The queen (♕, ♛) is the most powerful piece in the game of chess, able to move any number of squares vertically, horizontally or diagonally , combining the power of the rook and bishop.
If we’re talking about individual pieces then the queen is far more powerful. If you mean with support, the queen is still more powerful because she benefits from everything the rook does plus has the most utility of any individual piece on the board.
Tactics that involve sacrificing the queen do so knowing they are losing a lot of utility but gaining an advantage that makes that cost worthwhile. That does not mean that the queen is worthless or of lower value.
See this is where the story will never be told as you try to make your turn using technical terminology that is suit for when playing actual Chess. Though this is New Eden and this is also roleplay being the queen vs the other pieces on the board together in the game called Eve online…
Says the original humorous post you keep responding to. You said no UN monitored vote took place but the EULA specifically says "“shall not be governed by the United Nations”. Please do try to keep up with the conversation you’re in.
I was 5 yrs old when my 19 yr older brother started using me for target practice with chess and risk. This game was designed for combat. What to engage in it or avoid.
Sarcasm is really hard to convey in the written form. Lack of facial expressions, body language and vocal intonations can make it down right impossible. Sometimes people will do a “/s” at the end of a satirical statement/observation/whatever to indicate “end of sarcasm”
Chess is an amazing game. Here is why.
When you loose a pawn to your opponent you can:
Flip the board over.
Pelt your opponent with the pieces
Yell obscenities at your opponent
Declare misfortune to befall upon your opponent
Threaten them with death
Tackle them and use them as a punching bag.
Involve lawyers and have your opponent sent to prison.
Chess is a game of intellectual, emotional and physical prowess.
Oh, and just because it was brought up
/s for those that actually think that chess can be played this way. It’s hard to tell nowadays.
Thats why i stopped playng. i am lazy and i wont pay a game that doesnt support my lazyness
i am just waiting for a massive nerf on gankers so i can come back and enjoy the game.