Navy Scorp as Shield Nestor

i’d rather see them convert the Navy Scorpion into a turret hull. too much missiles in the Caldari navy doctrine, want more stuff like the Navy Griffin, not necessarily ECM in the mix but more oportunity to put those blaster/rail skills to use without having to crosstrain into Gallente ships.

perhaps change the Caracal Navy or the Osprey Navy too (the ONI seems more popular nowadays so seeing a rail/blaster caracal would be a cool thing).

Navy is mostly EWAR or combat focused hulls. they even conver logistic cruisers into killing machines. Faction Logi means more something from a different source. SoE gives armor, perhaps a Cal+Min faction could provide the dedicated shield logi battleship.

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I would very much like faction battleship LP cost reduced to 300.000 LP and battlecruisers down to 150.000 LP.

That should make them competitive in price. Though some need some tweaks here and there.

That way the faction battleships would be at around 300-350 million isk and priate ships around 450-500-ish million isk.

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You forget the armageddon, he can easily be considered an Ewar BS.

Faction BSs are actually 250K LPs, faction BCs 100K LPs.

Nope, they cost 600.000LP and the t1 battleship.

nuets are not E-war

no they are 250,000 its one of the perks of being in FW. your idea breaks that. navy do not need to be lowered in price pirate need to be raised

Oh right, I forgot, everyone is in faction warfare and has access to the faction warfare LP store - even in w-space.

no but those who are, are reworded a 50k discount is crap. not only that but the navy ships are well worth their cost over T1 ships theproblem is the pirate factions are too cheap and so navy are not worth the cost over the pirate

If people are dumb enough to try to compete against FW pilots on faction hulls market its not our concern…
Buy those hulls from us, sell something else to get the iskies.

Say that in front of the sentinel, the ELECTRONIC attack frigate with bonuses to neutralisation/nosferatu.
Why would neuts not be considered E-war?

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Because energy warfare and electronic warfare are two different things… one deals with a ships capacitor the other deals with a ships computers. That frigate also gets bonuses to weapon disruption.

Not only are they in a seperate place on the market but E-war resistance and nuet resistance are two separate attributes

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