Nerf Ganking Megathread

Perhaps, but if a persons integrity is in question, and/or have been shown and/or demonstrated that they are liars, than other people will be more likely not to believe said person and their claims.

So far, Cilla, you’ve demonstrated quite a bit of duplicitous behavior, questionable claims, and have on, occasion been caught in lies.

So, based on all that, I tend not to believe what you say until enough evidence has been presented to convinced me otherwise.

Cobblers ! When did I outright accuse anyone of lying about what they actually did ? I might question their motives…but that is another matter entirely.

You and Gix just keep making up…totally inventing…what other people have or have not done. You create straw men. Like your attack on Governor Lee…which bears no relation whatever to the actual person.

Nope. You constantly accuse me of being inactive, for example.

My “attack” on Governor Lee deals entirely with their in-game persona, which is within the rules of the game, and completely allowed.

I quite correctly point out what anyone else can see, and which others have also pointed out, that your personal last recorded kill or loss was in 2011. Mine was about 2 weeks ago.

Personally I do not regard hiring someone else to do your ‘dirty work’ as essentially being ‘your’ activity. Gix loves to accuse me of hiding in a station while others take the kills…but isn’t that exactly what you are doing with your merc stuff ? Or is one only a ‘coward’ if one hasn’t paid for people to die ?

A very astute observation.

Let’s expound upon it and establish that I’ve been getting lots of kills on my other characters during this time. I am sure you will be perfectly fine with this, and will accept it at face value.

I have no evidence to the contrary…that is how I approach things. So I believe you.

Cool, thank you. I am perfectly fine with that.

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Of which you cannot give me a single demonstrable example. Name one single ‘lie’.

LOL. I like how you’ve given up trying to make excuses cause you know you got no ground to stand on and now are just desperately trolling.

It is chef’s kiss :smiley:

Your homie just milking nubs, including yourself, for ISKies. I mean kudos to him really.

I find it hilarious you’re turning into a zkill yatzhee. Not very nub of you :smiley:

You realize Aiko has literally seen you log onto Cilla, see that you see them in local and then log off right? ROFL.

What ?? You haven’t the faintest idea what baloney you are talking about. You just invent stuff. Don Quixote was in less of a made up world than you.

Aiko was in Oipo for all of 20 seconds. I was there…you were not. I went chasing their scout in the opposite direction to Aiko, which is why I disappeared. See…its all so simple when you don’t invent a pile of baloney because you were not there.

As a matter of fact, Dracvlad can confirm that a few weeks back I was in Uedama watching Aiko for over 2 hours.

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Actually…I have given up reading the utter made up, invented, sheer malicious BS you post. As soon as I have posted this I am putting you on permanent ignore…where you belong.

Damn, Gix got pwnd.

Gix, you know what this means:


I shall be your second.

Here are three examples of you being caught in a lie.

I have more if you want them.

Blocking someone is a sure sign you lost the argument.

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Interesting how everything else is untrue except for what you say huh? LOL.

Its ok bruv. It was seen and witnessed. Aiko is a lot of things, but she doesn’t lie.

Of course you are :smiley: Because you’re admitting defeat :smiley: No matter what deflection you attempt, it will not detract from the facts. At the end of the day, you’ve admitted to being a faceless alt poster, too cowardly to accept the consequences of their mouth on their main.

That shame is all on you bruv :smiley: Be content in the fact that you’re so afraid of others in a vidya game, you had to hide behind a character you don’t even play :smiley:

Indeed :smiley:

Technically that’s a factual statement. Zero plus one might not be a thousand, but it’s still above zero.


But is it accurate to say one has achieved fame, if the fame is directed towards non-entities (alts) rather self (as in, the main)?

Granted, alts and mains is quite nebulous in a game that allows 3 characters on a single account and the main character can, and in many cases change over time?

I think I answered my own question and I concede the point and logic to you.

Thank-you for pointing out my own logical fallacy and most likely cognitive dissident.


Gix has been lying all this time… he’s MY alt :stuck_out_tongue: or am I his alt? idk anymore.

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Well, that’s a lie.

Given that every single case you site is actually true…no, you are talking out of your posterior about me being ‘caught in a lie’. For example I have had in-game donations…one of which was even mentioned right here in this forum by the donor himself !