MVP Goes to...The Loot Fairy 🧚

That statement pretty much sums it up. And you “choose” to surround yourself with those kind of people. That says a lot about you as a person, in and out of the game.

*My math is strong.

There can be changes in people behavior when they encounter proper setting in place.
Game setting is not outside the game, but situation can be mirrored if you could take a player, give him anonymity, give some power, take away responsibility from them, and put the other being in a situation that makes it a vulnerable target. It really works in real life on many people, much more than you probably want to believe.

“The psychology of Evil” a TED talk, is about it.


The roles shift.


Glenn Close remarked that after she played Cruella De Vil in the movie 101 Dalmatians a lot of children were afraid of her as a person because they could not distinguish between the actress and the role she played. I guess a lot of these kids grew up to be in AG.

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Sure Ms. Space Samurai. Modern militaries shoot unarmed targets, and even non-combatants all the time. Targeting your enemy’s logistics and industrial capacity is a core strategy of war going back to Sun Tzu. It’s the first thing targeted - communications, transportation, industrial infrastructure like factories, etc. - when a country is invaded, and something the Allies spent a good chunk of their time doing to Germany and Japan in the last world war.

Even if you don’t accept that some transport kills are harassment of opponent’s supply chain (which they are), perhaps like the Privateers of a few hundred years ago, it’s also completely valid in Eve to engage is pure piracy whether that is to take someone’s stuff for fun or profit.

But is just a game. If you fancy yourself a Space Samurai who only engages in “fair” fights then have at it. You are deluding yourself though if you think your random roams or nullsec wars are much different than those that fleet up to make content happen in highsec like the killmail in the OP. They are just people fleeting up to shoot an imaginary spaceship with their imaginary spaceships for a night’s entertainment.

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That is a weak excuse. There are people behind spaceships. People are not imaginary. Interactions are with other players. That is why you can get a very emotional responses from doing something you think is rather not harmful like shooting a spaceship.

My comments are also just all in your head. Yet you take offense and start an argument.

How’s that working for you? It doesn’t obviously, so get over it.

Apparently there are far more things just existing in your head, because I do not take offense. You saying something that’s just plain wrong, though, needs to be addressed.

You avoiding the actual content of my posts speaks volumes, so I guess that - for you - “masturbation is a sin and people who are doing it are evil”, hm? Like Gays are evil to some people, and likely should be locked up or re-“educated”, right? Or black people. Mexicans. Jews. The list goes on.

I am not offended by your words. I just believe that - as you are an older person - you should be much wiser than this.

But sure … hey … keep trying to make this about me, proving that you have nothing to say.

Go on! : )

I’m in your head. :scream:

You start typing your reply so fast, you don’t even read it properly.

Well then … have a nice day anyway.

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I know the state of mind you’re in and it’s nothing to write home about, trust me.

You, too!

Evil as concept have been discussed a lot in philosophy. A LOT. Some people have also studied peoples behavior like the Philip Zimbardo and others.

I fear people could not discuss it without going into some details not fitting for this thread and forums. It would devolve into religious, political arguments.
So that is all from me here. If anybody is interested, there are sources and talks about that.
I dont see myself repeating anything of it. Losing my time with that.

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Sometimes not just children fail to distinguish the actor and the character.

EVE is an mmoRPG from what I understand, right?

Perhaps I need to add disclaimers in my character biographies.

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Sometimes even actors fail to distinguish themselves from the role they play.

And some just dont play any role. Playing themselves.

Taking a video game too seriously is unhealthy. I do get there are people behind the spaceships, and I understand why sometimes events in-game, especially ones that tread on real-life relations can provoke emotional responses (see: The Judge & GigX), but you cannot build a functioning PvP game if everyone is walking on eggshells not to do anything that another person might not like. This is a competitive PvP sandbox game at its core, and that means that there will be wins and losses for everyone.

You can’t wash your hands of that fact and treat the other real people badly claiming it’s just a game. But you can, and it is absolutely intended, be a pirate, privateer, or ruthless warrior defending your tribe, and explode another person’s imaginary spaceship without remorse for your own advantage.

If someone can’t get perspective on that, then they may not be mature enough for Eve, or at least Eve may not be the game for them. Part of the magic of Eve is that losses matter, so it is normal to have an emotional response over a loss (or a win for that matter), but if you don’t enjoy that, or can’t handle that without treating other real people badly, then you may have picked the wrong place to spend your leisure time.

It can be done. People lose to other people all the time in other games and sports when nothing but imaginary points are on the line and have profound emotional responses over it and not behave like sore losers. There is nothing special about Eve that means we should tolerate people behaving like petulant children or using threats or vile insults because their imaginary spaceship means something to them.


Yeah, I like to surround myself with people who actually like to play the game and not with those who are just really upset and all negative about it like you. So yeah that probably says I enjoy good company :rofl:

Your lack of math skill is the whole reason this thread exists. They did not kill your alt (just guessing since you are so upset) because of the loot

The question is how functioning it is. PvP games, to have players, have to get you into that setting of challenge and rivalization, give instruments of power, tools you can work to get on top, bashing others heads. Make it mean something for them, else it will not matter at all and people will not play it.

There is nothing special about Eve that means we should tolerate people behaving like petulant children or using threats or vile insults because their imaginary spaceship means something to them.

To have PvP game you have to give to players the instrument of power, power they could project and exploit to full extend allowed by mechanisms. Sword, spaceship, gun etc…
If you would take away the instrument of POWER that mean something for them, people would say its a bad PvP game because its meaningless for them, doesnt give them what they seek in it. Doesnt give thrill, doesnt give feeling of joy when you achieve some virtual win. Take away ganking tools and gankers will cry in despair.

I think many EVE players were so opposed to WIS because it was for them just a meaningless walking and chatting without bashing heads.

It seems functioning. I won’t claim it perfect, but CCP has built a functioning, PvP-everywhere virtual universe that has lasted a decade-and-a-half. People have been claiming that no one will play it unless CCP gives them more safety since the first month of release, yet the game keeps on going.

I see no evidence of this. Plenty of people claim to enjoy the competitive and risky nature of Eve, yet do their best to avoid PvP most or all of the time. That risk of loss gives meaning to their achievements, and a market for their stuff, something a game where you can be safe (and losses purely consensual) doesn’t offer. They come for the market and the economy, things that only exist because of the open and unbalanced nature of the game. Maybe even more come to be war profiteers, or at least end up as arms makers and dealers, than come to be space warriors.

But regardless of whether an open world, unbalanced, full-loot PvP sandbox game is everyone’s cup of tea, it doesn’t excuse bad behaviour when imaginary assets are lost, stolen or destroyed.

Merely in the context of easy helpless targets.

Bit salty there, surprising from you, and I thought that was funny.

I will re-quote because it is funny…

So players try to avoid PvP in a game that is a PvP game.

open world, unbalanced, full-loot PvP sandbox game

Or maybe, MAYBE, they want to avoid loses.

Its also unbalanced as you said, and COMPLEX. It favors the people who know more about it. People dont want to lose, that is why they avoid PvP that is unbalanced and complex. All people undocking de facto can be shot at at any moment, there is no other way because of mechanism, just dont want to lose an encounter, that means ship.