Moon mining going to be a thing in WH's now?

I don’t like comparings to null at all, but since we are so close to the same playstyle - why not:
There are indeed ways to afk wormholes sites.
If you are in a big enough wh group(which you have to be in anyway), you just rat more cluelessly than in null. Intel is quite good(3rd party tools). No risk getting jumped on and enough time for your pvp group to go after.

But… instead of whining about what null has, you could just ■■■■■■■ go there!!!
You might loose the opportunity to say:
“Hey! I have no local, I manage the dangerous space in eve - I live there!”
Is it this?
Only thing you tards are managed to do is convincing ccp to do bad things to the game.

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if wormholes are so easy why can we loose a fortizar inside a weekend? compared to null/low and hi?

Just saying ‘Easy is in the eye of the guy feeling hard done by’

Because it’s unlikely third partes show up and/or other jump in for the km. Just the shorter timers does not make it harder to defend. Everone would confirm, that it’s easier to defend in wh space…

Citadels forces you to have more active pilots, which makes corporations growing like in null. And thats the result of people requesting to have things like “the noobs” in null have.
So we got PI-mania, venturing and 1m throwaway frigets doing nullsec relics … to keep em busy doing things and have people’s alts in home system at least and be ready to hit F1 on demand.
I didn’t enter wh space to hunt this crap nor did I to drop 5+ on ■■■■.

So, if you can’t defend your Fort you don’t live in wh space then. “You’re not tough enough for it.” ;D
… alternatively join the next bigger group and bash other’s Forts. See how hard wh life is today?

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