Nerf Ganking Megathread

PSA: CCP only enforces the PvP restrictions on Singularity during mass testing, so you still aren’t going to be safe from unexpected PvP engagements even on Sisi.

Just so nobody gets startled if someone blaps them on Sisi.

The Sisi gankers are the actual griefers, since they aren’t even trying to progress in EVE - they just want to crap all over other people who are trying to experiment or learn. The folks on TQ are trying to play the game and advance their goals (income generation, area control, roleplay, etc.); not the case with the folks stalking other players outside the combat system on Sisi.


I agree with you that ganking must stop.

I’ve noticed this from the alpha strike tornado ganker types , who keep there security status up high, think I linked a kill from a 7 man gank and only 2 on zkill, but in the end still not to hard to find

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There are permits that prevent ganking.

Cut the crap and shove it! Everybody knows permits are just RP scams.

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Do you believe in a market gank?

A Capsuleer lists their items on the eve market that undercuts the listed item, resulting that the higher priced item not being first and losing to potential buyer when listed time expires resulting in loss of ISK to relist same said item.

When we gain access to the game we are in a way buying a permit to use said market.
Should all items be listed based on average item price and so that there are no undercut priced items listed on the market?

Let’s be clear that permits are not a scam.

I wouldn’t bother Iceacid. It’s an alt; and alts are usually angry little animals because they have to play second fiddle at best; and the player behind them doesn’t have to maintain any sort of pretense that they normally maintain when posting on their main.

However, given who this alt’s main is, I’d be angry too having to be second fiddle to that guy.


ALL ganking must stop! That includes market ganking! No one should be able to undercut market orders without the consent of the owners of all existing market orders for that item in that region. If they do, it’s griefing, plain and simple. Players who do this must have mental health issues. No normal person would act this way!


Didn’t look up evewho or even any forum posting history cause I had taken the thread comment as face value and reason for my reply to that.


This might require a complete write up on the potential short comings of this game of average listed market items if were ever to be coded in. (my guess)

You know what the worst kind of ganking is, though? When you’re running a site, and someone comes in and starts shooting at YOUR rats. Those people shouldn’t just be prevented from doing this by the developers - they’re LITERALLY Nazis, and should be dragged out into the streets and shot like the vile vermin that they are, uh, in-game (/me does the air quotes). You can take my word on this, because I’m a trustable forum citizen.


Found that the quickest way is to ungroup all weapons to single fire at as many targets that can be locked, even cycling off weapons and dropping target to make sure that you get them all tagged.

/local chat be like . . . . . . . .

Yes, but then you get ganked when they shoot the overseer with all of their guns, and the wreck belongs to them…

Though we’re talking about Highsec and loot not being yellow? Or are we talking about all of New Eden and when warping out and returning is required once all npc’s had been pulled?

I don’t even know anymore. Let’s just simplify things by saying that being ganked by having other players logged into the game at the same time as you needs to be addressed by CCP ASAP.

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So a offline New Eden?

Eve Offine…hmm but who would buy a mining permit then?

Scratch that… “EVE is not, never has been, and never will be a single-player PVE game…” quote taken from [Non PvP for less aggressive players]

The ISD sent us here cause the other thread got ganked or anti-ganked maybe, I can’t tell the difference anymore.
Now I forget what was going on.

And then this happened:
“Thanks for sharing the love! You only have a few likes left for today.”
Forum vs. Us.


Oh wow!
First of all I didn’t know that, and second you have given me a splendid idea!
Thank you!

Oh, one last thing, you should warn your permit holders that there are gankers who only target permit holders, it’s the only fair thing to do.


mmm…it’s only your word…but since you are a trustable forum citizen i think i need to accept it.


@Ridley_Rohan My condolences on the death of your thread.


But how did it die? It was ganked. In fact two were ganked. And neither even mostly by you…and one not by forum members.

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