Nerf Ganking Megathread

It already has these walls, but it’s massive veterans that are protected by them. What I want is for a small, creepy group of veterans to stop being able to use new players as fodder to pump their egos.

Most other games it’s not. Most other MMOs guide you through a learning curve in relative safety and don’t allow veteran players to abuse new players.

Only because it opposes your viewpoint. Any view you don’t agree with is problematic to you.

As I’ve already stated, they are overwhelmingly weighted against new players.

It’s not competitive. Nothing about ganking is competitive. It’s you wanting easy kills so you can sit around pretending you’re not ■■■■ at the game. Ganking takes less effort and skill than highsec mining. It’s the most carebear form of play and it escapes balancing because it’s “emergent”.

And highsec should be that area. Simples.

Ganking isn’t PvP in the same sense as any other PvP in the game. It teaches players nothing other than there are veterans with nothing better to do with their time than abuse new players.

I note that you didn’t explain how a killboard system that thinks there’s no such thing as a solo gank is accurate.

Good for you.

Sure, if you’re an already established player. If you a rookie that has spent a month building up SP and ISK in an inefficent rookie-like fashion then on your first rocks some asshat blows up yourr ships and lobs abuse at you in a a mail, you’re unlikely to stick around.

Sometimes I think people like yourself forget that normal people aren’t inherently bound to EVE, and if they aren’t deriving enjoyment from it - such as when they have to repeat a long portion of the beginning of the game - they simply won’t play. Every single time gankers talk about new players as if the only thing they want to do in life is play EVE.

Ultimately this is a pointless discussion though. CCP won’t ever balance or remove ganking, the same handful of incels will continue to abuse new players and CCP will continuously scratch their heads and wonder why they can’t retain a playerbase. This will repeat until PA pulls the plug, which looking at the financial outlook of the EVE IP probably won’t be too far off.