Sorry to bother you, but I didn’t know who best to voice my concern to. So, you get it.
Anyway, having highly suspect data the year in Eve videos might not seem like a big deal, but it’s causing people to question CCP’s internal metrics, and the validity of any decisions based off of them. Moreover, at least one dude took it in the other direction, and concluded from his year in Eve video that CCP was concentrating on the wrong areas of the game. This might seem like an inconsequential mistake, but it’s unforced error that’s adding fuel to the fire for the bittervets and tinfoil hatters.
I hope that the idea that CCP is working with flawed data doesn’t gain a lot of traction, but I’m not going to hold my breath. I mean, we already have guys arguing against CCP justifications for dev decisions (such as those regarding unsustainable economic activity), and you know how tinfoil hatty we can get. Recently, Hilmar made on offhanded comment about the safety of HS industry, and we got mutliple threads and even youtube videos talking about CCP’s plan to nerf HS industry.
So please, be a little more careful in the future, and not release bad data to the the players. Don’t get me wrong, I love the graph porn, and wish we got more. So, I’m not saying you should stop sharing data with us. Just… be careful. Bitter vets and tinfoil hatters have a tendency to take mistakes and run with them.
Thanks for listening.
A CCP Bootlicker and PA Apologist