I don’t care what you say and think. If you start to lose loot you will start to have issues.
And here is the win, while sitting in Rorquals he is not ganking. So if he ends up having to Rorqual mine to be able to gank then win win win. But you are behind the times, Rorqual mining is no longer the same cash cow…
What are you yapping about now, Mr. “I dont care what people think, but I spend all day spamming the forum by responding to every single sentence people write, such that people have to work in shifts just to deal with all my erroneous thoughts… but I don’t care if anyone cares what I think, I’m just gonna put all my half-formed thoughts out there anyways…”
Gankers do NOT care about loot. They really don’t. Any real ganker, anyone with any real dignity, does not give a damn about the loot. They don’t care about the isk. They don’t care about the money. They only care about killing stupid carebears. We don’t kill your ship because it is blingy, we kill it because you are the pilot.
It’s personal. Talk to James if you want to know how he feels.
Now as @sabus_narian he is doing whatever it is that his latest scam is, and consequences happen. This thread was a great example of that until it’s gone to crap in the last 3 days.
Yep, that was what happened, it was bad for Eve. In any case people can still awox, they just have to go do it outside of hisec, which is a bit more daunting for that type of player.
Gankers blow up ships to steal their loot, and are honest about the fact that their goal is to kill people and take their stuff.
Anti-gankers wait for someone else to blow up a ship for them and then steal the victim’s loot, while congratulating themselves on how morally superior they are because they didn’t personally fire the fatal shot.
Both of you are thieving scum, but the gankers at least get credit for honesty.
Kusion has over a tril in just liquid isk, he couldn’t care less about isk anymore, as long as the gank succeeds hes happy. So since you lot fail nonstop and never save anyone from being ganked, hes always happy lmao
No, that was exactly your response, verbatim. But lets just chalk that up to you being hyperbolic.
So, how do you know that “most of those that did back when there was awoxing ended up getting awoxed.” Please, provide your reasoning or evidence for that claim. How do you know it was most?
Because your comment wouldnt make any sense otherwise.
You said that People like me are the problem because we are opposed to any change that CCP could use to bring in different types of players.
All the while, saying im a newbie.
Youre saying that im new, but at the same time that I am resistant to change. How does that work?
Clearly, you are not. Otherwise, you wouldnt have said something so stupid as to accuse me of being a disturbed individual merely for suggesting that other players exist.
No, for example, im all for more PvE content in hisec. Theres another assumption of yours going off the rails again.
Also, I very much dislike how mining and ratting in nullsec has become, and id hate for hisec to become like that. Again, another failed assumption on your part.
Although you are wrong about it only coming out on zkillboard if someone else other than concord gets on it, feel free to provide a better avenue for evidence. I provided one, you dispute it, but you are the one making the claim that New Players are being targetted more.
Please, feel free to provide the evidence for your claims.
Please explain your chain of logic here.
No, I have not. Feel free to post it, and i will look at it and respond.
Only in the context of a new player who only owns a single ship and is flying around in it. Then, yes, that ship constitutes as him flying around in a ship with 90% of his stuff. But once you get into the realm of one month, two month old players and more, which we can still call as new players, they are no longer going to be flying around with their stuff, it will be relatively scattered.
Of course, this is all irrelevant as to the fact that it doesnt matter if a blinged out ship consists of 90%, or 20% of your stuff, as players still rage and cry and quit after losing ships and modules. An expensive loss is still expensive, and players will still rage and cry over it.
Yes, you are right. After all, Google search doesnt exist, and therefore the only way I could possibly have found a clip like that is if i had it in my folder and listening to it every day.
Are you being serious or are you really this stupid?
Ah, of course. Someone doesnt agree with you and writes a well-reasoned argument against you, you reply back but start to realize youre in the wrong, so now you label your opponent a troll and refuse to respond.
Sure, kid. You can tell yourself that, you can tell the other people in the forums that, but everyone, including yourself, know its false.
I have more replies in New Player Q & A than you do in General Discussion. I gauruntee you i have told more new players on this forums where to go than you have.
But why dont you put up or shut up. Give me an example of a decent corp that you can demonstrate did not accept new players because of Awoxing concerns.
Haha, the moral equivalence attack. You are clearly suffering from AGDS, because if the gankers were not ganking we would not be either blowing up the loot or nabbing it before them. And to call thieves honest is even more glorious.
As I said to you before, I have my own ISK, and if the person logs or refuses a convo, it is not our fault. Perhaps you want to blame us for that too?
Over a trillion ISK, just goes to show how broken bumping was.
What moral equivalence? Nowhere did I say that the two sides are equivalent. I said that the AG side is pathetic trash in comparison to even criminal scum like gankers. You only wish you could be elevated to equivalency.
And to call thieves honest is even more glorious.
What’s so wrong about that? Gankers openly and honestly say “I’m killing these people and taking their stuff”. The fact that you don’t like what they’re doing doesn’t make them any less honest about it.
As I said to you before, I have my own ISK, and if the person logs or refuses a convo, it is not our fault.
Stop making excuses for your theft. You could easily contract their loot back to them for zero ISK, no conversation needed. But you won’t, because you don’t care about the victims AGs steal from.