PvP is blob bukkake or chasing until you run out of time and log out.
I unsubbed my three accounts half a year ago, because I realised that
a) I am not doing anything worth the while lately (for three months at that time)
b) ANY fights I experience in Eve are one of THREE categories
1) PvP Bukkake with various amounts of lag and chaos
2) some kind of trap on rails that springs to end in an OP scenario one way or the other
3) enemy runs away and cant be chased properly
Now, of course I know there is the noble 4th kind of those gifted individuals among you who know how to research an enemy taget rich environment and read it, as to pick a fight that is fun and then either run or die grinning. I had a few roams where we were lead by someone who knew picking fights really well too.
But…This is rare and reserved for a few that have this ability - I havent figured it out, even after combined 12 years of playing. In the last years I did NOT have the continous timeslices to maybe achieve it.
And frankly - if I have to search 2-3 hours for a proper fight then I may just spend my time grinding away at another game.
So back to the three types and why they are turning me off.
#3) Enemy runs
It is probably just fair that they can and I am not complaining really, it just doesnt help me on my end.
And it seems really hard to fence them in properly.
#2) Some kind of trap
So this can be slightly entertaining, but mostly it ends up in a scenario where the enemy really really knows what they are doing and I dont have any room to have fun if I end up being the victim.
Or they lead me into a counter - I spot it and disengage because it would be absolutely no fun to fight in this scenario. So - not really what I would sign up for either.
#3) This goes from being scouted and then jumped by at least twice the amount of ships I would have on grid. May be fun sometimes - but whoever does that usually has found some game mechanics supporting them to bring in more ships and overwhelm you easily.
I can somewhat live with that but really - what got me even to quit is this:
No matter how sophisticated your plan is - unless you exploit all chances to to be able to escape you get not only overwhelmed.
No - you get so OVERkilled that you couldnt even enjoy the losing battle.
I mean battles like with a carrier or other capitals.
They - and I m certainly not pointing fingers - just cyno in a metric ton of capitals and overwhelm you in a way that you just have to accept that there is NOTHING you can do eventually.
By no means do I complain about a specific loss I had.
My irk goes with the way I lose it - its a done deal - a dead race - and absolutely no fun or the thing you imagine when setting up your ship(s).
It seems every larger group now has a dozen of dreads and even a few Titans or Supers handy to just hit you with a force that - unless diligently planned on your end - can not be countered in time.
So - the only thing I can think of is work this way and play the game by absurdly overpowering the enemy yourself with such a number that
neither tactics or real planning are necessary.
Its just - like playing soccer with two bazookas instead of players or a ball.
Just blast the other goal skyhigh out of the field - I m guessing that is not even fun for the other party.
Because - if they bring that many capitals to take out a few enemy ones, the loot distributed will not mean much to them either way.
What I m trying to say is, in a way PvP seems to have lost the fine tactics, the pointy rapier, the slight of hand and all that.
Instead it feels - and almost looks like what we had been shown in school.
Where two armies stand opposed and just clash.
Or one army rolls over whatever force is on the other side.
But not the finely detailed clever fights one would hope for really.
I so would like to come back and find that I can see tactical fights, real strategy, and fights that do not end up in a Bob Bukkake just lazerjizzing ((missilespamming etc) the other party without any brains involved really.
I wouldnt even know how to find a way to have that now- or probably ever.
Cant really think of a solution, other than limiting how many ships can hit another at one time or something -but that would maybe not be a good thing either.
I really like Eve and I like the community both in game and outside (forums).
You / We are all clever people looking for a great time in this game, but I m almost out of the feeling on how to have this anymore.
PvP is blob bukkake or chasing until you run out of time and log out.
Can you help ?