Nerf Ganking Megathread

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean. Why would you need an alt to analyze what is going on in the game and look for market trends, something you literally said you already do?

I was being general when thinking of some of the eve players in game from multi-boxers, to people with scout alts, to people who all they do is make spy alts. I’d wager at certain times during eve’s lifetime there have been more accounts being created than actual heads being added into it.

It’s a good game for sheep that can’t eve well?

The numbers were much higher when there was more pvp. Meh…

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What if I don’t want to do it, but it’s a sexual fetish?

The concept of “open-world PvP MMO” is well-known in the gaming industry, and few, if any, people have the right to be surprised about the nature of the game called EVE Online after 19 years of its existence, and countless media and social coverage about what kind of experience it offers. About the only type of person who could be excused from this knowledge is a coma patient who woke up and decided to do some casual gaming out of their hospital bed.

No one’s going to gank you for a 2M item either. You’re just moving the goal posts.

Because this is an open-world PvP game.

No, it isn’t. That’s just you trying to eliminate the concept of piracy from a game in which it is a central focus, both in terms of developer intent, and even in the lore.

So your entire argument is that we need to replace the system of player piracy with a system of even more efficient NPC piracy because players can make fun of other players they kill, and we desperately need to prevent that from happening because it’s the number-one issue in the game? Is that it?

This is already against the rules, and is a reportable offense.

WoW figures plummeted in recent years, just like the figures for pretty much every other MMO on the market. It’s a dying genre, not a dying game.

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At least the diamond rats should insult you in local after popping you then!

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well with 25 alts you dont even need catalysts, you can use the base corvette with a t1 weapon and t1 weapon upgrades that cost about 500,000 each ship and do over 2000 dps. In a .5 system that is enough dps to down any barge and most exhumers. Not only is it zero risk you can be dangerous in corvettes, this is NOT the way the game was designed. 100 man fleets of corvettes destroying the game.

There is no end to this in sight, swarming people with a 0 isk cost ship is the upper limit of these tactics for high sec. This was not possible in previous years because the computational power was not there. As we advance in hardware we have to accept the situation has changed and the game rules must adjust if it is going to have a life in the future as they claim.

04/21. I get it now.

Edit: And I don’t see CCP bragging about it’s demographics anymore either… :thinking:

It’s dying because the same bad advisors are giving their bad advice.

Get the ■■■■ out of here. This statement is so patently absurd that it alone should immediately ruin any shred of credibility you have left. People from outside of NS go into NS all the time in order to do PvE and PvP. And your insinuation that it is suicide to go into null means that you either don’t know what you’re talking about, or are intentionally arguing in bad faith. Either which way, you should be discredited.

So, let me explain to you how to safely travel through null.

  • Use evegatecamp check to be reasonably certain your route is clear
  • If your route isn’t clear, you need to make an assessment on what you should do. Options include:
    • Waiting till later
    • Taking an alternate route
    • Try running the gate camp
    • Turn the gate camp into your content
  • Make use of travel fits when appropriate (i.e. cloaks, WCS, Nullification)
  • Use ships that make travel easier when appropriate (i.e. Covops, nullification, short align times)
  • Make gatetacs and unaligned safes in areas that you frequently travel
  • Never travel gate to gate. At the very least, travel Gate → Celestial → Gate so that you don’t get caught in bubbles that are placed in line with gate travel.
  • Be wary of bouncing to the sun. Many players like to use the sun as an emergency warpout, or as the celestial when warping Gate → Celestial → Gate. Thus, competent gate camps will bubble the sun.
  • When trying to run known gatecamps, you can try to let someone else shake the bushes (i.e. try to follow immediately behind them. The camp will jump on them, and you’ll hopefully be able to make your escape while they’re killing him).
  • Of course, this depends on whether or not you think you will be followed, or whether you are reasonably confident that you can give them the slip again, but if you do manage to run a camp, don’t immediately fly out your outgate. They may very well follow you, which means that you just effectively gave them a second chance to catch you. Instead, bounce around in system making unaligned safes and gate tacs (pay attention to d-scan, and don’t stop moving if they have combat probes on you). This accomplishes two things:
    • It allows you to create bookmarks in a system that may be regularly gate camped
    • and gives them time to lose interest.
  • And, of course, if you actually used intel tools, and see kills on the other side of outgates, you know for a fact that they will try to follow you.
  • Don’t forget about filaments. Needlejack filaments are great if you aren’t discerning about where you want to go in null. Pochven filaments are great for getting your loot back to HS.
  • You can also make use of the delivery functionality and asset safety of upwell structures in order to help you extract loot.

Ugh, and this is just one of the ridiculous things you’ve said today.

I feel like I’m arguing with a flat earther or something.


I joined this game for the ultimate conflict. Human vs human across all playing fields in the game. Thats how it was advertised and that’s how it is today. If you came here to relax, then CCP screwed up in its advertising somehow?

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all that expression when you could have just said you want easy kills bro

Yet you won’t answer me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea, people often times come up with reasons to justify something no one wants. In nature there is always a chase. Prey doesn’t just walk in front of the predator. The predator has to locate his moving food, stalk it, and then catch it. Lions only tend to make 30% of their catches and they only kill once every two to three days if there is a lot of food. Otherwise they may go a week to a month without a kill. They actually live the ultimate conflict of survival and their prey never conveniently place themselves within arms reach for them to be eaten. The only ones who get that are pets.

Like yourself?

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Not at all. I just speak on behalf of the silent majority since they for some reason fear speaking since they know they’re gonna be splashed with toxic “debate” while liars and propagandist with no life will go on for 24/7 about what people want. Just because a vocal minority is loud and persistent doesn’t make them true. I’m just a reaction to that vocal minority.

:laughing: I tried to have respect for you…

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Good thing I wasn’t looking for it otherwise I might be disappointed.

No, you’re just a disappointment to the player base.

Sorry everyone, sometimes I just can’t take it.

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Bird of Judgement

Twisting my post. Fail.

Is that all you have? Fail.

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