Nerf Ganking Megathread

If a million people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing…

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If a million people want a thing, make the thing as they want it because they are customers

Get out of here. Every game struggles with player retention. There’s even an industry term for it -player churn. But when it happens in Eve, that’s somehow proof that ganking is ruining the game, or the devs are incompetent, or the devs are incompetent for allowing ganking to ruin the game.

And not for nothing, but Eve is not for everyone. And we will lose a lot of players simply because Eve isn’t the game they are looking for. What matters is the players we lose that would otherwise enjoy Eve. Now, those are the players that CCP needs to work on retaining.

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Not if that million people are only a small, but loud part of a far greater whole.

I think you should add to that point that some churn comes from nerfing highsec aggression as people find meaningful PvP, the reason they wanted to play, becomes harder to do at an affordable cost.


Wrong, that is just plain wrong. Games that fail to appeal to a critical mass of people do struggle, such as EvE. Sometimes fatigue can play a role too, or another game similar but better being released (such as FF 14 vs wow)

Eve is in the category of trying to appel to a small audience while claiming you can do anything, but its just wrong.

Wrong… when you go to the dentist or in surgery, do you tell them what to do and they listen, right?

Sooo baaad :))

what? try to make some sense when you answer okay?

i call 20 years a moderate success at least

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I don’t think I know a player who hasn’t been ganked at some point. So there’s that. Plus, as I linked in an earlier post in this thread, CCP has said that this is a myth. So you’re either a bold face liar, exaggerating how many people you know who quit because of ganking, or are a scrublord who’s systematically setting up newbros for frustration and failure by teaching them to respond to adversity by whining.

But the game’s dying so maybe it is time to reinvent it instead of trying the same ■■■■ that killed the game for a decade

I am worried since the Eve Fanevent happened and something was spoken about coming changes. This what you had suggested seems very fitting to perhaps happen.

Dalaran is a blue zone in another time zone in a world known as Azeroth.

once they tried to make an EVE WOW crossover
but was canceled
cyberpunk hot goth chicks kinda trigger the wow crowd

I don’t believe you. Like I said, you don’t seem to have a problem with most of the immersion breaking stuff, just this one thing related to ganking. So, I’m thinking the problem has nothing to do with immersion, but the fact that you want to opt out of PvP. That means you want you actually want is a consensual only PvP game. This is opposed to Eve’s PvP, which is often refereed to as Unrestricted PvP, Always-On PvP, or Non-Consensual PvP.

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I really don’t think CCP would ever lock safeties in highsec. I guess I could be wrong, but I don’t see that nerfing highsec aggression has ever resulted in the promised golden age of prosperity for all, or any significant subscriber gain that I know of. Unless CCP gets some major leadership changes and abandons its core principles completely to pursue a different target market and abandon the one they have, you’re probably safe.

the real question is
if one pew pew and there is no miners around to hear
does the blasters make a sound?

The mobile platform holds a completely different market though.

You’ve apparently never heard of bait nereuses, bait procurers, or battle ventures.

Honestly, there are two types of people who will engage a nereus -those that don’t know any better, and those with balls.

Oh, and I don’t think he was talking about ganking. I probably should have led with that.

I confess, I don’t know much about Eve Echos, nor do I care to, but it is another game, and you can make another game without throwing the people who play this game under the bus.

Is Eve Echos making money hand over fist in such a way that they could change the original Eve to compete with it and come out on top after forfeiting their pro Hisec Aggression player base? I doubt it, and I expect CCP would agree with me that it was a gamble not worth the risk. I think you’re probably safe.

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So it still stands true that people who die play longer and that I guess they were referring to Highsec.