Multiboxing c4 sittes

Since c5/c6 is capitals only now for drifter, im thinking into running some anoms multiboxing some leshaks/nestors or marauders in c4

I was wondering what ships i want i got around 4/5 decent pilots + pickets, i can run kronoses/paladins missing not a lot days for those

for leshaks and a nestor im missing way more time

I was wondering how blingy the marauders needs to be since i would also use some damnation or booster ship in order to make the marauders tankier

My end goal is to basically close the hole and run combats there for some time and i was wondering on how to run as efficiently as possible

Wtf ? Oo from which source you got such nonsense information ?

What ? You want to run c4 sites and you only need 1 marauder for this xD not even this … you can easy do this in a rattlesnake …

dont you need now a dread to spawn the drifter? that is like 50% of isk per sitte

as for 1 marauder ofc ur fine with only 1 but i want to do as many sittes faster thats why i want to know if i should go with multiple marauders or leshak/nestors or some other ships in order to reduce isk and dont go with a single blingy marauder

Two MJD marauders to do C4 sites makes them pretty easy and quite quick.

As most thing go, since the sleepers do RR on each other, doubling your dps makes the site go more than 2x faster.
With the sites going so much faster, you can simply throw your pvp brawling marauders at the site, and use maybe 1-2 cap charges per site to clear a site without worrying about too much loss in efficiency.

You can have the two marauders ~30km apart, so that you are far enough away from each other to easily track the frigates as a lot of those bastards can take some time to take down with smart bombs alone.

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@Vuhdo_Rin @Oturi_Siura_Tokila
C5 & C6 Cosmic Anomalies and Signatures
A capital ship must be present in sites prior to the appearance of the Decloaked Transmission Relay to trigger the Arithmos Tyrannos spawn in C5/6 Cosmic Anomalies.

Any escalation waves, including the Arithmos Tyrannos, will despawn if capital ships leave the site, or strays further than 100KM of a site’s warp-in point.

Realy ? When did they change this ? … i realy didnt noticed this oO

Did the avenger still spawn per type of capital ?

This started with equinox, this is why you seen posts of WHolers stating they got nerfed because they were too scared to use caps for the escalation

actualy i didnt noticed a single post about this xD

but if you only subcap ratting youre 100% safe against cloaky drifter puller which only want to interrupt you :slight_smile:

so … it has something good xD but i can understand all the WH dudes crying because daytripping with heavy subcap ratting fleets have to risk their fleets for a halfed reward

C4 sites pay out about 115 to 157 ISK per ehp. C3 sites pay out 100 to 147 ISK per ehp. Why is this important?

Because its not much difference when you consider you need to put a much more expensive ship out to do C4s compared to C3s. Its just not worth it to do C4s, which is why hardly anyone does them.

If youre curious, C5s (without drifter) pay out somewhere between 140 to 198 ISK per ehp. The low end of C5s pay out almost as much as the high end of C3/C4s. That’s why even without the drifter, C5s are worth doing while C4s are not.


It just removed all incentive for those who don’t live in a C5 or C6 (aka one of three large groups or renters to them) to clear those sites.

CCP made WH space more renter friendly, as now you don’t need to worry about random people stealing your sites…since they aren’t worth anything unless you can deploy a cap to the grid.

It certainly won’t “reduce the amount of blue loot isk added to the economy” as CCP is saying. It just centralizes all of the blue loot into the hands of a few, a terrible change overall.
We need more reasons for folks to explore WH space, and more profitable for day trippers and all classes of WH space. Turning WH space into Null-renter space is a bad decision.


C4 can pay quite good if you use the right setup.

First mistake is shooting from the warpin point. In C4 sites, most NPC spawns will arrive very far away from that, so either prepare all the sites you run with a bookmark at the central structure or fit an MJD on every marauder and jump directly above the structure.

Second mistake is bringing too much tank/cap and too little projection. You will need range. The spawns will arrive between 90 and 120km from the central structure, but approach fast. A very good combination of ships is Pala+Vargur. The Paladins can engage all spawns with nearly full Scorch-DPS and insane accurate hits even up to a 100km. While the cruisers melt, the Battleships come in range for Conflag Ammo.
The Vargurs on the other hand can track any Cruiser that comes closer than 15km with ease (Faction Ammo) and still assist with Barrage over range or on remaining Battleships with Hail. They can even eliminate approaching frigs before they come close.

Ratio should always focus on Palas with Vargurs as assistance.

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