Negative/toxic culture towards new players

People have this mistaken idea that a pvp fight starts when one scrams or shoots the other. The fight actually started way earlier all the way back to realising, accepting and adjusting to the fact that ganks DO happen and that you are NOT the main character in this game (this is going to be difficult for quite a few people).

The second you accept that ganks happen, that other people can affect your gameplay and you put in a little bit of effort into learning how to lower the risk of it happening (mostly by not having silly cargo or modules fitted and by having enough EHP), it’s almost not a problem any more.

And if you then you actually (and actively) play the game instead of being (semi) afk fapping to hentai you will not have any issues at all. It’s really just Darwinism and everyone has the ability to avoid these issues but it does take a bit of effort. Equality of opportunity, NOT equality of outcome.


Pulls facts out of his ARSE


When my Wrecking Machine alt moves expensive ships through Uedama, which has happened often as WM is sort of nomadic, I always do these things…

  1. Scout ahead. It is not hard to see if there are 25 gankers in Uedama or none at all.

  2. Check killboard…see where the latest ganks have occurred. Also one can use the map that says ’ X number of ships killed in past hour’.

  3. Replace some of low slot DPS or other modules with inertial stabilisers. I’m not worried about shooting back ( and some of my ships can’t )…only about getting through as fast as possible.

  4. Know who the ganker scouts usually are. They are often THE sign that gankers are up ahead.

  5. Lastly, if I ever do get ganked, I will simply type ‘good fight’ and have a nice chat with the gankers about how they finally got me.

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Nooooo how can use my filament then ?
And how does it change if a suicide ganker changes safety just before engaging in a criminal action ? You need at the very least a timer between the moment you change safety, and the moment it allows you to engage, while giving you suspect and weapon timer in the meanwhile. But they will do it in a safe, warping fleet from safe to safe until the timers wear off.

preventing people from docking/swapping ship/cloning/respawning in a system if their security status is too low.
Just like it is in NS (except for swapping ships)

That’s not counterplay. That’s not playing the game.
When your sole “choice” in the game is to not play the game, you know there is a problem.

of course, if you are only considering the cat’s opinion and ignoring the mouses’ because they “lack functional brain”.
That’s a cyclic, so stupid, argument.

Only if he’s a bot.

I often travel through abhazon without getting ganked (yet) . Does not mean it’s insignificant, only that I can tank SB and points.

Yeah, because there are choices here. You can create insta dock/undock.

Financial costs are taken into account. That’s what you have accountants for.
The costs ARE insignificant, because the game allows to make them as such.
Just because they are not for you, does not mean they are not for people who optimize with them.

And using filaments.

No, the fight starts when people start shooting.
Because if nobody starts shooting, there is no fight, just random catalysts warping and exploding for no reason.

No chance, you have a fast align gnosis.

But anything is possible, even @Githany_Red got ganked, by herself

and then we have those batshit crazy Frostpackers


This is the solid advice.

I do nothing else on this list. Everything I have in my nullsec pocket went through Uedama, yet I’ve never died there. Being able to get in and get out fast is everything you need.

No need for ruining people’s filament joy, or making people randomly a suspect without their knowledge, or babying and crying on the forums.

Inertial Stabilisers.

They’re cheap too.

Want to boost that?

Low Friction Nozzle Joints in your rig slots.

Mix those with Hyperspatial Velocity Optimisers for faster warp.



Oh, that was some time ago. Though it is still under 4 seconds, I replaced the fast align with fast locking…an impressive signature resolution of 1100mm, vital for fast locking suspects.

No, I was expressly stating the mouse’s eye viewpoint. Avoiding the cat is fun. The risk in Eve is half the fun ! You don’t have to be a ‘victim’…you can outsmart the cat. What’s not to enjoy ??





No, it’s not.
I was also as the mouse, and did not lose a single ship. It was not fun.
Because there was nothing to gain from it.

I think its fair to say that those who seem to be “toxic” ie gankers, hardcore players etc. Are less toxic than those who try to manipulate new players “SiCo” and many other “newbie” corps that actually do a disservice to new players, that is more toxic especially since most gankers try to help who they ganked

All of us who played for years knows we need new players to keep eve going.

The problem isnt always the vets, a lot of toxicity comes from new players cause EVE isn’t like any other MMO


Then what are you whining about ? I cannot help but notice that the biggest whiners on the forum are always invoking the imagined and often totally fabricated experience of other people. Eve would be a far better place if people stopped being gossipy busy-bodies and focused on what they themselves have direct experience of.

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If you were not a butt hurt, then what are you crying about ?

