{ MOTIVE } THE ACTUAL PURPOSE OF O.R.E "Kidnapped" Researcher #47

Uh-huh. Because clearly, we should take at face value the word of someone who is actively saying ‘I DECEIVED YOU ALL BWAHAHAAH!!’ rather than evaluating the particularly stupid contortions they’ve gone through to try to avoid admitting their stupidity.

“I totally lied, trust me” tends to have the result that if people believe you, they decide you’re not trustworthy. And if they don’t believe you, they already did. So sure, we should totally just buy it.

Also, as an aside…

The official terminology is:
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaace Wench”

You seem to be treating this as some popularity contest . This is/was not a pageant.

I had a goal and it was accomplished CASE CLOSED , who gives a goddamn what these people believe. None of you were supposed to even engage in this debacle …

Tanagura Amoii asked and I gave HIM full disclosure after I had everything I needed - Only you thought it was a ANOUNCEMENT for what ? Goon Popularity?

really kid get some rest

But since you want an motive announcement , I’ll grant you your final wish before this thread is closed

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Oh my goodness, darling, when the path diverged, I do think I literally said out loud “she’s lost her mind.”

Not that I would hold losing one’s mind against any person. I lose mine frequently. In fact, I have the strangest memories. Sometimes I think I am one of those infomorphic doctor things asking an old woman on a couch misleading questions to ascertain her state of mind. At other times, I think I’m the old woman. It’s all part of being an old woman I suppose.

Now, I definitely remember interning in various prosecutorial agencies. I was an old woman even when I was a student. If criminals didn’t betray one another, well, frankly there wouldn’t be any prosecutorial agencies. And yet despite the that I knew that, I never thought about betrayal from within in this context.

And I do positively adore honey traps.

But before you go, darling, if the ORE researchers are still alive (I’m afraid I stopped paying close attention during the "lost mind’ phase), why not actually trade them for rare items as originally proposed?

I would myself have difficulty picking between just the two public offers. Triglavians were never really my thing, but a cache of top-secret Triangle tech would be awfully useful in my lycanthropic Sebiestor research. On the other hand, I love spinning boats - particularly boats refurbished for good times.

I thought that was Bob.

Oh yeah. Cuz I’m all about the popularity. :roll_eyes:

I’ve told you, your idiot chumpion, and even Milkmaid, multiple times what my agenda is: amusing myself by mocking you. That’s it. You wanna keep looking for something more, have at it.

The citizens of Thera apparently turned their backs on Bob when he took away their ability to anchor , I just filled a vacant void is all

Earlier, in the thread…

This is just too easy.

You’re a COAT TAIL RIDING goon lineman who gets ZERO impressive kills on your own … you need places like this to be relevant… THIS IS what you live for !

Just look at the AMOUNT OF TIMES you replied

Hard cringe

Just like your boy Legion.

Yup. I’m a coat-tail riding goon linemember. Exactly right. :wink:

I swear, this couldn’t get funnier if I’d started off my replies here with ‘before you reply, do your research’. Next time, @Utari_Onzo, you might have to spill the beans even harder. Anoikis is producing ever-denser capsuleer dark matter.

Seriously, every single damned sentence might as well scream ‘I KNOW NOTHING ABOUT YOU OR THE PEOPLE I AM TALKING ABOUT’. You are, without a doubt, one of the most amusing, if least durable, chew-toys the IGS has served up in a while.


Stop looking for validation man , this is beyond pathetic

" Do yOu kNoW wHo I am?"

Lemme guess , your dad is a space lawyer?

Keep goin mate ahahahaha

From the person who claims to be a god, has a ‘champion’, and blatantly encourages worship.

And you’ll note, I never said that. And I haven’t told you who I am, either. I’ve simply mentioned a few of the lesser things I’ve done. Because I know you don’t know. Just like your idiot chumpion doesn’t. As I’ve already said: the people who need to know, do. The people who don’t… might as well exist solely for me to laugh at.

OH dear , her space dad lawyer is gonna come for me for sure.

You seek your worth through validation on a freaking forum !! ahaha You have been easily defeated

Insisting the same thing over and over again must eventually make it true! Keep on going! You only have to make this claim another 50 billion times today!

Wrong, again.

So does that mean the following statement, made by you,

Is referring to you? As you failed to place my political alliance even though you have access to my records?

How hard is it to look me up?

I seen the lack of kills and had to immediately look away … I was almost sick sir, and IM at work !! You couldn’t possibly expect me to dig deeper here.

I’m merely overstating the obvious , tell the audience how many CSM’s you live with again? so space kewl

What’s gonna happen when the thread dies Arrendis ? No one will know your daddy’s a space lawyer anymore

Sure you are sweetie.

A true god would have minions to do that menial work for her.

I had to see it for myself , I didn’t believe them when they told me how bad it was

So you don’t trust your own constituents.


It was more like WOW YOU GOTTA SEE THIS !@#$'R kind a thing