Nerf Ganking Megathread

On top of all the layers already there. Another thing to break.

Eve needs a simplification of its code not another complication.

What you are asking for is weeks of dev time to implement a change which
-removes ganking content
-removes content for anti-gankers
-makes the game restrictive and more difficult for newbies
-reduces returns for industrialists

Please just stop

That system might work if its limited to only 4 systems in the game 1 for each faction and its the system all the noobs spawn in initially but players will find a way to abuse it by living in it even with restrictions :confused: but yea I think missions + those npc’s might be posible since they have the new mission system it will be less dev time than changing actual systems.

Ganking new players in starter systems/career agent systems is already against the rules.

While mechanically it’s possible it’s a reportable offense

You are miss interpreting thou, its not about those players not being ganged its some type of tutorial using npcs to teach players the knowledge they need to avoid ganks. Something within their first 2 hours of play maybe.

That is the spirit Etch, it is too hard, let us stop before starting. We have devs at CCP on payroll all year long. I don’t know what priority 1 and 100 is, but fit it in there somewhere. I certainly don’t think it would make top 5, there are important items to fix and content to be created.

I can’t stop now, I am on the campaign trail Etch, I will be outside CCP offices with a sign marching in the cold rain soon.


If you want CCP to impliment something the best way is to do a lot of the work yourself and give them an easy to apply solution that gives minimal dev work with maximum game enhancement.

Rats in null have been broken for like over a year. They are supposed to be in belts but now they hang around at gates. This tells us 2 things:

  1. If it was easy to modify NPC behaviour it would have been fixed already.

  2. NPC rats on gates don’t kill anything.

It being hard has nothing to do with this. Hard is worth it when the result IMPROVES the game. What you are proposing however would make EVE worse under pretty much every available metric.

Cutting off your own arm is hard. But the main issue with cutting off your own arm isnt that its hard…….its that you are losing something important.

So let me get this straight, the American outlaw wants to remove all mining ships and modules from starter or 1.0 systems so that newbies can practice attacking the NPC mining fleets in the system while learning the ropes.

The NPC mining fleets and ships can be coded up an infinite amount of ways to exhibit different behavior. Some might orbit a rock, others might be higgs-aligned out, and yet still more might not respond at all. This will give newbies 2, 3, or 6 months of time where they can learn to respond to these NPC miners in a safe environment before being ejected to a 0.9 or some other “real” system of Eve.

CCP could even go so far as to create tutorial missions that has Aura guiding the new player through their first mining-attacking action. It would also teach them D-scan techniques potentially. Between the infinite behaviors of NPCs and the new tutorial framework, the possibilities are endless.

There’s limitless opportunity to separate space and behaviors of Eve. Why not also remove all compression from these systems. Remove all industrial slots. Could even remove all ore variations and only have veldspar and the Resource War ores for decoration. The systems already exist for this.

If I’m sure of at least one thing, that definitely does sound like what an American outlaw would suggest.

I had no idea. To be honest, I don’t really read your posts, since they’re garbage.


As they mentioned at the fanfest there is a difference between ganking and griefing. Warping to to belt to blow up alpha venture losing 50M+ worth of ships and pods in the process clearly shows attackers had nothing to gain.

One of the simplest solution is to remove docking access to outlaws in NPC stations in high sec and disable tether from citadels. Make structures more vulnerable if you are giving docking access to outlaws by reducing reinforcement timers for example. Buff the faction police so it’s not so trivial to outrun them. Increase amount of tags you need to repair security status and make it so choices finally matter and your actions have consequences.

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Etch we are all entitled to views and opinions and this one is your, I disagree with it, but with that said I respect it because its yours.

Diamond rats are very intelligent, meaning CCP can do it, they simply choose not to do it.

What I write about I do feel would improve the game, and add value to the player base current and future players that would enjoy the game. Would it need some polishing, yes, but it is a start.


ol Koval, I am sorry you can’t read, but it isn’t my problem to fix.


One mans garbage is another mans treasure.


I would agree with this, a ganker is trying to make an isk in-game through calculations and experience. And a griefer is simply a toxic object in the game.

Yes finally someone thinking outside the box. I support this type of thinking, how it would tie together and works may be a little more complicated. I have mentioned it several times, I think the criminal back story would be pretty cool.

I like the idea of ganking fines, you don’t go to prison you are a capsuler and time has no value to you. You gank a 5 billion isk freighter, it drops 2B isk you keep 1B isk and you pay 1B isk fine.

I like the PvE area only, it is a more complicated dev project, but I believe that gameplay would attract even more people into the game and help pay bills.

According to the numbers, what we have today doesn’t seem to be working, so we need to change. Or there won’t be enough money to keep the servers running.


Thank god for that.

Think it through for god sake. Let’s look at a gate camp.

