Nerf Ganking Megathread

Fair enough, I am just about to start producing Typhoons,…

As for the why buy a raven or similar, when i started playing i flew a lot of frigs of course and getting into the next bigger one was so tempting, still have the cyclone i bought in 2003 or so, man i felt like a king flying that beauty :slight_smile:

Then now with the BS changes my Widow on sisi has 450k heated ehp lol well guess that can be fun to gank :slight_smile:

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From expecting someone to prove they know anything about the subject topic,

To brushing off the same expectation when asked to prove they have knowledge about the subject topic,

What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander, Drac.

I for one am very curious. Did you participate in ganking in 2010?

If you did, that would add to your credibility on the topic at hand.

If not, well it doesn’t help your argument much. And I think that you’re intelligent enough to know that. That’s why you tried to hand wave it off as “deflection.”

If it helps you, I did a failed gank with a BS in 2010 which is not on any killboard.

However the person who made this comment was an obvious alt, I hope you are posting on the forums with your main? It looks like you are, so I automatically give you more respect.

I wouldn’t say it helps me persay, but I’ll take your word for it, and even a failed gank gives you more experience than someone who’s never done it.

(I’m assuming when you say failed, it means that the target didn’t get blapped)

Why ask the question then?

Do people really think that miners are going to fall for that “post on main!” locator agent shenanigans in 2022?

Not today Satan.

I have zero respect for an alt posting snide comments.

To incentivize you to share your knowledge,

Now that I know, I can take what you say more seriously.

I.e the word, or experience of a person who’s ganked, even once and failed, carries more weight than a keyboard warrior who’s never done it.

I can’t even mine in Du Annes with my orca even with my fleet issue hurricane guarding it :frowning: I’m not even safe transporting my minerals from the player owned Market & Trade hub to Jita 4-4 :frowning: How do these gankers keep finding me?? :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

I have ganked multiple times, having taken out ganker scouts on another character, also wrecks, that was fun…

What do you intend to do with that Fleet Issue Hurricane? An alpha strike to remove one Catalyst perhaps so it does 15% of its DPS in the time it was firing, perhaps you managed to get a strike on another Catalyst after your guns cycled, 10 seconds later, but how much DPS did you clear? The question is do you think that gankers would not n+1 to counter your HFI when attacking an Orca?

But at least you are trying +1 for that…

You can be safe if you use your noodle, most people do not.

That is easy, you pass through pipes, use trade hubs and perhaps mine in the same system all the time.

What gets me is…what actually counts as ‘main’, in a game where every account can have 3 toons, and people can have multiple accounts and legally log in with every single one of 6 accounts at the same time. I find it quite laughable that people who can potentially themselves be logged in 36 times yet make a big do over ‘main’ account…in a game where covertness and deception are fundamentally built in.

So all the ‘I only have one account…one toon !’ people are not actually using the game mechanic to its full advantage, is all I can say.

Shock horror…people are deceiving, in a game where deception is built in !

Oooo, yes, your super secret mystery main is a MASTER of covert ops.


He/she is.

Have you met @Cilla_Cybin ?

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Cilla is reacting to snide comments.

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I’ve seen Dracvlad in-game a number of times.

Ok, I’m just trying to figure out your sliding scale of what’s appropriate here.
Alt posting snide comments - not ok
Alt posting snide comments because other people were snide - ok

It’s a fine line but just wanted to make sure I was clear on it.

Not really. If I was saying one thing in one alt and something completely different in another, that would be dishonest. If I am saying or doing the same thing across all alts, but simply hiding the existence of one of them…that is just bog standard deception that is part and parcel of the game since it was created. Cilla speaks for all my alts, without deviation of viewpoint.

No, it’s a fine line for Drac that he hates alts who are snide, but doesn’t hate alts that are snide to other people being snide. Nobody is talking about what your alts say.