Nerf Ganking Megathread

I think the best approach is just to educate people in survival and the true nature of this game. (with enough knowledge things become decently safe tbh)
If they understand it early enough they will feel fine after spending tons of time investing in it.

Imagine the other scenerio thou of making safe zone’s eventually those people used to safety will get bored and want to visit other places of the game and realize that all that time spent investing in the game is now null because its a completely different game than they realized. Also they would be constantly asking CCP to add more content to the safe zones, which is fair in its own way but then CCP would technically be working on 2 different games at that point.

A lot of that falls on CCP with the starting tutorial and NPE but so far its not working well, better than before thou.

Tempted to write an in-depth guide but doubt many would actually use it.

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Really agree with this, which is why I personally like the idea of a safe space with a few different levels that get fairly hard with NPC and that is explained to the player. Will that save you from a good gank, no, but it would make a normally soft target much harder and could add to the game. NPC could have a rating system kind of like they do now, but it would be a little more serious. A sign pops up like it is your first time to low and explains this and you check okay to go from 1.0 to 0.9. in that safe space scenario.

It seems we have this already anyhow, all space fights for their content. But understand what you are saying, which is why I kind of lean towards the safe/PvE area that needs to be big enough to feel immersed in the game. 1.0 to 0.7 would be a pretty big area 0.6-0.5 is still high but ganking is allowed, everything else is the same. I have changed the last sentence a dozen times, I don’t know where the sweet spot is, but I think it is there somewhere.

It is better, but still needs improvements, especially on fittings and the like. Maybe it comes in the future maybe not. Maybe every ship up to battlecruiser has a decent game-provided fit. There are other things CCP could do, I think they know, it is just development time and money and where they want to put it.


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O I see what you are saying about the npc’s, they are the tutorial phase of the game? Doing the same thing’s players would do but over and over so that the player picks up on the patterns and learns from it. Sorry you did not make this clear the first time earlier today.
Might be better for CCP to make a mining mission called dodge the ganks, and guide the player through strategies to dodge it.

Maybe a cargo delivery mission where a thrasher waits for you on the undock and a gate camp on the other side of the gate that you need to learn to fit enough buffer for the thrasher or use transversal so the thrasher misses and to overheat mwd burn out of point range and warp out to the station to hand in.

At least you realize I’m having a laugh at your expense, and are being a good sport about it. Go tiger!

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Nah, sadly that doesn’t work. You still have the normal 10sec session timer after docking up which prevents logout. (after docking up) It’s very annoying for gankers that quickly want to log in different characters and CCP should fix it. :rage:

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Jesse W. James is such a galaxy brain.

His upgrading rat A.I. to shoot at gankers who shoot at players under 6 months of age idea is absolutely brilliant.

In no way could it possibly be exploited by gankers themselves! So smart!

CCP, hire this person with the massive throbbing brain.

Though, he does work a job so he doesn’t have much time to devote to you, except on the forums.

Doesn’t this already exist?

He was suggesting that all rats get upgraded to that diamond rat A.I. script with a slight modification.

But CONCORD is already stronger than they are.

Hush you. The idea is beyond your comprehension. It was conceived by a true galaxy brain and we will never be able to understand it due to our average I.Q.

We should fully accept that his ideas are the best, should be accepted as best, and worship them as being the best!


Won’t somebody think of the 6 months and younger players?

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No one but him.

And what’s admirable, is that he is in no way exploiting the helpless and victimized noobs to push his game changing mechanics upon all the salty veterans!

A true champion of the noobs!


You 2. :sunglasses:

I’m not galaxy brain enough to take credit for this. I only have an average I.Q.


Ah right forgot about that. Updated my post accordingly.

With more active and intelligent coding for NPCs, the possibilities are really endless. And the restrictions a person wanted to choose has a long list of options. If you wanted to limit the safe space to however big or small you could. You can only build T1, or ships up to cruiser size, and anything else you could do it. You could go as far as ship restrictions, you can only have battlecruiser and smaller in this area, No T2 ships at all, and the list go on and on. That code and separation of space already exist. It would simply be one more layer to many layers we have.


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Ax I know you have a hard time reading, and to be honest not sure how you will even digest this.

I don’t want new rats to shoot at gankers, never said that, I want the option completely removed in the post 500 lines up.

Further more I don’t want rats to shoot gankers period, never said that anywhere literally.

I will keep working on the text to speech option with CCP, I see now it is greatly needed.


Xuixien… Ax is leading you into a rabbit hole of low IQ. Nowhere am I thinking rats are the new police for gankers. Not even a good troll, but no one said the group creativity was high here.


Maybe all of us salty vets need to go, possibly that could be the one element holding everything back in the game.


You are really stretching the IQ spectrum here Ax but I will let it pass.