Nerf Ganking Megathread

Still wrong.

Okay. Care to explain how?

Quite an interesting read in this thread. I’m glad the same old topics come up all the time. It feels like we are making progress… :eyes:

Actually, maybe players (new ones in particular) are leaving because they are bored?

Lack of direction, maybe the sandbox is too wide for them and they have not found their place? I realise there are things in the game that guide new players towards careers and such like, but after a while, things become samey.

Even doing the same non-led activities year in year out can get samey and boring.

Perhaps that’s why the population of the game is low.

That or maybe it’s a niche MMO, that only the hardcore or dedicated play? Idk

Yes maybe people these days need a path to follow , can’t see what’s wrong with writing some advengers for people to take part if they want to , untill it’s time for them to make there own adventures

And how many years worth of ludicrous paranoia does it take before people sit around on forums casting every single noob as the 293rd alt, twice removed, of Atilla The Hun ?

I never said it didn’t…but as with all forum trolls you just had to invent what someone was saying ( or not saying ) in order to have your ’ me…me…me’ forum moment.


Is this supposed to be a coherent sentence?

I’m sorry but I couldn’t resist, I assume you meant “adventures”.

Like Adventure time? :smiley:

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It is, if you actually got beyond grade 1 English at school.

Well, I guess that explains that.

Like Factional warfare and the massive lore element to the game you mean?

I like how I quoted Dracvlad’s posts before he could edit them, so he realized he got backed into a corner with his historically-inaccurate claims about ganking in this game, and just noped the hell out of here.

So much intellectual dishonesty from someone who should be a respectable adult.

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Insurance premiums perhaps…

Your ignorance surprises me…, perhaps…

In case you want to continue playing ignorant: the insurance payout was higher than the market cost of the hull, and with the highest level of insurance, most Tech I hulls were right around the break-even point. Sometimes the payout even gave a little bit of extra ISK on top (and when that happened, some people would self-destruct ships outside of Jita to make money that way).

Ask me how I know this, Dracvlad. Ask me what I did during those days that would allow me to possess this knowledge.

You are ignoring the premium cost, don’t forget you were comparing the use of a BS against single Catalyst. But there was a premium cost to insuring the hull and I seem to recall that it was more than a fitted Catalyst.

Do you remember how much the premium was for a BS at the time?

This is why you are at times a dishonest poster.

You deflected from the main point which was:

Ganking exploded at that point, I saw people who never thought about ganking before start doing it. And as a result more and more miners were in that situation that Cilla described with obvious results.

I like it that you needed to go off on a tangent to argue about to try to obscure this, you always do this.

You’re still not reading what I’m saying. Is this intentional, or are you having issues?

Once again, even with the cost of insurance included, at that stage of the game (pre-2011, when Crucible went live), losing a ship with platinum insurance broke even on the costs on average. And sometimes, it was even profitable to unsure ships and then destroy them, because it would net you a few million ISK.

Ganking exploded because CCP drastically increased war fees at that time (from 2 million ISK minimum to 50 million ISK minimum), and because “Dec Shield” was becoming extremely popular and effectively nullified the concept of wars entirely.

Post-Crucible, when the criminal insurance payouts were removed and the destroyer RoF penalty was removed, ganking actually became more expensive, so a switch to destroyers wasn’t the driving factor for the overall increase in ganking that occurred.


And I keep repeating premiums cost ISK, you can’t just ignore that aspect.

As for your comments on war decs, it has nothing much to do with it, because it became so cheap to do with a single Catalyst able to take down the best Exhumer, nullsec people decided to go do it for fun too.

Problem for you is that some people like me were around at the time and know what was going on, you can spin and spin but it is not going to stick!

You’re completely clueless. You don’t know the game’s history, and are trying to create your own version to fit your narrative.

Good luck with that.

Premiums cost ISK…

Yes, they do. And it’s been explained to you that with those costs included, platinum insurance broke even on the market cost of the hull.

Would you like to mention premiums again? Please talk about premiums some more.