Nerf Ganking Megathread

can you link it? The ISD can probibly close this thread staight after you link and GG end of complaints.

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Yeah, just merge it into the one big ganking whinethread and let it die the death it rightfully deserves.


No james! don’t fall into the trap

Although NPC wouldn’t target good targets like a trained ganker, they could be in more systems more often as they don’t rest, except during downtime. Essentially they would be more efficient in a bigger area.

I have mentioned maybe high sec needs to be redefined. Maybe we have safe sec, high sec, low, null, wh. You could go 1.0 to 0.8 is safe space 0.7 to 0.5 is high rules as it is today and the rest unchanged. Not completely sold on one way or the other, but ideas to toss around.

The thread, topic someone made, a safe space for new players.


I for sure don’t want single player game, but I do want new players to grow in the game or we will have a dead game.

Thanks for the kisses…feeling much better.


But it would also create a safe space for ultra-rich traders transporting tens of billions of ISK in freighters, and it would create a safe space for blinged-out mission runners grinding level fours in officer-fit marauders.

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I mean personally, I would love the gankers to be part of the story. I think the criminal life would really appeal to more people than a simple griefer.

I like your ideas on role playing here we are thinking more alike by the day.


By the day this is the first day I have spoken to you, which means your main is also a common poster on here hmmm…

To be fair I roll played a villain anime char on my last character and challenged every part of the system against CCP with logic and reason, it started to change my real personality a bit so had to delete the char and start fresh with something a bit more sane.

“Overall, I think people tend to reveal their true selves when they step into an avatar. As I said earlier, they probably feel some sense of freedom. But freedom easily gained quickly turns into a false sense of omnipotence.”

Whoa there lo, I didn’t say get rid of the ships, ganking in high or low same same. I think even with a remap of space it could work where you might be pushed in low anyhow where it is lonely, and still get a little taste of the high sec. Miners still have to mine in low, wh, null if you want all the stuff they build. So a ganker moving into a little low sec won’t be the end of the world.

Or are you saying Miners are braver than you?


ROW you are simply taking everything to the extreme. Agree no one wants to watch NPC do their thing that would be boring as hell.

You like ganking and I don’t want you to stop, and a miner like mining. So why should the miner be forced into your gameplay, but you hate the idea of the same you are forced into his gameplay? 7,800+ systems are you telling me there isn’t room in the game for PvE only area?


If you’re going to insult me speak plainly, otherwise all I hear is you trying to distract from the fact that you agree that your NPC ganker idea is bad.

Also, you know nothing about me: how I lived solo mining in NPC nullsec and low sec dodging pirates for a year, and even gave free boosts to randos in high sec running public fleets while dodging gankers that showed up in belts. No one in my fleets died, but I can’t speak the same to the afk fools that sat in the same belt we were in.

So if you’re going to insinuate miners are braver than me, all I hear is you saying I am doubly, incredibly brave. Thank you!

Always with good jokes I love it, keep them coming. :heart:


O I’m not a ganker, I take pleasure in 1 v the world against null sov block’s and question their enjoyment of the game when they remove all challenge with blob tactics. I like to provoke thought.

If you dock up you can switch to character screen instantly (depends on how fast your computer loads it so at worst should be a few seconds) even if you have a combat timer, the one minute logoff and timers preventing sign off is only for when you try to safelog in space.

Edit: Someone pointed out the 10 sec session timer which I’ve forgot about so that means it is at least 10 seconds with this method. Still much better than safelog though especially with combat timers.

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Fair I guess I need to abuse this more I never really use my same char alt’s.

I would make a poor carebear, just trying to get the discussion out of folks on some ideas. Not going to say I haven’t tried mining, honestly, that takes a special person to sit there and enjoy it. But to each their own.

But it seems difficult to have a discussion in any of the gank threads. I don’t hate gankers, I am only trying to voice up for the new players that don’t even know this forum exists yet.

Seems to be nonproductive so far, maybe it turns into something, maybe not. I guess we will see.


Funny enough if you make 3 system’s pve only 80% of the server will try to fit into those 3 system’s. There was a game I played a long time ago called Emperion and they did just that.

They made the starting area pve only but gave it poor resources and made the rest pvp highly dangerous and rich in minerals.

What did the players do? 20% pvped had fun and farmed it up the other 80% overloaded the starter zone built like crazy complained about the lack of resources and ended up crashing the server.

If you tell people you can make 200mil an hour but you might die in a 20mil ship 5x or they can rather make 10mil an hour in a safe zone they will often choose the 2nd choice.

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Hard to close the wealth gap in the game, good point though it may have some effects there, not really sure how that would play out to be honest.

If we went with the scenario of all high sec is gank free, it would devalue Jita, which I think would be good. You would redistribute billions in goods to major and minor hubs all over. There would still be the chance of a NPC coming on you in this scenario, causing a person to have a scout or protection, which is great training for their next step in Eve which is defending off PvP.

I guess you could officer fit a ship up in the safe space or show off your AT ship, I don’t think that many anyhow would be that bling out. I could be wrong I don’t see accounts, only the MER. But agree that could be interesting. But doesn’t it matter if someone has trillions in safe space? If they don’t spend it , it is like they don’t have it.


You could be right, I would like to think people stay where they are with their corp or alliance. And safe space is really for just new players. I like the idea of maybe reduced resources if we are talking 1.0 and 0.9 systems or just 1.0 that may be enough.

Ganking isn’t so bad in the game that settled people and have been around for a while are going to quit their alliance and move to a 1.0 system to live in a Air facility. I could be dead wrong, I don’t see it though.

If talking about the bigger scenario of all of high sec, yes the NPC rats would have to be tuned to make the risk / reward balance appropriate.

There could be other scenarios all 0.5 system turn into low law, I mean a lot of different things you could do with space and systems. Triglavian system is a great example of what CCP can do.


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