Nerf Ganking Megathread

The problem is that you have ignored one important factor, people started doing this because the initial capital costs became so much lower and easier. Most of the people I saw doing this just used the Catalysts and their guns with no desire to pickup their loot. It became so cheap and easy that the numbers of people doing this exploded.

And I am supposed to have lost this in some way.

I think the mockery is all for you.

This is just more conjecture on your part. Were you a ganker in 2010? How would you know that they didn’t pick up their loot? You were too busy losing mining barges in a null-sec rental hovel.

Another deflection here. So let’s recap:

Destiny thinks that the removal of the -25% ROF had no effect, it was all due to insurance being removed from criminal acts.

Destiny things that the ability to use a cheap easy to procure hull instead of a more expensive one which required more front up costs and effort did not increase ganking.

Destiny does not think that people did this for fun because they could do it easily.

Destiny is fixated on a comparison between BS and Catalysts ignoring the fact that people could now just jump into cheap Catalysts and go for it.

That was so much fun.

~gets completely obliterated in public~


Dracvlad, please regale us with some stories about how training for a battleship was a massive barrier to entry for the bored null-seccers who came to empire space to gank post-Crucible.


Dig in deeper please with your attempted deflections, it was a lot easier to get a Catalyst than a BS. Your argument is nonsense.

In this game you are playing that card?

Eve is full of bitter vets who have come back, because eve won’t let you leave.

It’s not actually awesome to be on a 2006 character with 30 million SP or whatever because every single person you meet assumes you have 150 mil and know what you are doing - only reason not to skill extract and doomheim is Ego.


So what, I started in 2004 actually.

Oh yes, it’s so easy to maneuver a paper-thin destroyer to attack a target at an optimal range of 500 meters compared to just sitting on top of a gate and casually blapping someone with mega pulse lasers.


Procure, do you understand what that word means and how that has an impact?

Another deflection too…

Throwing pictures at this ain’t going to change facts either…

One time Shin ra and I had to convince Stavros that he wasn’t about to die, he’d been drinking Guinness and blackcurrant the night before.

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Yes, it was very difficult for null-sec players to procure a single Armageddon to initiate their suicide-gank careers.

I apologize for my mistake.


Your mistake is that you and some alts like this new one above are so blinded by forum hatred that logic goes out of the window.

You leave my alt out of this, old man.

I think there is a lot of IDK what about the costs of battleships back then. If you built your own and were clever about sourcing minerals, then you could get it as much as 5 mill in the positive for the hull iirc. Mods get picked up along with any loot and if the loot fairy is kind you would be in the positive.

An Armageddon cost about 50 million ISK. You got about 60-70 back after insurance. Add a few million for guns and damage mods.

The whole argument that this amount of money was a barrier to entry to ganking (keep in mind you only had to pay this once and then it rolled over) for null-sec players is such an asinine grasp at straws that I can’t even.

Yes I did hehe my predictive text will get me in trouble one day

Bro you’ve already been proven wrong LOL.

Just stop, its embarrassing LOL.

Yep. Drac is often wrong. Like when he told a marauder user to make sure to bring an MTU to refit :smiley:

It isn’t tho. Its literally the point :smiley: Its not a tangent.

Mmm Elsie’s been pretty active.

Oh. Did you just KB shame? You broke forum rules my dude :smiley:

Lets see if you have the integrity to either remove it or report yourself :smiley: After all, you’ve muted peeps in the AG channel for less :smiley:

The funny thing is, because you know you’re wrong but your ego can’t let it go, you don’t realize how dumb this sentence makes you sound LOL.

I keep having to tap the sign at these people, the sign being what’s written on the 4-4 monument.

The first battleship in eve was owned by a ganker, and a high sec ganker at that. I personally am not fond of being ganked which is why I go out of my way to avoid it by not doing silly things like going “I’m a miner!! Why can’t I use my Orca in a 0.5!” on main when in threads about ganking on these forums.

The undeniable fact is that ganking shaped this game right from Beta, Bad Karma and M0o forced CCP to do all kinds of stuff with gate guns, station guns, faction police and concord which made the game what it is today.

and on a selfish level I want to see other miners get ganked, I pay for my own mining stuff via the steady profits on mining mods/ships/drones and now the patch is coming I’m switching back to battleships, knowing that the glory days of newbies training BS 1 without any of the supporting skills are a coming back.

Newbie farmer spotted and identified…

*battleship producer

Safety. are only bad when they come for MY ship, if they go for other people in ships I produce, then they fine by me.