Monthly Economic Report - September 2024

i don’t like incursions but you definitely sound like someone who’s never even touched them lmao. also drifter incursions were much much much more detrimental to the game.

please continue being out of touch though, i love responding to comments like yours.

I actually hope that Deathless steps up to the plate and hits a home run, I really do want to see drifters involved and in highsec gate camps.


Restart the servers as there are actually duplicates items being regenerated

// images removed for reasons I’m sure others can still see

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That never happened Felix, we believe you were just seeing double.

No, frosty never said you could come here, he ordered you just to cast your CSM vote.

Not to cause trouble on the forum Lily

While Frostpacker allows for the attention, seeing that the messenger is now in the spotlight.

@Uriel_the_Flame do you hold proof of meeting the English Language and the proficiency requirements to conduct yourself on the same level as the Frostpacker?

I’ve never met him.

:smirk: :blush: :popcorn:


Excellent, I shall send him a salad review on the Monthly Report indicating the areas which fail to display real meaning,

Uriel, you call me out for the salad, yet you overlook that salid bowl they refer to monthy report data!