Nerf Ganking Megathread

Its great against angels, thats about it. For USIA we just relegate it to fighting the cartel

It was pretty darn good at bumping orcas.

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They did

I bet you only wanted them to collect data that agrees with your narrative tough. Can’t wait for the excuses about how that data is now somehow not relevant.


Yeah. Level 4’s used to be worthwhile.

Can I have your stuff?

Because I care about you so very deeply I am leaving you all my precious carbon.



Welcome to EVE :smiley:

All I can see is that they did not lose another ship after their latest ship loss.

Which isn’t surprising; I’m pretty sure I did not lose a ship either since my latest ship loss, yet I am still playing.

You don’t care about some newbie in his Raven, that’s just a ruse. What you care about is you personally not losing another Machariel to a gank.

That George Harrison guy that lost all those ventures in jita is pretty interesting.

That sort of misses the point. When I was a noob, a mere 5 months ago, a Venture and a few thousand ISK was all I had. One’s perception scales with time…so back then it was like 'Wow…a Venture…and two entire drones ! Watch out world, here I come ! '. Five months later I have several billion ISK, three toons, Caracals, Gnosis, Hecates, yada, yada…and a Venture is seen in perspective…as no doubt my current horde of ships will be in another 5 months. But as a noob it is like ‘look everyone…here’s my Venture !’

Most oldbies assessing the situation have long since forgotten what it was like to be a noob. The trouble is that as time goes by and experience is gained, one’s supposed ‘memory’ of it is supplanted with that experience and solutions become obvious that were not obvious then. That is the real problem…lots of experienced people having 20/20 hindsight.

I was quite lucky. Firstly that someone gave me 20m ISK on my first day in Eve, and secondly that it was almost 6 weeks into Eve before I was ganked. I’m sure both of those had an impact on me still being in the game now. And I think yes…sheer damned luck plays a part in who stays.

My message for CCP could be summed up in one sentence : What keeps people in any game is a sense that they are doing well.



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I’m also doubting this “noob” who has played for months. without a single kill. Only a true bitterbear vet, with a decade of failure behind them, would make a character that sits around doing nothing but talking irrational trash endlessly in the forums. Actual new players don’t even realize there are forums, and yet here Cilly is…

Real new players are out there doing something.


High sec ganking is one of the reasons i created alts…

There is a bot mining infestation.
I have a strong suspicion that the anti gankers are the bot miner owner alts…

Yes there is a war in hi sec

Join the fight!


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Nailed it pretty much…

When ganking really took off against miners with the removal of the - 25% ROF penalty on Destroyers the people who left the game were not so much the new players but people who suddenly found their progress blocked and lost almost everything, the most vulnerable were those that had just got into Exhumers. This was totally missed by CCP.

The new player experience started showering new players with starter ships and money 6 months ago didn’t it?

I have given away countless ventures and rifters to new players over the years, but they got to be the kind of person who communicates the loss in local/rookie help and so on. The players who swear and quit after a loss without telling anyone are solo players looking for a gated game, and were never going to have a great time in Eve.

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You guys are so desperate to establish an echo chamber due to the limited support you get here, that you don’t even stop to consider that “doing well” means different things to different people, and sometimes those things directly contradict each other.

While one player might define doing well as accumulating as many assets as possible to make their wealth go up, another player might define doing well as destroying as many assets of others as they can to make their “victory points” or whatever go up. Likewise, someone might define doing well as staying isolated from other players, another person might define doing well as making meeting as many people and making as many friends and acquaintances as possible.

And as such, CCP can’t create the opportunity for everyone to “do well” in the game in order to keep them engaged in it, because it’s fundamentally impossible to cater to all types of players in that regard at the same time. There isn’t some kind of universal answer to player progression and retention in an open-world MMO like EVE.

Wrong again, Dracvlad. The RoF penalty was removed in the same patch that insurance payouts for criminals were removed, meaning that it was actually cheaper to gank before the destroyer RoF buff, since you could use battleships, and if you recovered your modules after the gank, you would actually break even on the total loss because in those days, insurance paid out a tiny bit more than ship hulls cost.

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Wow, that is so wrong. How can you compare one Catalyst to one BS, LOL. Destiny ignores the premium part of the equation here…

Read the post again and properly process it before rushing to make a response and making a fool of yourself.