Tell me about it!
Still trying to sort out the issues with cap stability. Using a synth booster for now until I figure something out. Don’t want to dump the EM rig, considering where I’m mining!
Tell me about it!
Still trying to sort out the issues with cap stability. Using a synth booster for now until I figure something out. Don’t want to dump the EM rig, considering where I’m mining!
I’ve used the method several hundred times…and that hasn’t happened. It’s better to have reasonably reliable information that may change…than to have none at all !
Its called manners. You know like “please”, “thank you” and “well played”
If you were really exercising good manners you would thank them which is more appropriate to the situation as you have used them for your gratification.
Saying a hollow GF is not manners. Especially if you don’t even believe it.
I think you are missing the point of manners.
And to be clear Im talking about saying gf when I get ganked too.
Language evolves for its situatiuon and time, so gf is as good a way to say “battle over, see you later” as anything else. ITs quicker to type too.
So youve never said “Nice to see you” “See you later” “Goodbye” or “merry Christmas” and not meant it?
Generally speaking if I don’t like someone I don’t make time for them. So no I haven’t said those things and not meant it.
Well apart from literally saying the opposite in another thread, I find it very hard to believe you dont use common courtesy at all in real life.
Im actually rather happy to see when people in a videogame have manners.
I’ve addressed your miss interpretation of encouraging my children as manners. One thing at a time.
I’m sure when I was a child and not thinking for myself I said things I didn’t mean when my parents where teaching me how to behave. I probably did lots of things that I wouldn’t do as an adult. I don’t really consider that part of my life when I’m thinking about me because I wasn’t in full control of the reigns.
Once I was old enough to realise that hollow manners and being friendly to people out of formality was a farce I stopped doing it.
Like the busy body at the super market that smiles and says all their ps and qs while they are being obnoxious to the staff and asking to speak to the manager.
Using manners is t an image lay good thing to do and not everyone puts good manners over other choices in life. I value honesty over manners.
I’m sure I get it wrong some times but that’s what I choose. I would also rather see people be honest in computer games where appropriate than say please and thank you. If you were really using good manners you would need to say please and check concent before you engaged in pvp with someone which would be absurd.
The idea that you dont actually say “Please” or “Thank you” in a supermarket to the cashier boggles my mind.
You must be one of the rudest people they have to encounter.
See, this is the sort of thing that’s wrong with society today.
No respect and no manners.
Good Day Sir.
PS: I feel both are of equal value and make sure I use both as often as possible.
I didn’t say I don’t say please and thankyou to a cashier at the super market, that is quite a stretch from what I said. Why would I have reason to dislike or not want to give time to someone I barely know and are just doing their job. However i’d be more inclined to make polite conversation and treat them like a human rather than say please and thank you and consider my duty done.
You say I have no respect and no manners yet you are the one that would rather say things you don’t mean to people in situations that are in appropriate and you feel that is somehow respecting them. People are individuals, what is good for you and considered respect by you is not considered respect by everyone.
For instance if you blobbed me because I happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time I wouldn’t be saying good fight and if you put Gf in the local I’d probably laugh at you quietly and not respond because I felt you were a little disconnected from the reality of the situation.
Yeah Im convinced you dont actually know what the word “polite” means if you think it doenst mean saying words like “please” if you want something and “thank you” when you get it.
No thats what YOU said.
How on earth is being well mannered ever inappropriate? Of course its showing respect to someone to ask politely and thank them after. Look if maybe you dont speak english natovely and how manners work in your country is different then so be it, different cultures vary. I was told that in some countries its considered rude to smile. But that doesnt mean Id go about smiling all day there just because I want to. If its good manners to frown all the time then thats what Ill do.
Having respect and manners makes life so much easier, and stops pepole thinking your are just rude.
Why do you keep assuming Im a ganker?
This was all based on your misconception that only gankers say GF or say GF first.
I say GF when ganked and its because I dont spray salt in space. Why thats a problem for you Im getting more and more curious about now.
So if you wouldnt respond to it anyway what is your problem with it?
You are just so all twisted up and angry about evil nasty gankers that you just have to take literally everythign they do and say and turn it into an attack on yourself.
You have an idea of what politeness is that no one I know in the real life would subscribe to. They are all good people that treat people kindly and with respect. They don’t do so out of a formality and they don’t put formality over treating every situation individually. As you say yourself, politeness changes culturally and cultures aren’t exclusive to language. Any one country can have a number of cultures. An individual organisation can have its own culture as can a family or group of friends.
“No that’s what you said” doesn’t erase the part in your reply where you said I might be one of the rudest people you met.
I didn’t assume you were a ganker, I didn’t say anything about ganking I said blobbed. It was an example that put me in the situation you described yourself where you said Gf after a one sided fight. I’m not quite sure why that one is a challenge for you.
I’m not fiercely anti ganker any more than I am anti any other kind of carebear; and if you’d really read as much of my forum history you would know that was the case. I’m anti salt mining which I consider to be toxic behaviour. I’m also in favour of calling it what it is, low risk cheap gameplay, rather than putting it on a pedestal as the saviour of the game. I’m also fiercely anti botting.
I should also be clear and have made this distinction elsewhere in the forum. Ganking for killboard stats or for gratification is what I consider cheap. Ganking freighters or hunting mission runners in blingy ships is just another way of earning isk in the game and I actually respect people for finding themselves a niche. It’s not my chosen way any more than mining is. You can also be cheap without ganking such as with blob tactics.
