MTU Abandonment Timeout to allow Hacking + Looting/Pickup

Mobile Tracking Units should have an abandonment timeout. If the MTU is abandoned by its owner, after 24 hours it will be available for hacking. When an MTU is hacked, you then gain ownership of the MTU allowing you to loot it and pull it into cargo if you choose to.

Just kill it and if the Loot Fairy™ :fairy: approves you get all the good loot if it had any in the first place. :wink:


Yeah, just kill it. No need for a convoluted new mechanic that just adds pointless steps.

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I don’t think it is pointless, I see MTUs abandoned all over the place. It would be great to be able to pick them up and either use or sell them.

I don’t. It would be great to just kill them.
See how compelling of an argument that is?


The baby is sleeping, so just take the candy :candy::lollipop::chocolate_bar:

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Always kill the baby, maybe it swallowed an officer mod recently that you might get from its stomach. :wink:


kill it with fire and steal what the loot fairy gives you… no need to add that bad mechanic to the game.


Or as an alternative after the 2d timeout begins, the MTU becomes public domain to pull into cargo

Why is there reluctance to bash it and steal the goods? You do NOT get CONCORDed for doing so.

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No reluctance, I’ve popped plenty of them. I think it would be cool to pick them up though and use them or sell them. I scan down 4-5 of these a night, it can be an easy source of income to flip them.

Definitely just shoot it.

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EVE needs more asset sinks. If anything, it should explode and have a 1% chance of popping the ship that destroyed it. =P (No, not really.)

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