Nerf Ganking Megathread

Then why even mention me ? Drac already knows I have an AG alt.

First of all hate is too strong a word. I would suggest no respect as more appropriate.

Second aspect is that it is people being snide from the off without trying to have a proper discussion, in other words doing an attack post.

Third thing is that the poster is obviously an alt from the off.

Fourth thing is that the alt is not even doing the activity mentioned.

Did that help?

Cilla has tried to discuss cordially with gankers and as a poster has my respect for that.

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All too often the actual issues themselves can’t be properly discussed, because there’s vested interests, perspectives where some see others as crazy, flaming, trolling…and ultimately threads get closed.

There’s also way too much of the ’ hah…you’re talking BS and don’t know anything, and your dog sucks too ’ line of things, rather than just polite ’ actually that is wrong…let me correct you '.

Well worth bearing in mind, on a thread about outflow of noobs.

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the irony is that I only have one account, and am in fact absolutely nobody in game. I could post on main and everyone in here would be like who??? I could even have posted on the mulched characters and people would have gone “idk who this is oh wow haven’t thought of -LV- in a while”

What makes me different from the other miners whinging in this thread is that I get the basic economics of the game.

I know that ventures are easily lost and it’s the usual first “gnah!” moment for a new player, but also that a big, needed, step forward is what you do next. Decide to try PvP yourself? or do you find out how to make a new Venture and become a baby industrialist taking advantage of the food chain yourself?

Well you seem to think that a single HFI would have an impact on an Orca gank. It could have an impact on a mining barge or exhumer ganks, but not likely on an Orca gank. So I have to ask, what do you actually get?

And bear in mind I ask after your first post, which was this:


What sort of sick relationship do you have with this game?

I jest. What you are describing, is called an “addiction.”

And if you truly and honestly believe that EvE will not let you go, you should seek professional counseling and help with breaking additions.

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You literally insulted an entire state with tens of millions of people based on the assumption that a single EVE player you dislike comes from there. You’re like the geriatric at the family gathering who will occasionally blurt out some massively racist non sequitur because their mind is going and they can no longer suppress their latent prejudice. You’re starting to have “you’re unusually well-spoken for an African, can I touch your hair? :slightly_smiling_face:” and “Chinese, Japanese, who cares, it’s all the same thing!” forum moments, and at this point your respect is the furthest things from our minds; now we’re only concerned with minimizing the amount of damage you can do to yourself and others.

Perhaps we should start calling you “Dementiavlad”?

What’s so absolutely hilarious for me sat here is that I’m not a ganker, I’ve never even been on the green bit of a kill mail (next to meerkats, miners make the best scouts), but because a miner does not want some sort of gated safe zone they must be an alt Which I’m guessing is this forums’ version of IMDB posters back in the day accusing people of being network executives.

I’m trying to guess what these people do, mining 2 jumps from Jita and selling minerals direct to market, or are they buying goods low and hauling through uedama?

Here’s the thing. You stop giving them easy kills and they go away. Be extreme when mining, mark every ganker red and coordinate with everyone in system to just dock the moment you see them in local and Stop flying haulers through freaking death zones on autopilot.

Were people really watching local “like a hawk” while sat stationary unaligned next to a rock in a Mackinaw/Venture, or were they watching Netflix till the “oh ■■■■ I’m being targeted!” sound started?

You’re not supporting their agenda to eliminate all traces of nonconsensual PvP from the game, which therefore makes you an ideological enemy.

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When you undock you consent to PvP though?

Arguably, if the markets is your thing you can even do economic PvP while sat in station.

Yes, but “it shouldn’t have to be that way.”

I like how you quote her out of context and are so supremely wrong, it legit made me giggle.

Do you want me to explain where you went wrong?

No one has issue with deception. Its the cowardice :smiley:

Oh? So why not post with your main then :smiley: If the viewpoint is the same?

Oh yea. Homeboy has always been sexist and racist. He slips up and lets it slip, esp when he gets emotional.

I’m starting to think half the people here are alts of Cathy Newman. If you don’t know who she is…look up her disastrous ’ so you’re saying that…’ interview with Jordan Peterson.

It’s the classic non sequitur style on this forum. Person A makes some innocent jesting comment…and person B immediately comes back with ’ SO…you DO eat hamsters for breakfast ! '. Rinse and repeat…and that is 90% of the posts here.


That’s not an “innocent jesting comment,” that’s you maintaining a double standard for your affiliates. If I, or Gix, or Aiko said something like that, you’d be railing about how toxic the forums are again. When your pal says it, it’s just a silly little joke, haha! :roll_eyes:

No, I really couldn’t care less what insults anyone hurls…as long as they don’t lie about what I have said or done or twist it to mean something else.

It’s okay, you do plenty of lying about what you do on your own, so we don’t particularly need to expend the extra effort.

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But that in itself is a lie. I report pretty accurately on what I’m up to. The fact that twits like Gix don’t believe stuff is…well, its because Gix is Gix. If people don’t believe stuff that is 100% their problem…I’m simply relating my experience of Eve.

Every time you use Peterson, it confirms who you are LOL.

Imagine quafe riding a dude like that. I also imagine it’d be on brand for Peterson to make fun of you for being a coward in a vidya game :smiley:

When have I lied? And why am I obligated to believe anything you say?

You’re a faceless alt poster to afraid to put their main on the line :smiley: It stands to reason you basically lie about everything as you are free from any consequences for your main :smiley:

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The problem isn’t that you report on what you (allegedly) do, but that you find time in between those reports to criticize other players on what they (allegedly) don’t do. If you’re allowed the benefit of the doubt with regard to your alt/main activity, then other players should be too. But you don’t extend the same courtesy to them.

Gix…I award you the Yappy Dog Award for the second time in a day…