Need advice for PVE

And you established this as a fact after playing for less than a week ? :thinking:


Thats a fact for my gameplay prefering PVE over PVP. I prefer solo play as team for whole of my life, not for 5 days. Be more speciffic with that sencence idk wth u mean mate.

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Use this site, find a new home far from crowds and do your stuff…
Welcome and good luck.

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Hey thanks for the site even tho I allready bookmarked it but really appreciate all noob help I can get.

Also have the Zkillboard and Uni Wiki in bookmarks :slight_smile:

Started this chain arc mission and until now i love it. Doing my missions, killing my mobs, salvaging my wrecks and nobody comes and ninja kills or salvage my loot. Fun Fun Fun !!!

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then try this one:

It’s not totally up to date but there are still some useful informations

once again, why playing eve, then? why not just playing a solo game, where the pve part will be much more detailed, challenging, etc than in eve?

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Maybe someone should use an agent to find him and go ninja loot his stuff.

Once again , why would I PVP when I obviously can PVE ?

Do it :slight_smile: I’ll be prob in HS with some awesome 200b ship :smiley:

Saved. Thanks mate !

Hey bro. Don’t listen to anyone telling you to find another game. You can play Eve solo and still have a blast. I’ve been doing it for eight years and all I really do is missions. Though I have done planetary interaction, mining, manufacturing, exploration. My heart is in missions though. So, just grind away at the missions until you get up to level 4s. Security missions pay the best, in my experience.

All that said though, do expect to get ganked at some point. Its inevitable. It will definitely happen. The only question is when and where. But that’s what makes the game fun.

Insider’s Tip: If you can find the level 4 Enemies Abound mission, its worth about 230 million altogether.

I also started my own corporation to save myself the taxes.

Have fun. Fly safe.

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But that L4 mission does murder your standings with Gallente.

EVE is a PVP focused game with PVE elements designed to help you get the ISK you need in order to fund that PVP.

You can try to ignore it but it will come to you one way or another .The sooner you realise and accept this (and adapt) the better.

Not trying to throw you off the game, just being realistic.

All the best in your adventures o7

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