Nerf Ganking Megathread

At what point did I ever call you toxic???

At what point did I ever say you called me toxic???

In the terms of my argument, a donation is a donation, so I have to concede the point. It’s only fair of me to do so.

I would never concede a point on such a flimsy pretext!

Ok, I get it now.

I don’t find Aiko toxic…I like her almost Oscar Wilde type wit and repartee.

I do not have a haunted painting locked up in the attack.


I think she’s mad at me for other reasons.

You have strong and good convictions, Aiko. I commend you for your ability to stick to your guns, and create a lot of content for a game that would get pretty boring without gankers to challenge the HS carebear grind.

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Your fears are unfounded.

Look at what I’m doing for example, and then see how there’s literally zero blowback for me. No one’s going to ever do anything to you or your secret hidden PvP main just because of your posting on the forums.

Oh no, MB, are you having a senior moment?

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Prove me wrong. :wink:

He’s confused because he thinks I clicked the reply button to reply to him, when I was just clicking the button to make a post - it’s a flaw in the design of the forum.

Naw, just old age setting in.

The best content is yet to come.

And I just gave her more just to provide more content.

Yep I know that…but my ‘secret hidden, etc’ is up to no good ( all legal stuff within Eve, of course ), and if I said who it was then the ‘no good’ would be found out. That is why I don’t say.

MB ‘invested’ in me because he thought I had potential. I do…and I am using it :slight_smile:

Well, I guess you did your first scam. Congrats.

Well if that was the first…I’m now on the second :slight_smile:

Content is content. I have the isk, but not the time to play. She does and why not?

It’s ok, you got scammed, no need to start crying.