My answer to "why so much players dont pvp"

Or a rude postcard from Derelik?

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Ahhh Durlick

So many McCandless family holidays

Sand in the sandwiches and suntan lotion glinting off young frigate hulls.

Toasting marshmellons on Billy’s burning clone


People go to Derelik?

I think that CCP made a typo in the DB, it should have been Derelict.

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Surely you had a terrible yet awesome place you got dragged on family holidays.

You know, where the adults dumped you in the caravan park while they went to the pub.


I live in a terrible yet awesome place, with 7 miles of beach, that people bring their kids to for a holiday.

Bloody tourists, clogging up the roads and blinding people with their lily white skin. :stuck_out_tongue:


We went from one we lived in to another almost identical dump on the other side of the island…

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People live there, I live there! Cheeky sausage!

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We had a disgusting, beige coloured caravan in a beautiful but fatally boring place called Redcar. The caravan was yellow inside because the people we rented it from smoked 200 a day. Lots of furtive, tiny-fingered carnies, lots of loud obnoxious kids and I distinctly recall the first time I saw the sea and asked my mum if it was safe to swim in coffee.

Also, wasps. Thousands of angry wasps. Glue sniffers too. Remember glue sniffers? They don’t.

Happy times.



Sounds like Butlins in Minehead, glue sniffers and lighter gas huffers




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You just use the /moveme command to go to the group testing system - think it’s M-OEE8 now - which has beacons setup for combat sites. It’s not the arduous chore you’re trying to present it as. It is, in fact, pretty much an instant PvP arena.

Everything (more or less) is available in infinite quantity for 100 isk. Sooo…

Uh, nevermind the killboards, loss is what makes the entire economy work.

Nobody should be expected to log onto a test server to simulate combat effectiveness of their ship builds!!!

We’re not developers, we’re gamers.

Some of you like the aspect of being Eve beta-tester style users, but that’s not my area.

I simply want to log in, enjoy the game, have fun, then log off.

What you’re suggesting is nonsense.

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You’re not expected to. You have the option to. You may also just fit up on TQ, undock, and test it live if you do not wish to avail yourself of that option.

Logging onto SiSi is done with one button click these days, so throwing a tantrum about that option is a bit odd tbh.

Ok, thank you darling for clarifying that.

I didn’t mean to rate at you.

To be honest, i never really understood why people in eve make it there lifetime goal mission to harass high sec people all day long and make “carebear” like an insult. WHATS wrong with that honestly? i allways compare eve behaviour to real life behaviours since it makes sense. Everone in RL is a carebear. Do you any of your neighbours who spend a fortune on a new car and then went: “fck it i jump over a cliff with this thing” and then someone drives by and calls you a carebear because you dont want to risk your hard earned ownings. NOONE does this. Thats like how humans behave. They get something and they want to keep and protect it, they dont walk out and just burn it down because “hey i can just make the money back later so who cares” but ingame where its pretty much the same concept, you spend your lifetime to earn something and then if you dont want to risk your spend lifetime…then you re a carebear? wtf ? Maybe you just a “dontcarebear” because you dont care about pvp? thought about that for a second?

And that is even more true for newer players. You simply get slammed around and there is like nothing you can do about it but avoiding it alltogether. “just risk something do it lose a couple ships…”

and then the so called carebear new player thinks: “okay lets just do it i m ready” and he spends like 100mil of his hard earned 300mil isk on a ship and goes for it. something decloakes, and he gets cynoed by a fleet of ships in the isk range of billions. “gf” ?

Sry but there is such an incredible imbalance right now in regard to most of the players, new players and pvp. Its not a battle about preperation or skill or its not even pvp really.
The Core is: i have more isk: i win

and you have 2 options: Bring more stuff or avoid it. One could argue that this is how it is and “there are no fair fights” but to be honest, there is something called “honor” and thats not a game mechanics but something created and valued by people themselfes. Cynojumping a new player with overwhelmingly brute force he cant do anything against… thats fun? and good fights? You could very well decide for a different approach. "guys thats probly a new player, and hes probly kinda poor. we have almost unlimited amount of isk so we should actually dont care about risks at all (wait are we the actual carebears here??) lets just bring some cheap ships give him a little chance at least so he might come back later to try again.

NO LETS JUST COMPLETLY DESTROY HIM so he might never come back and we can live our lovely no risk blue donut life and call others carebears


I can see Minehead from here, across the channel.


I imagine they say the same about Barry though…


listen people the elite has spoken. lower your heads and appreaciate the living incarnation of an elite player who is spending his precious time to listen to you


Hah, I was working in Penarth last week, nobody tried to kill me for being an English; although my west country accent might have had something to do with that, we tend to have the same attitude to second home buyers as the Welsh.

I don’t envy you living on the brizzle channel though.


You seem bitter about something.

Please tell us how you really feel.

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Your real life morals have no place here, they will simply be exploited by others who accept Eve as a fantasy environment where they don’t apply.

Furthermore, there is no honour without U :stuck_out_tongue: