Nerf Ganking Megathread

Hardly crying. Fail.

I expected more/better insults from you.

Epic MB Photo tears.

If that’s your take.

Well, in 5 months I’ve gone from being a scared noob who barely ventured outside the starter systems, to travelling far and wide, trading in multiple systems, engaging in PvP ( all losses so far ), and thanks to reaching level V in a number of skills I can venture out of dock in something that at least starts to resemble big and scary.

This assertion deprives you of any credibility.

That’s a really long time… I think the scorn you receive in the forums can be attributed to how much you brag about your progress, while everyone notes how slowly you progress. Five months, and you haven’t done anything…

Can confirm this.

To get that worked up over that joke is hilarious. You don’t think that anyone should mention that many shop keepers have to clean human excrement out of their doorways every morning in San Francisco? The Sunshine state has indeed become the shite-stain state.

I block people who are insulting and nasty, they lost the argument already for being that way.

I am super unimpressed that you all are ganging up on a new five month old player like this.

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Oh…i’m so tempted to put you right on that. There’s a delicious irony. Some of Destiny’s money ultimately ends up in my account.

More yapping from a little dog who doesn’t even play the game.

You carry right on thinking that. Suits my wallet fine.

Yah, I’m sure you are making bank, hauling cheap noob modules around Highsec.


Heh. Or you know I’ve got you dead to rights and so you flee. Its also why you hide behind an alt :smiley:

I’m sure you don’t talk smack at all on your main :smiley: That’s what you got Cilla for and you hide behind her.

Me as well LOL.

Bro you literally KB shamed a noob.

Then do it. But you won’t. Cause it didn’t happen and you are scared to say your main :smiley:

I literally offered to hire you for genuine mercenary work.

The reality is you are exactly the same.

The same player who comes into the forum and says “I’m doing this” and then launches into a tirade when other players offer advice.

I remember vividly all the “gankers are evil”, “pvp isn’t fair”, “I can’t do anything in my procurer because 10 ships will drop on me”

And I remember all the players offering advice and your rude and antagonistic responses. And now 5 months later you parrot back exactly what you were told back then to others. Which is arguably some progress. But the rude obnoxious behaviour has just moved on.

It’s only been a couple of weeks since you were talking about putting missiles on a ganking ship. And your response to people explaining how that was wasn’t a good idea was on par with if they had insulted your mother.

How you can keep a straight face while accusing others of toxic behaviour is beyond me.


Cilly is a literal bot aspirant.

Why would I want to, when I can sit in dock and watch my wallet go ‘kerching !’ every time Aiko destroys those…er…‘noob mods’ and some hapless person has to replace them ? Another hauling mission for Cilla. I mean…if you can’t beat them…tuck into the food chain :slight_smile:

I keep trying to say ‘Praise Aiko !’…but it ends up more like…

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Red Dwarf, an absolute classic and that was an especially funny one you linked there.

Thanks for linking that, I had a really good laugh watching it.

I recruit genuine brand new newbies for my nobody important corp and I don’t understand why people would be giving this 5 month old “new” player isk.

My guys are taken on wormhole adventures and taught the basics of scanning on the first day. They may need a occasional corp whip round for a expencive skill book or the odd “no worries there’s a new one on contract” for a month or two but not for five.

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Because it would be an interesting thing to do that you haven’t experienced before, and the money is just an extra incentive?

haha Destiny, you replied to Cilly - that means she is winning!