Deary…I am pixels in space. I don’t have a butt to get hurt.

Still, you are making personal attacks to avoid the discussion.
You don’t even read the arguments.

Can you actually ? Or is your brain too rotten to be able to process non-simplistic idea ?
Or does the inability to even consider disagreeing opinions comes as a package with being a butt hurt ?

Don’t bother answering, those are rethorical questions. What they ask is not what they mean.
Just like yours.

You still are


your loot.

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I’d read the arguments if there were any ! Try making a point that’s actually true. People with far more experience than me have refuted most of yours.

Why? Alpha accounts can’t go red safety due to player abusing them for ganking. Its a shame it took CCP several years to change this, after being told day one that this was 100% going to happen.

There is no reason to go beyond yellow safety in high security space. This kind of attitude is exactly why incursion groups like WTM have to do a speech when anyone joins to turn their safety green, because there is some dimwit with it on red all the time.

Yellow safety. In high security space this is either pinching from cans or doing sus things in low security space, since people now get a swift visit from CONCORD if they are trying to do neutral logi, which I think happens even with yellow safety set?

Neither one has anything to do with ganking.

If the only way to win is to not be there, people leave the game. This is the reason wars were changed. It might have taken over a decade, eventually CCP chose the long term health of the game over the short term special interests that were making the ecosystem unviable.

See previous paragraph relating to wars. Some mechanics take a long time to be recognised as broken, especially when its a vocal minority seeking to maintain the status quo.

Please. Nobody else can set safety to red but yourself, and no one else can push F1 either. Periphery details on times and dates is pure deflection.

It could be argued that operations of that size have to be planned out due to the difficulty, rather than ‘ganking’ is hard.

Then what is the problem of scaling the consequences with the target value? Is it really going to be that much of an impact to have to stop blowing up t1 industrialists for a few days in order to take down that a juicy 8 bill full cargo expander fit freighter ?

From a full 5.0 sec status, that is still 30 ganks.

Considering the whipping boy of choice is a retriever, on the 3rd gank the amount of cost to recover sec status is less than the losses inflicted, even at today’s inflated prices.

Its not the cost of the loss, its the cost for the damage inflicted. Trading a few cheap destroyers to take down several exhumers is an exchange any FC would gladly take.

There was a Conan the Barbarian game years ago that had a very rough launch. A number of people complained that they got endless loading screen after loading screen getting into the server. Turned out that the people who got onto the server early were just hanging around the spawn point and beating players to death as they spawned in, causing the server to send them back to the loading screen. This happened for hours, with some groups creating a ad hoc roster to ensure people did not make it off the beach.

As a new player just spawning in they had nothing, but the people who were there first were not interested in gold, they just wanted to eliminate anyone outside of the group from getting a foothold.

Yes, apparently all one has to do is never leave station.

I am reminded of a children’s book series on learning to read.

“See Jane throw stones”
“See Dick throw stones”
“It is fun to Jane and Dick”
“But not to the Riot Police”

Nothing stopping this from happening out in null or low security space, though for the simple fact in those areas people get to shoot first.

This is not true. Try ganking or even scamming people in a starter system and see how long before the ban rolls in.

This is like saying scarcity has not impact because one can always just fly a corvette.

Then why argue against changes with such protestation?

The ‘problem’ is EVE needs to be more than a bunch of bots with passive targets that feed ship scans into market check sites that makes a ding sound when a target is found.

Do not fly that which you cannot afford to loose?


If you don’t want to do the time, don’t do the crime?

It should not be something that the rich can ignore by waving their wallets around.

Gankers who are about to do the wrong thing can be stopped if suspect. Players who are suspect, will have to be more careful when stealing from cans and molesting lost mobile tractor units.

One well overdue change were penalties to players with very low security status. They cannot cloak, cannot tether, cannot dock in a station, if their status is really bad CONCORD will blow them up the second they get into a ship. It is a fairly safe assumption that this does have an effect on gankers, it was just silly to see Aaaaaargh in their thrasher sitting on the Perimeter gate all day flashing red with a -10 status.

In the same way CCP foisted mechanics that allow the Amarr ↔ Jita route to be cut by dropping the security status of key chokepoint systems? High security space can be a bubble wrapped theme park for all I care, the trade off of it being safer way always that it rewarded less. October and November are all about Nullsov 2.0, if ganking was stopped tomorrow, there is plenty of space out that nobody is using where gankers can mug people all day long without a single CONCORD to bother them.

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I think this thread has gone on for a sufficient duration.

Closing this thread.