Moon mining is not useful in HS

Moon mining never previously existed in high-sec, so I don’t see how the addition of it is a detriment to mining. It has to be a better alterrnative than the roving Russian ice bot fleets that move from system to system like a pack of locusts.


Sorry can you tell me who said that ?

I believe I did. In answer to your specific question, since Russian bot fleets chisel every speck of ice in high-sec I’d wager moon mining actually has the potential to yield more than ice (since ice is becoming harder to find).

Actually finding interesting ores is much more difficult than finding several ice belts close together.

On my OP I say gneiss/coesite but actually many other ores are present and not even worth mining.

Its usefulness can’t be gauged looking at it from a profit/useful point of view. HS moon mining was added to give a taste to foster future NS moon miners. Some will do it and want bigger rewards. This leads them to nullsec moon mining, therefore keeping the cycle of new miners coming while others are going. Its a great addition that gives a chance at higher tier’d content. If only a taste.

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but why would they do that if they can mine ice instead ?

it sounds like you just have a hard on for mining ice, which if that’s your favorite thing mine the hell out of the ice. But some others prefer regular mineral mining and with mining moons your getting access to the ABC ores you use to have to buy or were available in small quantities.

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Yes, it is. It is not important if it is worth it ISK-wise. though. What is important, is that it increases content for a big group of people coming from different professions, and that it does. That is worth far more than any potential income.

It sounds you have a hard on for assuming things.

I am a moon miner and I can tell you why it kept me playing.

I live on the wrong side of the planet, my prime mining time is a good 12 hrs after DT. I also only have a few hours to play typically. Because of the time zone and the ingenious addition of NPC miners, belt ore was becoming an issue. Because of the limited play time, ice was an issue. I would have to send scouts looking for ice belts that were up while I played.

With moon mining, I can set the time when ore is available and I know I will have enough to keep me busy for the night.


Im sure its not the npc miners they ripped the belts …

or you could move close to an ice group and thus only need a minimum amount of scouting/moving in order to find an available ice spot ?

I ask because I have several “bases” of operation which contain several fits, thus if I need to move somewhere else I am free to do so. Yet I don’t like to be bound to a place, so maybe that’s not the case for people who enjoy belong to a local community.

Well, players asked for comets and got moons. Close enough?

Ecause they need minerals and moon goo, not ice?

I was based a quick run from many ice systems, it was still a shot in the dark to have any of them with ice when I got home.

Mining drama, is best drama.

I currently mine one moon all by myself. I have two more reserved, and the structure and rigs/fits being constructed. I only mine in nullsec these days. My roommate however, belongs to a corp that has moons in both null and hisec. They mine all the time, and have most of their ore needs covered overall.

The simple answer is this. If it’s not for you, then don’t do it. If you can’t find the value, move on to something that you feel is. No need for a hissy fit when somebody disagrees with you.

Some ppl have limited play times and you have entire fleets consume ice belts. No ice available during someone’s play time what should they mine then???


I think Ice Mining should have a similar environment to that of Moon Mining. Bring the price of ice and its components down so that more citadels can be put up.

So I’m going to be the ganker that provides positive feedback about 0.5 moongoo… Weird place to be.

For miners, 0.5 moongoo farms have benefits over static ice belts if they have fixed play schedules, and provide better opportunities for miners to seek security through obscurity. We (as gankers) need to expend more effort on intel gathering to hit a moon mining op. Those are the reasons that 0.5 miners might see value in downgrading from ice mining to athanor mining. So for miners, they offer something tangible.

From a content perspective, 0.5 athanors have resulted in wars being fought. To moon mine, assets need to be docked in space and predators deterred or defeated. Miners that set up and protect those assets are then able to reap real rewards.

Athanors in 0.5 also incentivise predatory players to infiltrate industrial corps, either to attempt to unanchor and steal the athanor, or to organise ganks or wars during peak mining time.

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