It seems to be a theme on forums that people like to attribute a motive to people and say ‘based on your post history this or that’ disengenuously to try and prove a point confident that few people will actually go back through the accused posts and find out it’s a fallacy. Or perhaps they are just reading what they want to read in it instead of what is there.
If true then you dont know many people because you are being rude to them all the time. Try being polite next time, you might be surprised.
Although I do find it hard to believe no one in any shops or stores you visit is polite, as much as customer service is something in greater need than ever these days.
Apart from the fact I havent actually met you, I dont see why it would erase someting I meant when I said it.
Then why have you consistantly failed to understand why saying GF after a fight you lose is a good thing?
No the last time we talked you were of the opinion the majority of gankers were doing it to “bully” (your words) salt out of people and that the people who provided the salt should be protected from those gankers. As we both agreed that it was impossible to identify the gankers who were toxic before it happened, what manner does that leave us with to protect them?
But it was you who made the post about how you dont like GF being said after a fight. When I pointed out why it was GF and not anything else, you decided to make a big deal of how little manners you have in real life. You either didnt understand my point or decided to argue it. Im not sure what in your posting history disproves that it seems impossible for you to take any kind of criticism or explaination on board with out an arguement.
But hey, at least you seem to have taken some piece of modern thinking onboard at the cost of manners, never stop believing in yourself and never let anyone else tell you you are wrong! No matter what!
You’re arguing with an alt that’s afraid of the consequences of controversial opinions, yet only has tepid disagreeable ones. And doesn’t believe they make low quality trolly incendiary posts.
I’m not saying that saying Gf after being ganked is a bad thing, that is your misinterpretation of my words. I’m saying that saying it after being on the winning side of a completely one sided fight is disengenuine.
Your failure to understand my point doesn’t mean I’m completely anti ganker or think all gankers are just mining salt. As I’ve said several times across the forums, there are lots of reasons to gank.
I’m not sure why you make the assumption that because my cultural view on what is polite means I don’t know many people. Seems more like a cheap jab at me. I’m sure you are better than that, especially as it’s not very polite.
But here it illustrates my point you can say all your please and thank yours under your very traditional rules while seeming quite passive aggressive.
Also your assumption that I never say please and thank you with customer service workers is just that an assumption and a misinterpretation of what I’ve said. I don’t put formality over treating them like human beings. I strike up conversation with them. Quite often in the middle of that conversation they will hold out a card machine and I will tap it without us breaking step. I may well leave them saying I hope the rest of their shift goes well, or have a cold drink for me when you get to the pub, or see you later. Please and thank you’d may well not have been part of the discourse on either side but no one seems to care because we treated eachother well and with respect. Sometimes They are not feeling laconic and so please and thank you are enough of an interaction.
We don’t have to agree on what politeness is and I’ll be very clear that your version of politeness isn’t innately wrong, it’s just wrong for me, and for most of the people I know. Im sure that doesn’t mean you know few people, you probably make time for people with similar values to yourself which is natural.
Have you ever thought that everyone posting on their main is only showing their shallowness in the game meta. One day you will get it, but that day isn’t today.
Ok well you seemed to have suggested it was very negative in those two lines. I dont see how its neutral or positive the way you have made it sound there.
I havent misunderstood your point. Your point is you dont like being told GF after a fight you didnt think was good. If thats not your point, can you explain it more clearly please?
Because a lot of pepole say “please” “thank you” etc on a daily basis thousands of times a day. However, why you have chosen to get bent out of shape over this entirely minor point I dont know so Ill just say… sorry? I guess?
Im being aggressive. Sorry if that was in doubt. Look, I work in retail, I deal with a lot of really nice people who use manners, and a few who are rude and dont. Its an important thing to me.
You literally said a sentence that made that assertion. Im happy to forget about it if thats not what you meant, but you might want to be clearer in future.
So you DO use manners. Jeez took us a while but we got there in the end.
This isnt about what politeness is, it was about whether you should use it or not. Im just glad to see you actually do have some. Im kind of stunned to think you thought I meant literally only “please” Thank you" and “Hello/goodbye/Merry Christmas” though. But yeah seems you do actually know what I mean and thats the important part.
So Pax, buddy, we are cool.
It seems we have been both miss understanding each-other all along.
I accept your apology for the part where you made it personal. Very magnanimous of you.
To clarify on the point you seem to still need me to be clear on.
Saying GF, specifically when you are on the winning side of a very one sided fight is not automatically going to be taken positively and might by some be taken very negatively. To me personally and a few other people if talked to it seems disengenuine. Not that it ‘is’ disengenuine, just that it might seem disengenuine.
Saying GF when you were on the receiving end of a one side fight, if that is your thing is fine. It’s not my way but you do you. It’s not disengenuine if you say it and believe it, I just wouldn’t say it because I don’t believe it.
Two different situations. Have I made my view on the subject a little clearer now?
Yes I have always seen your side, mine is just that good manners and good sportsmanship to me always trump my feelings on the encounter.
But Im ok to disagree on this, its not the end of the world
Yes I see that but I think our view on manners/sportsmanship differs. For me good sportsmanship would not have seen the fight happen to begin with. It’s like the common phrase, ‘shooting fish in a barrel’.