Well maybe they should try and see if there is more or less players leaving?
A analogy to a game with sensical and logical rules dosent make sense here, as EVE has a wierd game design where the world we inhabit behaves in very odd ways, like suiciding ships to prove that mining is boring for example. It breaks immersion.
I dont know who believe in this non-consent pvp anyway - at least i dont. I just want the game design to make sense, remove concord for all i care - i just dont want to be forced to partake in highsec, when its so unimmersive of a place. It dosent make sense with all the suicide ganking, as i said in the beginning.
I agree. That is a good solution.
The problem right now is, that it dosent make sense what goes on in highsec but highsec is such a big part of the game, that you cant avoid it. Which sux, cause your forced to partake in it, there is no way around it.
You persistently omit the fact that nobody really ‘dies’ in Eve. Everyone is effectively immortal. If ‘death’ in Eve was literally synonymous with ‘end of avatar’ then you’d have a point…but you ‘die’ and just get transferred to a new pod. ‘Dying’ is no different a process to clone jumping…in fact it is essentially the exact same process.
Maybe i articulated my point in a bad way - what i mean is, the game is designed in a way, where it makes sense for the player to act in discord with a sensical and logical fantasy universe. To suicide your ship (and its crew) to prove mining is boring is bad game design and people abuse this bad game design to make decisions that ruin the immmersion of the game and make people quit.
I got both gate camped and ganked, within a few weeks of joining the game.
I think dying and fighting in null makes all the sense in the world. And im happy for you, if you can find a way to detatch yourself from the fantasy setting and the immersiveness of the game, for me though - i cant make sense of people suiciding their ships into mine, killing their entire crews etc. getting blown up by concord, when there is no reason for it other than to prove mining is boring
The crews are not.
- Meaningful PVP
- Highsec ganking
Pick 1
A person decides for themselves what they consider meaningful. They don’t have to adhere to any definition. That’s the power that makes people, people. The ability to ascribe value through individual will. If a person finds meaning in highsec ganking, then it is meaningful, whether I have have chosen to agree to ascribe that same meaning to the act or not.
You can do you and make what arguments you want to make. Me? I’d just assume that the crew, of which there are much less of for capsuleer ships, make use of the escape pods and such as mentioned before in lore before the ship is destroyed by CONCORD. CONCORD is always a bit patient, waiting for a period of time with the ship they’re about to destroy totally disabled giving the crew plenty of time to leave, or perhaps they are waiting for this very event and that’s why they don’t instantly vaporize every ship the moment they arrive.
If you’re not convinced, then I’m OK with that. I don’t expect people to change their minds, and I don’t like getting bogged down in an infinite back and forth when I have nothing particularly meaningful to say that I haven’t already said.
CCP’s shareholders are the losers here.
killing their entire crews
My crew doesn’t die.
They eject into the escape pods and CONCORD lets us go free.
I can count on one hand the number of people that I know that have left because of Suicide Ganking
I hope the other people that pretend like nobody quits cause of suicide ganking read this. Besides that i also have other issues with the game that i would like to change but the primary reason is definatly suicide ganking.
My crew doesn’t die.
They eject into the escape pods and CONCORD lets us go free.
O your crew cant die bro they all already dead inside.
that it dosent make sense what goes on in highsec
The very hallmark of any good fantasy game is stuff that doesn’t make sense. Or are you gonna write to the makers of Skyrim and demand to know how a headless zombie can see where it is going ?
So people argue with a stonewall in this thread?
High sec suicide ganking is ruining this game. No one can deny that.
No one has ever proven it to be true either.
If it can’t be denied, then there must be proof available that’s it’s true, yet all that anyone ever presents is individual personal views and statements (which are no better or more valid than any other view or statement in the absence of any evidence).
Max Singularity, First of his Name, got his physics for New Eden canonized. This included, among other things, that the Power Enhanced Generator syphons energy out of deep subspace and thus has a endless supply. However the Capacitor can only “process” it so quickly.
I never said that nobody quits because of it, just that the numbers that leave have other factors influencing them as well. This game is not for everyone, but Hisec Suicide Ganks can be minimized with some prior planning and being situationally aware… Look at your intended route on the map and watch for hotspots; Limit your load value; Learn to MWD-Cloak-Jump; If you’re going to be doing a LOT of hauling, train into transports ASAP and use blockade runners. And apply Rule #1: Never fly with anything you can’t afford to lose. Ganks are going to still happen, I lost a Viator with About a 100 million ISK worth of Oxygen Isotopes to a Gate camp About a month ago, simply becuse I hit the Cloak F1 key a millisec too early. That’s just Eve.
You die to suicide ganks because you are mining AFK, or autopiloting, or trying to haul 137 billion ISK worth of crap in a cheap, T1 hauler, probably also while autopiloting…
You are getting very personal. Why?
Calling me a scrublord,
You are a scrublord, that’s why.