Some players just can’t handle adversity in a universe built on exactly that. I often go out hunting for fights in low, simply with the goal to have fun. I have been called “pet”, “daddy”, “asshole”, “rooky[sic]”, “bad”, “brain damaged”, “sick in the head”, and more from people I didn’t even fight. They warped off before I could engage and they avoid PVP.
Nothing provoked that response from them, they just decided to let their true nature take initiative. I just jump to next gate and continue to say nothing.
If that’s what I see in low sec – where there’s an expectation of increased adversity – I find the utterly gross things posted by gankees in Aiko’s blog wholly believable and realistic, given that there are some people that live in High Sec that have mis-managed their expectations to believe there should be no adversity.
I’ve learned, Lucas, that apportioning blame is one way in which the Self seeks to evade its own responsibilities. It’s not that the blaming is unjustified; rather, that it frequently encourages the one blaming to ignore opportunities for self-improvement.
e.g., It is correct to blame the ganker for blowing up your fail-fit Retriever; but in doing so you may miss a golden learning-opportunity for the potential warding-off of future disappointments.
It’s not about griefing miners, but showing that the “innocent” miners are anything but. They are the toxic element in this community. It’s the people who oppose PvP who are making IRL death threats and racist/sexist statements.
These people are not upset because a ‘cyberbully’ provoked them. They are upset because they are trying to earn isk/hr in a video game, and when another player (playing the game as intended) interferes with that, these “carebears” become abusive.
It is though, and you know this. All the mails and the invites to channels they aren’t to actually attempt to teach people anything. All the “calm down miner” repetition after people say pretty much anything is an example of this too and that ones pretty much straight out of the goon handbook, it’s all built on techniques designed to provoke an angry response.
This is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that gankers are deliberately trying to seek out those people and provoke responses from them so they can share them around and have a laugh.
I’m sure some of it is, but then when you take thousands of people, gank them then goad them into responding angrily there’s absolutely no surprise that some fall for the bait.
Even Lucas Kell, is not here because he is concerned about griefing. This is only the ‘weapon’ he wield sin a forum war to change CCP policy. The reality is Lucas Kell is salty about freighter ganking. He wants easy isk/hr, and ganking prevents that.
If Lucas actually cared about newbros in Ventures, he’d be out there warning them, or antiganking to save them. He doesn’t care about them, at all. What he cares about is that Highsec gankers prevent him gaining easy passive AFK isk/hr.
I really don’t get why you keep pushing this lie LOL. You’ve been proven wrong on it by multiple posters. Like I just don’t get it bruv
I think he gas lights himself sometimes
Yep. And this is a grown person doing this behavior cause of a vidya game. But its the Fortnite kids who are bad right? ROFL.
My guy, EVE has been a open world PvP game since its inception. This all the world knows. I’m sorry bruv, facts is facts
Except ganking isn’t griefing And actually you display your severely limited understanding of psychology
If you knew anything at all, you’d know you cannot make such claims without an examination first. And I highly doubt you are qualified to do so ROFL.
My guy. I lived in low most of my EVE life. There are just as much cry babies there LOL.
Its possible to “grief” even more in low than it is in high LOL.
My guy, you misunderstand. The only action you’re evoking is laughter and the only emotion is pity LOL. I can’t believe a grown man like you would get butthurt over a vidya game so much.
Yep. They do need help. They need antimatter delivered to them They need to accept the game they’ve chosen to play and learn how to survive in it. If not? HTFU and Stardew
Mmm no it is true bruv. Its simple econ
Nope. They’d never leave high. Learn about Trammel son. What you’ve been purposing has already been done. There is already proof people won’t leave LOL.
What you fail to understand is why EVE is declining. It isn’t ganking my guy The picture is bigger than that
Mm nope. He has a proven track record of it. How embarrassing for you to cheerlead a dude like that LOL.
I already have staggeringly high ISK/hour and ganking doesn’t affect that. If anything I actually gain profit slightly faster if you gank haulers carrying my cargo because my collateral covers my predicted margin but I don’t have to wait for sales.
Oh really ? I’ve literally just seen an incident where the ganker said ‘gf’ and the ganked reponded with swearing and profanity. It seems some literally cannot mentally cope with losing a ship.
I’ve never lost a ship in a ‘fair’ fight. Only recently my poor Vedmak was trounced by four Drekavacs. Do I go wailing off to CCP to announce that Eve is not fair and full of psychopaths who prey on the weak ? No…all concerned in that fleet battle agree it was an epic fight. I lost 2 ships…300m worth…and there was ‘gf’ all round.
It seems to be only entitled miners and haulers who can’t do likewise.
Even if you weren’t once again trying to present a single anecdote as evidence, did you see any of their conversation before they joined the channel? Do you have verifiable proof that there was no prior discussion, no prior mails goading them and baiting them?
Since you pretty much only engage in structure bashing that’s no surprise.
No, you join the psychopaths so that when you harass and abuse other people you get a feeling of power. It’s undoubtedly the same reason you spend pretty much every day on this forum hammering out furious, aggressive posts riddled with ad hominems. It makes you feel less weak if you can feel like you’re dominating someone else, even if it’s entirely fabricated.
I joined the channel around 2 months ago…and in fact initially I thought it might prove your ‘toxic gankers’ view. But it has been quite the reverse. All of the really toxic and abusive content is from the gankees…even as far as rl threats. Not just one incident…I have seen many. Aiko’s blog details similar such cases.
Sure, there is some taunting. But it is pretty mild. And of course there are the obvious calls for people to buy mining permits…which is perfectly permissible ‘extortion’ in the game. Bear in mind that Aiko’s crew consider that they own the territory they gank in…and quite clearly they do when they can exert power like that. That is what Eve is all about ! The entire game is a struggle for power and influence.
Sure. I’m sure from the perspective of the channel what you see ifs a gankee join, then multiple people repeating seemingly innocuous statements, often saying “calm down miner” in response to any sentence, then the gankee getting riled up.
That’s because that’s by design. The intention is to wind up gankees and create that response so they can post it on their blog. It’s a fairly standard tactic too, for groups of abusers to paint themselves as the victims of abuse because they are careful in how they manipulate others.
It’s even in this thread. Aiko didn’t say “calm down miner” to me as a passing comment, the intention is to provoke an aggressive response.
Lol…you seem to think that every structure is un-defended. I have 3 losses and 4 kills from when they weren’t. And two near losses from when I was late in broadcasting for armour. Not to mention several losses and kills that had nothing to do with structures.
Bearing in mind that 6 months ago I’d never done anything but mining…I’m doing pretty well. My newer accounts are advancing even faster.
Some months back I attacked a bait ship at Dodixie. After about a minute of failing to get anywhere the guy sneered at my puny efforts, trying to get a riled response. I said absolutely nothing and just warped off. See…people have agency in deciding whether to be riled or not.
Sure, and at no point did I suggest it’s not possible to simply not respond. But that’s why gankers go after so many targets, because they are fishing for the few people they can get to respond angrily. This is nothing new, this is pretty much the bread and butter of griefing in any online game, the only difference with EVE is that CCP currently allows this type of griefing.
My guy, you realize you can’t stand on this pillar anymore right? You refused to give data when asked and claimed it was never needed. You can’t now try this LOL.
I dunno bruv, you say stuff without proof all the time and expect to be believed
I just wonder what your qualifications are that you can make this medical diagnosis sight unseen. Just wondering
Sounds like someone is projecting today
To be fair you do seem a little emotional today. Maybe she was concerned for your blood pressure?
Prove how its griefing again? Considering Aiko is allowed to do it by CCP, how can it be griefing?