Nerf Ganking Megathread

Of course you do. It’s your easy playstyle and if it were removed you’d need to actually learn how to play the game.

Simple fact.

I tried nuance in the past. Gankers don’t understand it so I’ve gone with the absolutist approach. I no longer care about their playstyle existing and would be entirely happy if CCP purged them from the game. Ultimately I think CCP would gain subscribers if they purged ganking.

In what way is it false? You called zkillboard accurate and you linked to a list of ganks. I pointed out that lit contained zero solo ganks because zkillboard doesn’t count solo kills and ganks, ever. Therefore your “accurate” list was garbage.

Certainly nothing you’d accept.

They will be low for a veteran, but to a rookie who is still learning how to effectively make ISK these losses can still be a significant impact, such as if they lose a fitted barge and a bunch of implants.

It’s not ironman mode though, not even a little bit. If it were you’d restart from scratch whenever you are podded. At no point it its history has it ever been ironman mode, and when most of us veterans joined is was significantly easier.

Yeah, no. Most of the honest word of mouth is “if you don’t already play it there’s no point in starting because it’s a garbage game and your time is better spent elsewhere”.

Strawman. I never suggested it was. And if anything, what gankers are getting is instawin.

If you ever attempted to be an AG you’d realise it’s a completely pointless playstyle. Ganks are generally over before AGs can get on grid. At most AGs can force gankers to swap targets.