavator mining drones.

They say “forget highsec, join us in Null” but I don’t personally like their messing with highsec via Burn Jita, helping CODE, and other black-hat activities. Players minding their own business don’t need to be beaten up in highsec to be told about the benefits available in null.


Blockquote They say “forget highsec, join us in Null” but I don’t personally like their messing with highsec via Burn Jita, helping CODE, and other black-hat activities. Players minding their own business don’t need to be beaten up in highsec to be told about the benefits available in null.


link km?

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:musical_note: old man river, that old man river… he just keeps trolling along :musical_note:

Don’t know about that. When Goons were arguably evicted from Deklein and went to Delve, it seems they made the decision to never let that happen again. They have a vast player base in a small, albeit immensely resource and bounty rich region. How did anyone NOT see this happening?

Kudos guys, your ability to come back from a no win situation to now is admirable. You are dug into Delve like an Alabama tick… I don’t see anyone (and I mean everyone NOT you) being able to move you now.

14.7 Trillion isk mined in one month. That’s just…wow.


Here’s PCU


No, it’s CCP wussing out on rorqual balance. It’s CCP wussing out by not actually balancing rewards with actual risk (instead they balance by perceived risk which the MER clearly shows has no relationship to reality.)

It’s the imbalances baked into EVE that got me out of the EVE alliance game, and into the helping rookies game. Why bother playing long term, when CCP’s own data outright declares that you’ll never win?


Hope someday we see more groups growing like we do in delve and bring balance to the force

Personal opinion, but I hope groups like your’s will die a horrible death with thousands of unsubs. The bigger groups are, the worse the game becomes. The best situation for the game would be a forced group size limit of around 1000-2000 characters. That allows for lots of groups to exist, even in the same region; to own a constellation or two, use and work it and defend it against fleets that are manageable. It would also allow for fun fighting instead of fighting fun.

But players apparently are not interested in that. A lot of the players want to have it got made for them, not do things themselves. Evidence to that is the number of big corps in particular that joined and keep joining CONDI, after CO2 broke, after FCON broke, and so on. It’s disgusting how much disinterest people show towards fun gameplay and instead just want to game the fun. :face_vomiting:


I’d like to request a comment from CCP about the MER. Do you draw any conclusions from looking at these numbers? Are they used for decisions about game mechanics? @CCP_Falcon

Can I have your stuff?

Honestly, it is human nature to group up into larger and larger groups for protection and mutual benefit (many hands make light work) and even if there is an ingame mechanic to limit the size of groups, welcome to Goonswarm1, Goonswarm2, Goonswarm3 ect. ect. all blue to each other, that is organized outside of the game, and you will still be eating sour grapes and whining on the forums about how unfair it all is.

You complain about how Goons are “ruining the game” yet we are playing by the same rules you are, anomalies don’t spawn just for us, ore and moons don’t mine themselves, people step up and form fleets to kill those that intrude in our space. None of these things are bared to you, but you would rather complain about Goons, than put in any effort into doing the hard things. You talk about how things are handed to us while you do nothing but complain and want things handed to you without effort. Do the work, or just play patty-cake with your neighbors, your choice.

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you’re right. It’s not goons fault. It’s CCP’s fault. They built a game where economies of scale have no upper limit. If it wasn’t going to be goons, it’d be someone else, and the game would still suck, because they’d have the same douchebag attitudes as goons. Because that’s what the game is designed for. After all, the same thing infects nullsec from top to bottom.

CCP keeps claiming they develop null with an eye to driving conflict. Doesn’t it seem weird then that conflict in null only happens because of politics and boredom rather than game mechanics? Maybe that’s part of the explanation for the TCU graph over the past few years.


I love this line of thinking. It implies that, as the apex force in Eve, we are somehow beholden to a code of conduct above and beyond that of the EULA and basic human decency. Truly, we are lax in our noblesse oblige.


You’re taking it a bit personally aren’t you? Well, you are fully entitled to be a douchebag. I’ve never dealt with a goon that wasn’t. I’ve dealt with a lot of non-goons who are douchebags too, so, you’re not alone. That’s not the problem. The problem is that the game rewards “douchebags united” rather than “competing douchebags.” And a video game where there is no real competition is a boring video game.


Says the guy that’s denouncing optimal gameplay as “douchebaggery.”

If it’s so awful, why not be the agent of change, and build something better?

I just do the stupid homework! If everyone else JUST DID THE STUPID HOMEWORK, they could move up a grade and get pounded, too!

I’m pretty sure you’re deliberately obtuse. I’m pretty sure you’re not stupid, you’re not normally stupid. However, you are a goon, and I’ve never had a goon interaction where the goon wasn’t a douche.

No, goons are douchey beyond what’s required for optimal game play. But that’s off topic, which I suspect might be the point. Distract, get posts flagged and erased by ISDs. That would be the smart move for a goon, because “optimal gameplay” is the meta game, and sometimes that means being a douche. Turn the conversation away from the catastrophically dysfunctional economy of EVE. You don’t have to worry about me though. CCP is already in your pocket. They won’t make the big changes that will save the game. They’ve been listening to the wrong voices for over a decade, it’s not like that’s going to change in the final chapter of EVE’s story.

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It must be a terrifying existence to constantly see phantoms that aren’t actually there.