My first experience returning to the game after a 6 year break

reminds me of how i lost my first Apoc, tried showing a noob what my ship can do fighting a mob spawn and accidentally must have harmed the noob with smartbombs or sth and Concord got me.
Later the noob pmd me “Wow that was a great firework! Where are you??”


You took an unneccessary risk in a ship and paid the price. Next time you decide to explore, use an exploring ship.

Also - hauling implants? Am I missing something here?

There’s some things about Eve that need to be fixed - your incorrect risk assessment isn’t one.

I’ve died and derped loads since my return. All I do is sit back and enjoy the explosion

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That was unclear in my post, i plugged in those 1.2 bil worth of fimplants just yesterday, and now i got podkilled of course! :smiley: meanwhile i can laugh again.


That is not ganking. That is can flipping, which previously allowed you to have an easy 1v1 with a indy or mining ship. You can still do it if the prey is willing, you just need to be more aware of others that join in if you go suspect. Because of that little bit of increased risk, most so called PvP players doing this gave up, and miners get called carebears…

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No, the implants are listed in the pod kill.

A while back CCP added Implants to Pod Killmail reports with an ISK value estimate…

LOL rekt. Sad that it was NPCs that killed you though. That trig would’ve been a player 5 years ago.

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to be honest, should have check eve update, that would have help you

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Didn’t the game client pop up that warning box informing you before gate jumping?

Mine always pops up to remind me about the Trig system jumps.

It does, unless you click that little box that says “never show this warning again”…

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1.2 lost from Trigs and it was a surprise not knowing of their dangers? Here there are many pilots who had lost way more than that and most/we knew of their dangers.

Those Trigturds were so bad that their presence in New Eden caused an uproar in-game and on the forum.

It absolutely wasn’t your fault OP, so don’t listen to all the vile griefers in this thread telling you that you did something wrong. Games shouldn’t be designed in a way that lets you lose! They’re just trying to troll you because they can’t go out and kill you anymore, so the only way they get their jollies is by griefing you by sitting on the forums and reading stories about how you died to NPCs.

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For those saying read the updates, where would a player, who has been away for 6 years, go in order to get a TL;DR of the changes to the game? Trying to rely on all the patch notes would result in insanity.

Truth be told, I thought that the game updates reset those popup warning boxes when new events are introduced.

Come on guys — Its pretty obvious. You risk it for a biscuit in this game. 9/10 in this game you can retrace actions you could have taken to prevent this. Don’t get being a wuss mixed up with the game needing an update.

I mean that’s life? Yah you should just set aside time and read/skim through major changes. Or ask friends? Don’t make more excuses and set the bar lower for your self? It’s a dog eat dog world in EVE.

Or when every patch comes out make a TLDR for others? And compile a list so others don’t ask the same thing?

this isnt cookie clicker

Maybe bother to ask others? :thinking:

Like this fella:

What other important things do I need to know about the game now?

The very first reply informs him of the triglavians among other things:

new factions: triglavians and edencom npcs will shoot you unless you have positive standings to them. They roam mainly high sec. You start with negative standings towards trigs.

This comes to mind:

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”


I love them even though they kill the hell out of me when I go see what they are up to… I’m always curious and they always punish curiosity.

:grinning: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
It is just like Code. and respecting their existence to see what are they’re up to.

Keeping our friends close and then keeping our enemies even closer… :upside_down_face: