Nobody cares about your attempt to organize whine threads and demand free ISK. Insulting wannabe-ganker scum like Dracvald is much more fun.
But your raging, I think you need a buff to highsec to calm down that stress
Nobody cares about your attempt to organize whine threads and demand free ISK. Insulting wannabe-ganker scum like Dracvald is much more fun.
But your raging, I think you need a buff to highsec to calm down that stress
I seem to have read that somewhere too.
Please, pretty please … do not say his name three times!
One of my characters is in Amarr a lot and there are a few Tornados most of the times. Most surely not 15 and although I arrive and leave frequently I haven’t been ganked (yet). But that is probably because I use instas.
Later I did say that he reported 14 as the total number of people operating around that Tornado ganker, there was at one point eight or more Tornados, some were CODE, with looters, bumpers and other stuff. So 14 is in fact incorrect in terms of actual tornados.
I have operated around it a few times myself, but it was six at one point, but they were competing against each other. Currently the Hell Dawn and CODE ones seem to be working together.
The last time I dabbled personally we got in their way a bit, but they brought a counter, was fun.
I bet you always tell this stories to your grand kids, but they kinda had it with your ramblings so that’s why we have to endure it now.
Yes. Clearly it doesnt bother you. Why else would you keep posting these very large walls of text?
I think the only one youre fooling is yourself, and maybe your mom.
After you started talking about safe spaces. Yeah, i am right, mate, thanks.
Why would you think i created that GIF. Its called Google.
Not everyone is as invested in this forums as you are.
Whats the question? You never asked it to me before, so I have no clue as to what you asked someone else. But if you ask me, ill be happy to answer.
This is what we’re talking about when we accuse you of being a bleeding-heart carebear and you act all confused as to why.
You live in a fantasy world, Lucas.
I challenge you to name me one character who “predominantly targets new players”.
You truly are a ridiculous person. Who knows if you actually believe the things you say.
Stops no ganks yet is impressive to you. Obviously doesn’t take much for you to be impressed
Another lie
Days ag have sat in uedama: 2190
Ganks stopped: <10
Almost 1 a year, pretty good success rate for a bunch of people with 70iq I guess
@Sabus_Narian Predominately targets and scams newbs. proven fact. Considering this whole topic was started about him to begin with
Enjoying the wardecs?
"there are 14 tornadoes sitting in amarr. how do you deal with it?
Thats the question
This probably explains why he is so opposed to ganking: if his victims get ganked and lose their stuff it means less stuff for him to scam them out of.
Now I am confused. This player creates serious problems, but not enough to reduce the number of ganks?
Still salty…
So you can just link stuff, not impressed.
Off you go.
The confusion goes away when you look at how he phrases what he thinks is happening. He said “creates problems” not “stops lots of ganks”. He thinks just the mere pressence of antigankers being annoying around a ganker and lacking any success is noteworthy (which it might be considering all they do is fail nonstop)
Haha lacking in information yet again, just your septic word for it.
Again just your septic word for it.
That should be classed as an exploit. I am going to petition this as an exploit now. Done petitioned as an exploit to CCP, I will be advising all my contacts to do the same.
He does reduce ganks, it is just that AE has no idea…
This is not a reply to AE, just meat on the bone. in terms of the question I asked.
The reason I gave the example of 14 Tornados sitting on Amarr station was to detail the difficulty of stopping them. They all use tags to keep their security status to a level so they can operate, so they can loiter. They loiter next to the station and are setup to fire on the undock area and the in point from Ashab. There is a looter at the undock and a bumper, there is a loot at the Ashab arrival point. There is normally 3 Tornados ready and sometimes as much as 8. Three of them are Hell Dawn, the other are CODE. Hell Dawn are war deckers so they can be shot if you have a war dec, but the player running them has 8 accounts and uses them to bait war targets. The other four are CODE who cannot currently be war decked. The issue of using KR’s is that they are all in the docking radius.
I have been there a couple of days with my alts supporting that player when we had a war dec, and for times we made him dock up and halt his ganking, however they brought counters and other players eventually, well played of course. The AG player concerned has taken out Tornado’s despite only having one account, this is especially impressive as his main opponent has eight accounts and possibly more.
The AG player goes for the weak point of any ganking operation and this has been very successful for him and he has nabbed a lot of loot from gankers there.
The simple answer to the question is massed looters to do loot denial, it is the only way to defeat this ganker.
I have not whined, I have not moaned, I just pointed it out, the moaning has come from the gankers who accuse me of being worse than the ganker for nabbing the loot. Hilarious.
But it was certainly interesting to see that these so called HTFU AG are whiners and had no clue at all and hence are the ranting whiners.
So please guys, understand what the game is before opening your fat mouths on stupid statements like this:
Whining indeed…
Who honestly believes that coming from a guy who constantly lies? In reality you were prolly sitting there all day for days and he docked a couple of times to go eat or something
Stopped no ganks and just sits there and steals loot.
So another thief. Funny how you’re always involved in nothing but the thieving part drac
If I showed up he wouldnt be ganking very long, even you believe this. The problem is the antigankers being trash players, not the mechanics
You are the biggest moaning whiner on this forum. How many threads and posts have you cried about ganking lmao?
Look at a mirror kid, you’ll see a giant failure thats never stopped a single gank
The salt, here it is, this gets him so mad.