Gankers affect miners in positive ways.
We teach new players how to fit their ships. We teach how to watch local, how to stop being crybabies, and how to warp out.
Gankers affect miners in positive ways.
We teach new players how to fit their ships. We teach how to watch local, how to stop being crybabies, and how to warp out.
Nope it was a response to this:
Let me tell you - and only you because you are the only one who would not grasp this - why, in mathematical terms, anyone could opt to make the 15 day mark a limit. Because that’s where the most significance loss of retention occurs. That’s what ccp cares about, even though Hilmar shows numbers up to 90 days, while you care about any loss in hisec. Doesn’t fit your narrative, does it. So it’s CCP_Rise’s fault ? Riduculukas.
There’s nothing radical about my viewpoints.
as in
I tried nuance in the past. Gankers don’t understand it so I’ve gone with the absolutist approach. I no longer care about their playstyle existing and would be entirely happy if CCP purged them from the game.
Right …
Ganking does overwhelmingly affect new players more than veterans,
Oh yes, the psychology of the gank. Are you brooding on a non-fiction novel or just throwing ■■■■ around and gain some populist traction? Almost everyone who undocks deals with ganking. You claim it hurts retention, CCP says you’re wrong. End of story.
But let’s face it, as in every stingle thread you are involved in you were only every going to disagree
You mean if you manage to make a thread flare up ? You claim the right to fill threads with dozens of posts, attempting to chase anyone by any means away with a different viewpoint, and you expect no opposition. And you don’t even play the game ?That’s not how it works. Be realistic. Stop being a bandwagon jumper everywhere you show up.
Let me assure you that you know absolutely nothing about how I play EVE
I know what you yourself said: you do not play the game.
you stalk me
I looked at a killboard. Stalking you would be following you around in the game. Careful with your choice of words, it might bite you
I will never stop being a crybaby and i am not even a rookie
Players changed. Us, new players, we are soft and weak and lazy and we want instant gratification and we mustn’t lose otherwise we ragequit and shame the game on reddit and post bad reviews on steam. Game developers must change their games to suit us or we won’t play it. For long anyway! And if we won’t play it, the game dies. That is a fact.
Most of the characters I own that undock live in null
They don’t undock, remember ? Because you don’t play. Your whole operation came to a grinding halt because YOUR ability to adjust and adapt was lost. Perhaps the changes to the functioning of the TTT were key ? Whatever. Good riddance. You lost.
Anyway, you can make all the false claims you want, spin like a top in discussions, ridicule who you want. In essence you’ve given up on EvE, as you don’t come here with any constructive, balanced and considerate solutions except absolute, radical ones. With that approach you’re on a path to make other people give up on EvE. That is your forum game. That, as a single element, already warrants opposition, if not from an ISD then at least from the community who loves our game and its uniqueness.
EDIT: “the” became “YOUR”, to reduce ambiguity.
so far I’ve made zero false claims.
All of my solutions are constructive, balanced and considerate
You support ganking new players and P2W mechanics
These statements would all be true, if any of us lived in your Kellian reality. Fortunately we don’t.
forgery ? is that all that is left ?
@Lucas_Kell Just for my own edification, where would I fit into your categories of basement dwelling incels? If you check my zkill I have spent quite a bit of time on this character lately just siting in Low sec with Spectre Fleet just murdering everyone who comes in. Sometimes it’s a faction fit Nighthawk; a lot of the time it’s some dude in an NPC corp in an Ibis. It’s absolutely a barbaric turkey shoot that requires no skills and predominately kills people who aren’t proficient with various methods of keeping themselves safe.
On the flip side, despite my -9.9 security status I have never once killed a player in Hi sec. Is the fact I do it on low sec sufficient to get me out of my moms basement and into the arms of a loving woman in your eyes, or must I labor under the weight of your displeasure like those terrible gankers?
You guys chose to double down on attacking new players.
Yep, all I do is attack new players.
Great dialogue we’re having here.
Who is more likely responsible for the newbies qutting or never playing Eve Online to begin with:
Tough choice.
you’ve demonstrated how easy it is to write a list designed to lead someone to a false conclusion
If it’s so easy, where’s your list?
You guys chose to double down on attacking new players.
According to fanfest, ganking new players is enough of a cause of player churn that they are actively looking at ways to fix the issue.
CCP made it clear at this fanfest that they consider blowing up ships that new players fly for no profit to be griefing
I haven’t been banned?
Clearly, CCP does not share your concerns.
In fact, based on my recent communications with a CCP employee, I am well behaved and they commend me on my consistent good behaviour and fair sportsmanship. Many new players write me (and CCP), to express their sensational delight and satisfied pleasure with the Aiko New Player Experience.
Why haven’t they made a change?
Just waiting for you to finalize your approval?
Man, Jesus.
The why was i ganked
channel is a mockery of the poor people.
A humiliation
It already has these walls, but it’s massive veterans that are protected by them. What I want is for a small, creepy group of veterans to stop being able to use new players as fodder to pump their egos.
That isn’t exactly happening tho. I’d say the amount of true noobs getting ganked is very low.
I would not qualify someone in a marauder, even if 5 days old, a noob. If they busted out the wallet, skilled up without actual skill and gets blapped, that’s on them.
You’re outright lying about the nature of ganking. And that is my issue with most AG peeps. You outright lie and don’t even spend time in game sussing out the real situation.
Most actual organized ganker groups gank for profit. It is the new form of piracy because low has been set on the wayside and several other changes impacted it as well.
It is due to the player’s crying that ganking in its current form exists.
It’s not competitive. Nothing about ganking is competitive. It’s you wanting easy kills so you can sit around pretending you’re not ■■■■ at the game. Ganking takes less effort and skill than highsec mining. It’s the most carebear form of play and it escapes balancing because it’s “emergent”.
Then why doesn’t everyone gank if its so easy?
And highsec should be that area. Simples.
Nope. More security, not tottally safe.
It teaches players nothing other than there are veterans with nothing better to do with their time than abuse new players.
Wut. Ganking teaches very important EVE lessons.
That nowhere is safe. Always watch local. F10 is your friend. Spend the extra 30 secs it takes to pop out of the station to recon if moving valuables. Be polite to others but damn sure don’t trust them to not try and kill you. Always assume people are trying to kill you. Fly only what you can afford or are willing to lose.
This is a Remember The Titans moment. You think you saving these noobs, but you’re crippling them for life son.
. If you a rookie that has spent a month building up SP and ISK in an inefficent rookie-like fashion then on your first rocks some asshat blows up yourr ships and lobs abuse at you in a a mail, you’re unlikely to stick around.
And thats on them for flying what they can’t afford to lose. Making ISK isn’t hard. Google exists. The game darn near 20 years old. If people can’t spend 20 mins of their life googling how to make ISK, which they spend way more time watching songs about corn, then they deserve that death when it comes.
the same handful of incels
Ah yes, the bias finally rears its head. Because people who want to PvP in an open world consensual PvP game must be socially maladjusted in real life right? Heavens forbid people actually wanna PvP in a game about PvP.
Wait till you find out Aiko is a girl
CCP will continuously scratch their heads and wonder why they can’t retain a playerbase. This will repeat until PA pulls the plug, which looking at the financial outlook of the EVE IP probably won’t be too far off.
I dunno man. 17k for a nearly 20 year old game is pretty good. I mean look at New World right now ROFL.
EVE is not marketed as an ironman mode game
Wut. This the same game that celebrates straight scamming people.
VE is a game and the purpose of games is entertainment.
Yes. And blapping others is fun
Not everything needs to be a punishment, particularly when you’re punishing them for not knowing that a group of incels with nothing better to do with their time but harass rookies exists in the game.
Again, you make like their helpless. Its simply not true. Google exists. Youtube exists. F10 exists.
If they can’t figure out how to play the game, they shouldn’t play
such as if they lose a fitted barge and a bunch of implants.
As they should if they are mining where they shouldn’t LOL.
So many places to mine and not get ganked.
And if anything, what gankers are getting is instawin.
LOL. Far from insta win. More like people don’t know how to evade death.
If you ever attempted to be an AG you’d realise it’s a completely pointless playstyle. Ganks are generally over before AGs can get on grid. At most AGs can force gankers to swap targets.
Nah its cause most people are bad at PvP and don’t know how to AG. If Gith would follow my advice, she’d actually make an impact in ganking.
But it requires sklll and dedication. AGers don’t got it.
Veterans are so mad they want to kill eve, and one way they do it is by ganking new players and then going on forums and screaming “Eve is kill”. They don’t care if ganking ruins the game because if they can’t have fun after spending all that money over the years they don’t want anyone else to have fun either. A lot of these people are self destructive in their own lives as well.
What in the quafe are you smoking? That you Gabbie Hanna?
EvE players love pretending the game is complex and dangerous when for the vast majority of people it’s not
Oh? So if it isn’t complex and dangerous, then ganking isn’t a problem right? Then how are all these hordes of noobs dying if the game isn’t complex and dangerous? You can’t have it both ways LOL.
While ganking did exist back in the olden days when I joined for example, it was significantly less frequent then.
Yes and due to the changes of crying players, this form of ganking now exists. You only got yourself to blame
Yah, Lucas has repeatedly stated that he doesn’t play EvE Online.
Holy Quafe. This is why I feel only Omegas should be able to post here. We got peeps trying to nerf the game who don’t even play the game.
how I play EVE
But you admitted you don’t play?
guys tied yourself in knots trying to justify abuse
How is it abuse? It is ToS supported game play
Wow, you cry a lot.
Slide looks like it says that HS Griefing is “cruel, but fair”
Doesnt sound like they are planning to remove it, based on that image.
Doesnt sound like they are planning to remove it, based on that image.
From memory, the commentary was along the lines of:
They’ve done nothing about the change in their interpretation of what griefing is considered to be and until they do, then situation normal.
They also specifically stated that ganking is not griefing.
So what about the countless people in T1 frigates?
ROFL wut. Whose ganking T1 frigs? You got any data for these “countless frigs” LOL.
Do people get popped sometimes? Yea of course for lulz. But uh, organized gankers aren’t wasting catas on anything less than faction frigs haha.
I’m not though.
You offer no proof to your claims LOL.
Sometimes, sure. But no, most of the time gankers are small numbers of multiboxers ganking targets with no really drop value. Event barges, noone is really ganking those for profit bro and there’s zero change they’re blapping Ventures and other frigates for profit.
Ok, now you’re trolling for sure. Cliff and Hawk say hi ROFL.
They be rolling in the dough. I seen Aiko clear a bil in a day from ganking son.
Because it’s easy but pointless, and most normal people want a challenge and a reward that isn;t just a faux ego pump.
Bro you can’t honestly believe this LOL.
EVE is a crappy game for new players that tolerates a handful of veterans abusing newbies for kicks.
LOL cept it ain’t newbies who are dying mostly. Mostly its vets who actually have no idea how to play.
Ah yes, stupid them. How dare they be new, inexperienced and eager to fly new ships.
Yes, they are stupid if they over invest and don’t safeguard their stuff.
Sure, I am indeed biased against incels. Ganking is not PvP, PvP requires both sides to actually be involved in a fight.
What proof do you have that they are incels? And actually the term incel would be an incorrect usage anyways. They aren’t trying to date, they trynna gank. Also Aiko is a girl. She can’t be an incel LOL.
And it is PvP. You consent to PvP, in any sec space, as soon as you undock.
That’s 17k when pumped with free playing alphas to bump the stats. The PA financials show they are losing money on EVE.
17k is still 17k bro LOL. We all know you ain’t one of them anyways
I’ve still got a character I play to those rules.
Cool story bro
The I give to you the challenge I’ve given to all gankers when they claim AG is easy. Prove it. Make an AG group and demonstrate how you can make a meaningful impact on ganker. Like all gankers before you you’ll decline and make up some excuse.
Huh? I already solved ganking my first month back. I already gave Gith the tactic. Ain’t my fault they don’t use it. I spent a solid month in Uedama AGing, observing and learning. I already know how to impact ganking. Yes, it does take a group and an alliance. However, you misunderstand. Ganking doesn’t affect me and I approve of the playstyle, although it isn’t one I partake in.
Therefore, why would I want ganking to be impacted?
Did I?
You did bro. Sorry. You outed yourself
Doesn’t stop it being abuse. CCP literally describe shooting non-profitable new player ships as “griefing”.
LOL at the semantics. Also how do you know that ibis ain’t carrying hot loot? It isn’t abuse bro. If they say stuff or violate other stuff, sure. But if they just blap, loot and scoot? Fully supported. Cry moar ROFL.
Ganking new players for no profit they consider griefing. It’s right there.
And you already dodged this question before. How do you define a new player? The character might be 7 days old. How do you know the player actually is? ROFL.
They already protect newbs in newb systems.