The rats are at the gate. What rules do you set for how long between gate cloak ending and the rats starting to lock? If its instant than slow aligning ships are dead as they will be locked and scrammed before they can do anything. If it is 3 seconds then any ship with a sub 3 second align is invincible. By giving a certain set of ships a chance you make others invincible and others guaranteed to die. It becomes impossible to balance. Would i be able to move billions in bpo’s in an instawarp sunesis with zero risk because all gate rats take 3 seconds before they attempt to lock? It doesn’t matter they are “smart”. At the end of the day they are programmed and as such what they can and cant do is a result of rules and conditions set by devs. And once the player base works those out they can be exploited.

Whereas now………….a significant amount of balancing occurs as a result of human error and reaction time. Just because someone is flying an insta lock fit doesn’t mean they can insta lock. Just because someone can gank you doesn’t mean they will.

Predictable vs unpredictable.

What about mining rats? Let’s look at wh’s as an example as to how thats working because those sleeper rats pack a punch. So you warp to a site and the “invisible timer” starts and after 15/20 minutes or whatever it is the rats warp in. When was the last time you dies to those?

Because what happens is this. You warp to the belt. You bookmark a rock thats as far away from the warp in point as you can. You warp off then back to that bookmark and mine your rock. After 10minutes you make sure that you have a warp out point ready on your overview or bookmarks and wait. The rats warp in. And you warp off.

The rats always warp in one the warp in point. So I’m already 100km away because I’ve picked a sensible rock. Pulse after the land it’s usually a few seconds before they actually do anything. So as long as i can react and align in 10-20 seconds I’m safe as houses.

I appreciate you are saying they will be “smarter” than this but they simply cant be as smart as a human. As long as they are programmed they will operate within specific set parameters. Whether thats a time ranges for a warp in, distances from warp in points, time to lock, what the ship is fitted with or how fast the ship flies………. As soon as that is worked out the problem is solved. It just becomes yet another easily avoided mechanic.

It’s worse in every possible way.

And frankly if CCP could solve this problem with an AI then they would be better off just abandoning eve and developing that more fully for practical applications. What you are describing as some bit of code that devs could knock together in a few weeks is likely years of development with no guarantee of success.

Ok……So why are you proposing to eliminate that style of gameplay? If you accept that ganking isn’t always griefing then why are you equating the two so strongly in your “gankers should be replaced by NPC’s” nonsense.

Out of the box thinking thats been debated endlessly for years. At this point this is about as out of the box as the wheel.

While I’m not against potentially more penalties as a result of a gank these sort of suggestions give no weight to how difficult it is to move around with negative security status. Many gankers are already at the point they can be attacked by anyone at anytime in space. Just because people chose not to exercise that option in the main does not mean its not a significant consequence. We are only a 6 months beyond a massive change to mining that buffed EHP of nearly all mining ships. Ganking miners got harder. It’s even less time since resists got rebuffed on battleships. Ganking mission runners got harder. It’s all stick. At what point does the gameplay become so inconvenienced that its just not viable.

What? Calculated on the estimated value of the modules dropped at the time of the gank? Or when the modules are sold? Who pays the fine the person that shoots the ship or the person the collects the loot? This is just mess. Nobody will want to do the gank. Everyone will be waiting around for someone else to do it and try and steal the loot. Again………… It’s killing a viable form of gameplay under the guise……”but look, you can still do it. We didn’t actually ask for your gameplay to be removed from the game. We just made it so its no longer viable”. Just nonsense.

Contrary to popular belief the numbers tell the opposite story. At the height of its numbers eve was far more dangerous and unwelcoming.

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Plessie James, I can read perfectly fine. I am sorry you do not understand satire and cannot comprehend how your responses to me continue to undermine your own credibility, but it isn’t my problem to fix.

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Yes I’m sure the people who pick through landfills will be very thrilled to find your EVEO posts.


'Dear CCP,

It has come to my attention that after 19 years of Eve being a specific way, a certain noob called Jesse W James doesn’t like the way highsec is.

I think it is totally reasonable that you amend the entire game, and annoy thousands of other players, just to satisfy Mr James. While I’m at it I’m also launching a campaign to alter chess so that knights cannot jump over other pieces…as I don’t like them doing that.

Can you please also make sure that my Omega subscription comes with a lifetime’s supply of Belgian chocolate truffles…as it’s only reasonable that you should feed us while we play. ’


Mr James, you have spoken at length of your views - sincerely held, I’m sure. But what is your purpose in presenting them to us?

If you genuinely believe in their superiority over the current crop of opinions, then flesh them out properly, in orderly fashion, and offer them to CCP.

In the appropriate sub-forum.

Unless, of course, you’re engaging in an exercise designed to probe for structural weaknesses in your plans - prior to placing them before those whose job it is to evaluate such things.

Either way, you seem to be a ‘big-picture’ character, perhaps even a visionary? Such people are rarely good at comprehending the detailed consequences of their Grand Schemes.

Have you considered going away and really working on those ideas of yours?

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Replacing human players with NPCs ain’t much of a vision, though.