If ithose ships are of a multiboxer then he is paying attention on scanning accounts scanning potential victims. He is actually playing the game despite he is not controlling those alts at that moment. Fun fact. If you multibox, those additionals accounts are “afking” a lot no matter what activity you are doing.
If those ships are of a real players then they are actually present and paying attention talking at discord about stuff (I am basing this on my experience when I was helping out one such group in Sivala back in 2018). The reason they are hanging tethered and not docked is the additional seconds they would need for undocking and align. But it is perfectly doable even when they are docked
That is not comparable with “solo miner” who is not at his computer at all and only coming back every 15 mins to change lasers/dock with ore.
Fun fact. Even if solo miners had a win button which would after activating made them prevent gank, and gankers lose all their ships, time they put into that gank and additional 15 minut of timer where they cannot gank anyone. A vast majority of miner would still be ganked anyway because they are not at their computer at all.
EDIT: Also a fun fact. If tethering got removed, they would just stay docked. Then they would undock and warp to gate. Since the citadels are positioned in a way to make warping to gate instant, you wouldn’t be able to catch them anyway. So that doesn’t solve anything, if it was done, you would just came back here demaning the invulnerability after undocking to be removed or some other crap.
Yes it is based on the cost of subs and plex prices.
Except that they often are, when I came back to the game late October 2021 I had all my stuff in Poinen. I needed to move to a new base, so I had to move a load of ships, modules and other goodies. The excessive multi-boxing gankers were very active during that period, so it was not until end of February 2022 that I completed my move. Think about that in terms of the impact of ganking for a start. And I enjoy this type of cat and mouse play.
During that period I was hanging around Uedama a lot, and I observed massed Catalysts AFK on the Fortizar in Uedama for hours and hours without doing anything, if you think that they were active during that period when lot’s of prey went past then I can only doubt you further.
This tethering for negative security status characters needs to go, period.
Except that in my experience 15 minutes would mean having no mining for at least half of that time as the rocks are so small.
Not a fact, your opinion, which is wrong.
Fun fact is that these seconds all ad up to greater survivability for the prey, because you cannot fleet undock can you? It takes time to mass undock 40 characters and if you do in one group you are cheating. So tell me again that this makes no difference because I am all ears…
As for stations that are not setup properly, it is possible to catch them on the undock and we used to have fun scanning their instra undocks and setting up traps for them, something that was removed as counter gank play by tethering.
I think this thread should be called “Nerf Anti-Ganking Megathread.”
This is second time you say that. They just doubled the rocks in size didn’t they? When I tried mining I was able to mine single rock for hour (venture). But maybe I just don’t understand something here and my experiences are outdated (back in 2016 it really was like this, I was mining at that time as a new player was told that is the way to play this game, and I semi-afked it completely. Funny enough never got ganked anyway because CODE didn’t visit Solitude.). So can you enlighten me how does it work now? Talking here about 0.5 or 0.6, in 1.0 yes the rocks are not so rich.
But I actually mined gas and those clouds were double the size so it took entire hour to do mine it all. Afked it completely in lowsec btw and never going to do this unfun crap called gas mining again.
Nobody is undocking 40 alts. But alright if tethering wasn’t possible it would be extremely hard for multiboxers and even non-multiboxers to gank at gate assuming they keep their characters at -10 sec status. That is because the gank target can stay full minute cloaked and they cannot stay in space for longer than 3 seconds. Anyway so we are looping back to “disallow -10 characters” to exists in highsec.
Personally I also believe that -10 sec status chars are wrong in highsec (and always had been despite I abuse this myself). That it is an exploit to raising security status by ratting or tags. However. Did you ever think about what would happen if gankers were forced to fix their security status to gank?
There are not enough tags on a market that would fulfilled this increased demand. Prices would skyrocket, but I doubt more ppls would run lowsec belt. Essentially the multibox ganking fleet would end completely because it wouldn’t be sustainable. I spent on tags over bilion with single account since I started playing again myself btw. Just fyi so you get an idea how costly can it be.
I remember roleplaying out the biomass of one of my -10 due to being caught on a gate by a Highly Skilled Anti-Ganker. Anyway the cost was I think worth 25 bucks (5x extractors) to pull off the skillpoints first before following through with the biomass.
So if a Capsuleer wishes to keep their pilot active it should cost over 25 at least!
I find that I have to micro manage my mining in hisec to such a degree that I cannot ignore them ships, furthermore because I fit a tank I do not fit a asteroid scanner, which is a pain.
And I am not talking about gas or ice, roids are the ones that disappear fast. And if you are talking about the doubling in size don’t forget this wonder waste…
At the moment no because they are tethered.
No we are not, tethering was a direct nerf to AG play and made ganking easier, you guys dealt with that before did you not? What it does do is give aware and skilled players more chance to get out.
You mean like teh Tornado and Rupture gankers hanging on gates using tags?
The entire objective for me is to increase the amount of cargo that can be carried in a freighter from the current low level of 1bn I think 4bn is a good benchmark so if the gankers have to find freighters with 4bn cargo to gank we get to a correct balance imo.
These are opinions in terms of balance based on my extended period of observation and AG play. As you keep throwing the comment that I want to remove ganking I will point out that I believe that ganking is part of the game, but I believe the balance needs to be correct. It is currently fine with the mining ships, but the freighter side needs work on.
You are absolutely right. I checked killboard and damn those 1-4bil freighters are dropping like flies daily. CCP should really do something about this. With the amount of freighters passing highsec, it is unfair and unbalanced that vast majority of them is ganked. And by players multiboxing 20+ accounts at that.
idk when u mined hs last but since residue changes u definetly dont afk for 15 minutes, u want type b crystals for max yield and belts dont have many large rocks anymore, even in a macki ur afk window is 2-3 minutes at max (this is ONLY if u get large rocks which 90% of HS belts dont have anymore)
once u get into mining with 3+ accounts ur afk window shortens to like 30 seconds
Sarcasm is never a good idea, there has indeed been a slow down in excessive multi-boxing ganking which I feel is a good thing. Part of the reason is of course the increase in sub and plex cost. but another reason is one which Australian Excellence came out with, he was finding less and less bloated whales and as such that was his reason to stop.
For freighter gankers the balance point is never whether they stop doing it, it is when people get attracted to do it, most notably in groups of players.
I think the rising prices of PLEX will sooner or later make at least some of these multiboxers to give up. Then they probably move onto talos ganking or stealth bomber freighter ganking. If they won’t give this up completely.
Which goes back to the point of making the ganking of freighters a group play thing and better still increases the gank point to a more reasonable amount.
NB. Have you tried Mercoxit mining in nullsec, I do that a lot now in a Prospect. It is a nice little earner…
NB3: There is a corp in Astral called Inglorious Bastards, their speciality is killing scouts, I was speaking to one of them yesterday and he said that most of the gankers he hunted were now using Gnosis scouts. I should point out that I blocked you Ramona because you got all huffy and told me that you were blocking me so I replied and thought yep you have, and then blocked you back.