Mortarian Decala - Wormhole Unity for CSM 14

I think in general there have been mechanics implemented in Eve in semi-recent years that go against the core fundamentals that made Eve unique. Rorqual PANIC and asset safety I think are the core offenders in this regard, but specific to the Rorqual PANIC the core issue is it’s interaction with cynos. It provides way too much time to form a response against an attacker that otherwise took the defender by surprise.

Let me clarify that in the post though because I think the initial point may be misleading, thank you for pointing that out.

Edit - Sorry missed the last part of that question.

When it comes to moons in WH space there is an active deterrent to mining there over Null Sec due to an increased risk from ganks/interference and very mediocre moons more or less across the board. Couple that with the absence of ice belts and most industry minded people will pick the much safer and more lucrative lands of null when it comes to industry/mining.

As for specific ways to fix that, adding ice to non-shattered wormholes, seeding higher quality moons based on system class, increasing demand for the gases found in wormholes, and giving more outlets to T3 materials would be a start.