Nerf Ganking Megathread

Blocking someone is a sign that they are an idiot and there is no ‘argument’.

Using an alt to validate a claim that you have been receiving in game donations is not “proof”

You have been challenged, by multiple people including myself to provide screen shots. Where are they?

No objective evidence has been presented because it never happened.

LOL ! One of the donations was made by MB Photographer himself.

And in any case, who the hell are you to be demanding proof of anything ? Who made you judge and jury of anything ?

I think Blue was an “idiot”, but I never blocked her. She actually had a couple of good idea’s once you got past the REEEEEEEEE.

Actually, I’ve never blocked anyone. Like I said before, you never know when a rage post might come up with a good idea…

Saying something is true, doesn’t magically make it true.

Where’s the evidence. Show me that I’m wrong and I’ll concede the point to you. Like I did with Destiny earlier.

I’m sure MB Photographer will happily confirm that he donated. It’s even mentioned in a thread here somewhere. So, yes…you are wrong.

Triggered over presenting evidence?

Me thinks you don’t actually have any.

You made the claim it happened, the burden of proof is on you.

Otherwise the claim comes of very strongly as a lie.
Is it possible you’re telling the truth. Yes. Is it likely? Well the more you twist and refuse to present any doesn’t look good for you.

Find it and present it here. Put in the work and show me.

Yes, I will. I thought it was worth the investment in a new player trying to accomplish the impossible.

Thats what we did when we first joined.

But Gix has gone beyond the idiot stage…he’s just pure toxic and malicious, casting every single thing I say as a lie. There’s only so much of such BS one can put up with.

Your new here so I will forgive you that one. You have no idea how many good/passionate players have gone. Frankly, you would have gotten along with probably half of them.


i just saw Xtra Squishy quit

I can’t fault that. If you donated to cilla because you thought her cause was a noble one, then I will take it at face value and concede the point that she indeed received at least one donation.

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I think perhaps length of time here dulls people to the sheer toxicity of a lot of the posting. I get along with just about everyone on other MMOs. The main reason I don’t mention who my alt is…is that they have a nice polite existence in Eve, even when some guy in a bait ship zonked me it was all very polite after, with advice from him about baiting…and I just don’t need the toxicity from here spreading over to that account…which is actually doing extremely well.

My main is also doing very well.

Again, you have no idea! I do wish you were here for that, it was a lot-of-fun!

So I noticed in Dodixie today. Did the ‘journalist’ character contact you as well ?

I’ll have you know that my main is one of the leading new player assistance teaching instructors in EvE University and one of the friendliest nicest faces of the Rookie Help channel. I volunteer umpteen hours each day to help new players and take them on newplayer fun fleets where we learn basics like how to mine efficiently and how to get rich quick. You might not believe me because you are TOXIC and PARANOID but my main is super friendly and nice and helpful.

I owe you an apology Cilla.

It seems I was wrong about that donation business and I am glad to see that you indeed was financially backed for taking on an endeavor and add some content to the game.

And if you truly are only 5 months old (and I’m more inclined to think you are now) I commend you on taking this bull by the horns and making EvE a game worth playing for you.

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I don’t think a pity handout qualifies as a “donation”.