Multi-boxing going nuts

For me real life took over. At the time I was either not working or was pursing a professional sporting career so I was busy working out most of my time and needed something sedentary for down time and to stimulate my mind. Now Im working and going to school and frankly just do not have the time to play as much as need be to pursue that. Nevermind the fact that after a while it gets old, how much isk is enough? Or even the pvp aspect how many kills or jumps required to get a kill until even that feels meh? Eventually a lot of the adrenaline wears off, that law of diminishing returns in a sense.
Still love Eve but its not the same.


There’s a difference between thinking that someone is irrational because they’re doing activity A instead of activity B (e.g. “you should be doing PvP instead of running missions!”) and thinking that someone is irrational because they’re using 112 accounts to grind ISK and not even using it on anything interesting and entertaining aside from an occasional HAC roam that realistically even one-year-old players with 2 accounts can usually afford with no issue.

This isn’t a “this person doesn’t play the way I play and that makes me angry” kind of issue; it’s a “this person has 47 cats in their apartment and I’m really concerned” kind of issue.

Richest Athlete Gladiator

Ill refer to this historical story I read about a few days ago. Doesnt make sense right? Yet it happened in real life. Just food for thought. :wink:

In the end Im not saying what is rational or not, not my job here. But just pointing out that sometimes people do things differently. Takes all kinds to make the world go round.

ISK is not and never will be my focus when it comes to Multiboxing. I would rather give away isk than stock pile it like some hoarding miner. @Uriel_the_Flame

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And what does the richest girl in EVE spend her’s on?

Forsty has better things to do with his money


Until Eve can fix its retention issues people are going to mass multibox. People cant find enough good recruits to fill needed spots in corp/alliances so to offset it they just make a new alt.

Even a broken clock is right twice a day…

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Aren’t you a smart cookie :cookie: there is now a biscuit in your evemail.

All your cookies :cookie: belong to me.

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Perhaps though the biscuit might be above your pay grade Missy.

Lies, you can’t put a “cookie” in an EVEmail… but you can put one in a contract.


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It was a biscuit ie; crumbs…:cookie:

You are talking about 1v1 not solo, solo multiboxing is still solo…

1 v 1 (1 ship/account vs 1 ship/account) and solo (solo, singular) mean the exact same thing. There’s no room for hedging your bets here, if you use 6 alts it’s not solo regardless of whether it’s one player controlling them.

If you’re in a bar brawl but only win because of help from your mates, you didn’t win 1 v 1 or solo.

Do you control your friends?

Solo refers to how many players are involved, not ships.

If you play chess, you are not playing against multiple players because your opponent controls mutliple units, they are kicking your ass solo.

Technically, it is.

Gosh…if you’ve ever tried keeping up with our FC whilst doing 17 jumps multiboxing in nullsec through several Ansiblex gates as well…it is definitely solo.

Please keep fan fiction here and out of GD.

Thank you.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: