Why are they mad?
Im actually far more curious why CCP want threads like this to exist at all.
@CCP_Aurora can you answer this, please? What benefit does having this thread offer CCP? Surely the opinions voiced in here by the same dozen of us cannot be of value to the company?
Yep, exactly the kind of toxic answer of mad veteran that I expected. All of you who want keep ganking in game are so mad it is crazy.
Nope, I asked for data on rookies being shot by non-rookies in hisec. It shouldn’t be difficult to provide evidence if it is such a widespread problem. In a verifiable way - which makes it accurate (and hopefully complete).
Blatantly wrong. Data showed retention changes over far longer periods.
Based on what ? Have any data ?
Let’s do a quick analysis of the posters in this thread, and compare numbers of (alleged) hisec gankers and (alleged) hisec gank victims. It would seem the “nerf ganking” population is a lot more vocal, including your good self.
You’re not going to attract more people to the game by claiming that a part of the player base is problematic and should be removed.
I also notice you don’t contest the fact that “gankers” (and I’ve never seen a clear description of what constitutes a “ganker”, apart from a very negative connotation) do not have a playstyle that is at odds with how the game was intentionally designed.
Best take it up with CCP via your CSM rep.
I dunno, Im just mashing keys to avoid sunday family doings at this stage.
there we go, that person is still employed. Hello?
Is this thing on?
blows hard into microphone
This thread is by far the most pointless topic in the forum, since the debate will never have conclusion then the topic became flame wars.
And talking about stuff that is not related to this hellish thread will be moderated and the post will be deleted.
The thread should be deleted.
Please stay on topic by either praising or condemning ganking mechanics. Not the forum itself.
Thank you.
Yes. It is pointless because the stupid gankers can’t get into their heads that perfectly safe highsec is neccessity and that their gameplay is ruining everyone else including CCP money milking.
Nobody will miss the thousands of players related to ganking gameplay or leeching off them or doing it themselves. They can quit and nobody will notice. And we get tens of thousands new players after.

that perfectly safe highsec is neccessity
It hasn’t been necessarily for the last 18 years. What changed?

Sometimes I think people like yourself forget
Sometimes, I think people like you are incorrect. I did not forget.
I would really be happy about that.
But also remove ganking from High sec

Destiny is suggesting turning highsec into pretty much a clone of NPC nullsec where gankers will not only be able to kill their target with ease but do so without incurring any losses at all most of the time.

There are no starter system in lowsec so the types of targets you are after aren’t there. Hell, gankers don’t even venture into highsec pockets let alone actually fly about in lowsec.
He is simultaneously arguing that gankers don’t go to lowsec, cuz it’s too hard for them, and at the same time he is arguing that Highsec shouldn’t be more like lowsec, because lowsec PvP is too easy for gankers. If lowsec is too dangerous for highsec gankers, then why not convert Highsec into lowsec?

Those videos aren’t on ganking
At least they show numbers that go way further beyond the 15 days mark, which was something you claimed. It’s to be expected that you shift the focus.
Do you know of any official video’s with official numbers on ganking ? Please share.
So according to you @CCP_Rise made “false conclusions” (an other bold Kellian statement) and you are right ?! At least try to come up with something verifiable, to prove any of your points.
You don’t play this game, as you replied to me in an other thread. Then why are you on these forums spreading radical viewpoints and belittling people ? In the vain hopes that CCP will change the game for the glorious return of a would-be merc, a nullsec tryout who even flew with goons during his SMA stint, but had to become a station dwelling trader and filling two corporations worth of alts ? Either that or you’re a clever troll.
Yah, Lucas has repeatedly stated that he doesn’t play EvE Online.
Nothing he says is relevant. You have to actually play a game to have any kind of meaningful experience to discuss game mechanics.
Stick around on the forums, you’ll find out soon enough. It’s not new players on here all day crybabying, they just quit lmao.
He has an amusing history, with quite a rich variety. That is, until he found his niche, being a trader who adds nothing positive to the economy of the game, until CCP introduced the changes to trade orders, and he “didn’t like the game anymore”.
Dont you know though? You could save me the effort if youd just say.
Dont you want people off these forums?

Ganking does overwhelmingly affect new players more than veterans… [Therefore], removing ganking is a reasonable step
By this logic, Highsec PvE rats overwhelmingly affect new players, and they should all be removed from the game.
If gankers are lowest skill level in the game
that means they are lower in skill than a new player