Multiboxing Poll

This is a valid opinion and just as valid as any other. No one can really disagree with it, because it’s an opinion that anyone is entitled to have.

Which makes this follow up statement difficult to agree with at all:

Why should one person’s opinion, or what they view as achievement, be any less valid than someone else’s opinion?

There’s nothing to do with integrity in someone else finding achievement (if that even is a concept that applies to a video game), in a different measure.

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What is so cancerous about a jump freighter pilot using a cyno alt to light a cyno to move around as an example of multiboxing?

u know that there come alot worse things with multiboxing than this


If you agree with sentiment number one that multiboxing has broken the game then naturally it follows that achieving things via multiboxing is not that great of an achievement after all. If you earned 10x more ISK than me because you have 10x more accounts than me, I don’t think you did anything special or clever, quite the opposite.

It’s still part of the same opinion / logic / thought process.

Integrity comes from appreciating why you have achieved the success you have. If it’s because you have launched 10x more accounts than other people, that’s cheap in my book.

It’s less valid to me.

I’m well aware others think it’s great, you only have to read the comments here.

Hell, I’m well aware almost the entire population of EVE thinks it’s great, which is why I said:

I mostly stand by what I think, I don’t have the intention of telling others what they’re allowed to think. You can think whatever you like about multiboxing, I will neither demand you explain yourself nor tell you that you are wrong.

More than enough people here think that’s the only way to have a ‘discussion’ or an exchange of ideas without me adding to the pool.

What and why. I’m just responding to your statement and asking why, and specifically what’s so cancerou about a cyno alt for freight movement, after all, using a cyno alt is still multiboxing?

Appreciation comes from appreciating why you have achieved the success you have. That has nothing to do with integroty and certainly someone that has a different view doesn’t have any less integrity, just because they have a different view.

All you’re adding is insults but that’s useful though right?


I think they do if they happily use methods that break the game, which somehow you agree they do. I don’t get how you don’t also agree that there’s something wrong with using methods that break the game to achieve success. The two kinda go together for me.


Just telling it like it is. Hardly a person attack.

No I don’t agree with that opinion personally. My personal view is everyone is free to do what they want within the rules and if anyone’s integrity should be questioned, it’s the commercial/financial policies of CCP and not any player.

As long as players are playing within the rules, there is no reflection on anyone’s integrity for finding achievement in whatever measure they want to use.

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That reply was about as constructive as at least half of your posts on this thread. You seem to think that if anyone in this game has any advantage over you at all it’s unfair but at the end of the day this game is was CREATED with the intention of it being unfair within the confines of the EULA and it’s your job to do something about it, not CCP. It’s your choice not to participate and put down others for using a mechanic of the game that you have the capability doing for arbitrary internet spaceship ethics.

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Says the guy making personal attacks in almost every post?

You did say ‘undeniably broken.’

Yes that’s fair.

I mean, I agree they’re free to do whatever they like within the rules, I’m not really interesting into getting into personal insults with individuals I don’t know on the internet. At the end of the day they are only doing what they can get away with and I have no interest in them as individuals.

It’s at the CCP level where the focus need to be, not all this silly toxic forum troll drama.

So last question and it maybe why you are receiving the responses you’ve received in this thread, why did you focus this on players and not CCP?

and that’s more a rhetorical question than anything. Focusing on CCP attacks the issue, not the people.


I’ll stop you there.

I don’t like multiboxing and I don’t have to. Simple as that.


And many other people including me do like it. HTFU.


That is absolutely your right to disagree, but that don’t change sheet! :rofl:

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Don’t let him escape ! … :rofl:



Did I?

How, for example, to pick something I said that you quoted, is this focused on players?

It’s not is it?

BUT - players who do it and love it don’t want to hear such a comment … and so we get 10 hours of toxic ‘you suck because you don’t know how to multibox and I earn more billions than you’ crap and it becomes all about players slagging each other off while getting nowhere.

That’s mostly because you can’t easily have an adult discussion on this forum.


Find where I’ve said anything as toxic as this crap and then I might understand ‘why I am receiving the responses I’ve received in this thread’.

… but nah, I know why. Rhetorical.

Because of this kind of attitude basically.

You’ve been here long enough to know how vile this forum is if you don’t toe the majority line and fit in nicely. You can see 99% of the comments now are just ‘let’s attack that person some more …’

I don’t even think they know why anymore, it’s just typical human pack / sheep mentality vs the designated target …


I know enough about human behaviour to know how this all works. I just occasionally forget that these forums are that bad.

Anyway, off to bed now, you can all find someone else to talk about for the next 20 hours or so … whatever will you do to amuse yourselves now?
