Multiboxing destroyed eve online

If you cater your game to the “average new player”, you will dumb the game down and it will no longer be worth playing. New players should expect to have difficulties, and embrace the challenge. EvE is no place for crybaby whiners.


So… The OP is dont do as I do, do as I say?


Why say new players when it affects longer term players at least as much?

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Multi-boxing is turning real life money into more isk. It’s like plexing but with more effort and more risk.

If you don’t like people who multi-box, you could always hunt them down and kill them. Repeatedly.

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Any out of pocket expenses linked to multiboxing can be seen as an extension of a hobby.

Not disagreeing with you on any particular point, not entirely certain what counter-point you’re trying to make, and so not really sure how to continue the conversation.

My point was that, in my opinion, multi-boxing negatively impacts the new-player experience.

You are right, of course, that there is a balance between helping new players into the game (new players are necessary for a game to continue) and ensuring experienced players have content. Its a challenge all MMOs have had to face.

Was there something else you were trying to address?

Because, frankly, I don’t really have an opinion on how multi-boxing affects longer-term players…we are responsible for our own content. I don’t see a problem with multi-boxing, and certainly am not opposed to it. It is simply one of many variables in the balancing act for the game. Multi-boxing, in my opinion, has a negative impact on the new player experience.

If there is a negative impact on something, thats a problem though.

Once, having an alt or two was quirky and fun. Now you need like 5+ to access content.

The problem is CCPs greed, basically.

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True, but not necessarily one that is severe enough to require a change.

I would have to disagree that you need 5+ alts to access content. Like any MMO, players always work towards “end-game content”, but Eve is nice because you can define your own “end-game”.

It does seem like most people define “end-game” as “making more ISK/Hour than the next guy”…and THAT might be a problem worth addressing. For players who define their goals along other lines, they may be able to access their own content without having 5+ alts.

I will agree though, that the available “content” for single-box players like me feels a lot less than it did before. I’m not sure if that means multi-boxing needs to be addressed…but maybe there could be more content developed for single-box player fleets. Not sure how you’d do that, but even assuming it is possible, there doesn’t seem to be any motivation to do so.

As you said, CCP money-making doesn’t seem to care about the impacts of multi-boxing. Paid accounts are paid accounts. I just hope they realize the spiral of fewer players playing more accounts can put the entire game at risk.

Again, not against multi-boxing, but player count is a vitally important consideration.

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How is it any different than telling new players they can upgrade their clone and fly two ships simultaneously? I don’t think there’s anything inherently wrong with multboxing, its literally no different than adding a skill which allows you to mount more guns on your ship or a scanner drone to your battleship. I think it improves the new player experience by showing them there is the opportunity for progression and advancement.

Multiboxing is also a way that new players can gain an edge against grumpy AFK bitter vets. So it can even the playing field and give new players more opportunity.

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It is different because you can’t upgrade a clone to fly two ships simultaneously, there are no skills that allow you to unlock more slots.

I agree, nothing inherently wrong with multi-boxing, but (like theoretical example you gave of flying multiple ships on a single clone) it makes solo-play more effective and thus reduces the need for players to interact with each other. This is most evident in the “newer” player content (e.g. ratting, mining, trade, etc.) and thus has a greater impact on the newer player.

What I would like to see to counter-act this effect are more systems/mechanics that reward unique players working together. I could brainstorm half a dozen ideas, but the ultimate point is that I believe newer players would be more likely to stay in the game if there were more opportunities to engage and play with other PLAYERS.

It was years ago, but corp mining ops and corp mission fleets were common enough that it became a good recruiting technique and litmus test. If the corp didn’t have regular ops/fleets, then it wasn’t worth your time. Now, recruitment ads (and interviews) focus on buyback programs, access to moons/belts/lower tax stations, etc. None of these are bad, of course, but they don’t encourage group engagement.

It is the lessening in multi-PLAYER content that I find disappointing, not the prevalence of multi-boxing.

There’s plenty of multi-PLAYER content - maybe the problem here is your lack of personal social skills, rather than any inherent problem with the game itself?

Happy Holidays, mate.

Eve has been doing this for years already, New Player " Ohhh it takes so long to get anywhere in this game" CCP " okay here buy our skill injectors and it wont take you as long"

Which is a terrible solution, imho.

A game like this you can’t buy your way into skill. As many know, just because you sit in the captain’s chair doesn’t mean you can FLY the ship.

If a new player were to buy a bunch of skill injectors…I think they’d probably find themselves disappointed at how little that “skill” actually gets you in-game. It’s a good way to get money, but a terrible way to grow in Eve.

I am happy to see that they are TRYING to improve the new player experience with the AIR Labs stuff…as long as they don’t dumb things down.

While I don’t agree with multi-boxing, its here to stay. Hell if it were up to me you could only have one char per account LOL.

Learn to adapt.


Every new player has 1000 other games they could be playing. If you want new players…and Eve sure as hell needs them…then you have to cater to them, or they will simply go elsewhere. And simply having a ’ nanana…you can’t cope with Eve ’ stance does not help at all.

Personally I don’t see multiboxing as being much different to being AFK. Someone logged in 6 times is not paying attention to all 6 at the same time, even if they are quite alert.

A solo ganker using multiboxing to keep his loot recovery ship seperate from any Concord response…seems to me to be a bit beyond simply an ‘exploit’.

Blue loot anyone can pickup.