Nerf Ganking Megathread

Nah…I just hurl Sam Harris book on determinism at the gankers, which itself was a pre-determined act :slight_smile:

Paladins get ganked far more often then Ravens.

Mining ships are a bit different, they Gank those expensive ships because it doesn’t take THAT much more to gank them, and the pay off is often much higher.

People already make their Marauders pretty spendy and it is true that the more expensive your fit the bigger you are of a target.

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Three reasons for hisec pvp (ganker’s perspective):
straightforward isk income: blinged ships, wealthy cargo, mistakes (autopiloting, engagement rule breaking etc)
economic/logistic warfare against LS/NS/WH entities and market moguls
allowed gameplay / coz-we-can / boredom / challenge / fun

Three reasons for hisec pvp from game design perspective:
central game theme = adversity without immunity
major element in overall economic balance in New Eden (production vs. destruction)
compensation for (temporary) lack of destruction in LS/NS/WH space

I’m confident there are more reasons that can be defined.

So, if you discuss nerfing hisec ganking, which one is it ?

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So there’s me in my humble little 50m ISK Proc…and Aiko with her over 1 trillion of gank. Erm…which one’s the market mogul ? I’m having trouble working it out.


Market moguls rarely undock at all. They generally don’t have a need to, however they do have a need for courier contracts to move good between hubs for margin trading.

That’s what Wadiest meant by warfare against market moguls. It’s possible to have an impact, even on some that almost never undock.

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Yes but my point was more along the lines that revolutionaries end up becoming precisely what they revolt against. Like Napoleon overthrowing the monarchy and then declaring himself Emperor. I can’t think of anything more ironic than joining some ganker group to fight those evil capitalist moguls…only for the ganker group itself to become a capitalist mogul in all but name.


Neither of you are market moguls. It’s a specific term in EVE for a particular type of play and neither of you fit it.

So… has ganking been nerfed yet?

They buffed Void ammo a while back. Big shrug. High sec is garbage anyway.

Oh? Drop the name then. Sorry bro but I am disinclined to believe anything you say. You always have a story but absolutely no proof :smiley:

How is it trash mechanics? The bump thing was easily solved within game mechanics. Carebears just didn’t wanna lose sec status ROFL. Imagine being constrained by that.

Uh huh. Post the killmails :smiley:


Who? You keep saying " a lot" but don’t ever drop any proof. I wonder why :smiley:

Heh. Talk to Cliff :smiley: Its clear you got absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

LOL. Talk to Hawk or stop by a SOE lvl 4 system :smiley:

You’re confusing having ISK with being a market mogul. Learn to EVE kthx.

Nope. Not what it means at all. I get the narrative you’re trying to push and I’m glad you are branching out your trolling tactics. However because you are fundamentally wrong on this topic, well, it just makes you look not smart.

Trolling actually takes some very well thought out lines of thought as well as adapting to the responses you get. Keep it at it little rock star, you’ll get there one day.

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Okay, I will say this. I do believe that “calm down miner” is intentionally meant to provoke a response out of people. Now, some people do it in order to bait people into making stupid mistakes, like undocking poorly fitted faction ships, so that they can kill those too. However, I think some do it purely for the salt -which I do not agree with. Anyway, this is a whole another can of worms, and I have other things I want to talk about. So, for now, all I can say is don’t give people the reactions that they are intentionally trying to provoke.

I also think that you might be right about some people engaging in cognitive dissonance reduction (or the techniques of neutralization if your a CJ guy), although I suspect that I think it is less common than you think it is. I mean, I personally look at like tackling in football. Not only is there nothing wrong with tackling other players, but that’s what you’re supposed to do. That’s the nature of the game being played. Anyone who steps foot on the grid iron consents to being tackled, and anyone who doesn’t want to be tackled shouldn’t play. So, same thing with eve. I don’t feel bad for playing the game the way it was meant to be played. And anyone who has a problem with getting killed, should probably not play a PvP game with a full loot death mechanic.

It is interesting to see you frame it as theft. It’s like framing tackling as assault. Or taking all of someone’s monopoly money as economic oppression or something.

But I better stop.

I was going to respond to the condescending stuff. But at the end of the day, I know that, at best, you will not be persuaded by what I have to say, and, at worse, it’s… going to be inflammatory.

So, whatever. Call me condescending if you want. I just don’t feel like arguing right now. Maybe later.


He did what now ? Nope, he wasn’t even a general yet when the french king was beheaded (Jan 1793) at a time when the french nation was under control of Robespierre and Danton. Not even Napoleon’s staunchest enemies would have made that claim.

That’s because you connect the wrong dots, and after reading the rest of your posts, on purpose.

Many people can see the sense and the fun of sucking dry the TTT via ganking and trade route shut down, or the FRT organized alternative. Perhaps it would stir up some dust all the way to Outer Passage. If hisec entities - if any meaningful ones still exist - had balls they would make one of the TTT owners pay for the loss of Niarja, which that TTT-co-owner clearly had a hand in.

EDIT: sorry @Gix_Firebrand, this wasn’t directed at you - I misclicked while stiring my morning coffee.

There are dots ? I want my dots ! They must have been ganked on the way from Jita.

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But is is even more comical to see people trying to frame it as anything but that. The reason I frame it as such is because one can clearly see a psychological stance that goes with it. All the attempts to demean miners and other gank victims arise precisely from having to assuage some sense of guilt…and the best way to do so is to make the ‘victim’ unworthy. Repeatedly you see that it is ‘their fault’ if a person got ganked. No…not the ganker’s fault at all. All of those things, even ‘calm down, miner’ are classic guilt assuaging techniques.

So…I’m saying the cap fits, because gankers insist on wearing it. If you must insist on continuously employing guilt assuaging techniques…there must be some guilt to assuage !

Anytime I’ve been ganked it’s definitely been my fault.


Or maybe they are trolling to see who takes the bait and makes a huge drama out of it.

Edit: Yay apparently “today is the anniversary of the day I joined this community”. Happy birthday to me!

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You undocked, that was your mistake.

Honestly don’t know if this is a serious post or not

That’s actually a very accurate post. Even if he didn’t mean it that way.

Well, there were and are groups that will wardeck everything within spitting distance. However, I do not blame them for driving people away. I mean, if you leave Eve because of a wardeck, maybe Eve isn’t the right game for you. So, I’m thinking that if it wasn’t a wardeck that made them quit, it would have been being ganked, suspect baited, scammed, gatecamped, blobbed, hotdropped, ninja-looted, whatever. Some adversity would have drove them to quit sooner or later.

As much as I would love Eve to be filled to the brim with players, the simple fact of the matter is that it’s just not a game for everyone. For some reason, however, we seem to get a lot of people who seem to not understand that Eve is a brutal, full-loot PvP game when they start playing, and then get upset when they do realize it’s true nature.

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