My first experience returning to the game after a 6 year break

This medium triglavian victory system is sometimes full of triglavian response fleets that people spawn on gates by shooting the werposts (trig gate guns) that are also on gates.

You should not relax around the gates in systems like that, and if anything, use cloaking ship, but warp out when safe. Also stations can have the trig guns.

Sometimes EDENCOM aligned capsuleers fleet comes and clears those systems. There is money in that acivity.

hmm ok, there were players in little ships obviously attacking that freighter, maybe they also shot the trig gate gun to provoke additional trig ships to help down the huge freighter. I assume they were in war with the freighter pilot. At least that was my conclusion until the “BEEP BEEP BEEP” started :smiley:

actualy no, most of us are just telling that he should have checked eve updates but ehi, if that make you sleep better

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